
Monday, December 28, 2009

Meowie Christmas and Happy, Healthy New Year

Thank you for stopping by. M and I are still learning about this bloggy thing - via the trial and error method. So, please excuse our goofy mistakes and have a good laugh on us.

This reminds me of when M decided to sign up for Twitter and introduced me as Ladycat3. I'm a BOY! We're still living with dat big goof. So, I'm a little worried about what she'll do with this bloggy!

We'll keep this post short today and try to figure out how to put the link on Twitter and on Face Book. If you aren't totally bored by now, come back next week when M promises me we'll start my life story. Dat was the original intent of the bloggy thing to begin with.

Me and my oomans hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are hoping you will have a very happy and healthy New Year!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Mario's Muesings - Sunday

Well, M (my human mom for those of you that do not know) started this blog with good intentions. But, she started feeling intimidated because of so many wonderful friends who are writers by profession have great blogs. You see, I'm just a simple average, loveable kitty, and she is just plain mom. We don't exactly lead the most fascinating life - rather boring actually. She started this blog with the intentions of telling my story. Neither one of us knows the first thing about writing a blog, and we not very artistic, so our blog will be rather "just plain Jane." Now, if we haven't totally bored you already, perhaps you'd like to come back in a week and we'll add a little more. In the meantime I'll post a recent picture of me. To show you how dumb we are at this, we aren't even sure where this will appear. Here goes.......
Okay - well dat didn't work out quite like we thought it would. Next time we'll know.
My human sisfur (Kim) and her husband (Ken) got two boy gerbils for Christmas. They stopped at our house before taking them home so I could meet the little guys. You can see one peeking thru the little hole in the house. I just knew there was something very interesting in there cuz the humans were intently watching the glass box. Boy - I wanted to get in there so badly. They were so cute and scurrying all over, investigating their new home. Wouldn't they be fun to play with, I thought! I was positive they were presents for me cuz Sisfur named one "lunch" and the other "dinner." They really have Italian names, but that is the meaning in English. Like they would really let me eat their new Christmas present for lunch or dinner!
Well, if you aren't totally bored, come back and visit again in a week. We'd love to see you again.
Mariodacat (follow me on Twitter)
Mom (she's the typist cuz - dah - I can't type)

Thursday, October 22, 2009