
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Helping Paws

Hi Friends
This is Mario asking all of you for a big favor.   Our good friend @Rumblepurr over at really needs our help.   You see, he is running for New Zeeland's Next Top Model and really needs our votes.   He was in first place, but has now dropped to 3rd as of dis writing.  All it means is going to the web site and casting a vote from your email address - only one vote per email address.  Now if your peeps happen to have 2 or 3 email addresses, they can vote from each email address.

If @Rumblepurr wins this contest, his favorite anipal charity in New Zeeland stands to receive lots of money to help with all the anipals.  It's so simple - all we have to do is vote.  M even contacted 3 of her friends and asked them to vote - which they did,.

You'll find the link to the voting area on the right side of this blog under Vote for Rumblepurr.

I know some of our other friends on Twitter are also running in the same contest.  But since Rumblepurr has been my friend for well over a year, I wanted to back him.   So, if you can spare just a few minutes, please go over and vote for our good buddy.     The contest ends July 30th, so we only have 5 more days to get him back to the top.

Oh yes - as an extra reward for voting, all the ladycats will get a smooch from Rumbles himself.   If I were a girl kitty, I'd be heading over to vote as fast as I can before his smooches run out!!  If you are a boy kitty, I know Rumbles will buy you a drink at the next pawpawty.  

Oh yes, I also joined a bloggy hop this morning.  Just scroll down for the next oldest post and you'll find lots of  good blogs to check out.   I've already started visiting some of dem.  
Thanks friends.

Bunny Hop

Hi friends,
Today I have more exciting news.  I've just joined a "BunnyHop" so I'lll be hopping along with you to visit lots of new blogs. Another new adventure for a little rescued kitty.  Hope you "hang in here" with me as I'm not the most experienced blogger at trying something new.  It might take a couple of posts before we get this right.  If this works well on my first try, I'll be very surprised.   Here's a list of the blogs I'm hopping along with:

he he - surprise on me. It worked so well that I got two lists. Running back to editing section ............

Okay, I think I'm finally ready to join you in hopping around to blogs.

This is Mario signing off for this week.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

And The Winner Was ......

Well, friends – I’m finally back with some eggciting news.  Your’s truly here tied with @ForeverGinger for the “Most Kindhearted Award.” He he – I still can’t believe it. Will someone please pinch me to see if I can wake up from dis dream?

The Anipal Academy Awards presented the awards to Ginger and me on Saturday night during a fabulus saramony. I didn’t have much time Saturday night to get too eggcited cuz I was busy helping with the saramony and had to stay on me toes and not miss any Qs. But, Saturday night after the pawty, it hit me. I’m feeling very humble cuz there are so many kind-hearted anipals out there who are equally or more qualified to have this award. It’s an honor to share dis award with with @ForeverGinger cuz she is, in me eyes, the most kind-hearted of all. I’m accepting dis award on behalf of all of you too, my kind-hearted friends.

I’m not going to post a list of all the winners from the various catagories. Instead, I refer you to the the official blog site of the Anipal Academy Awards where pictures have been posted of the winners: He he – and my Prime Minister Friends @ShivaandJaya were the very first to post a list of all the winners on their blog: By the way, they won the “Best Camera Woman Award.”- good going girls! Don’t know how they managed to get their bloggy written so fast, but dey is pretty talented, so maybe dey perform magic too.

I do want to recognize our very talented, hardworking committee members, as they are the reason the first ever Annual Anipal Academy Awards event was so successful. It was an honor for me to be a part of such a talented group. In random order they are:

Our three leaders – who worked tirelessly for months:

@Autumnthedoxie - it all started with this little doggie who had a dream to honor anipals for their various talents.
@TheNascarKitty – (Tiger) who believed in the doggie’s dream and joined her in making this dream come true.
@SeattleP – who was like the Administrative Assisstant and did so much of the “nuts & bolts” detailed work behind the scene.

Then there are the very talented, hardworking committee members in random order:

Our Red Carpet Photographers/Reporters

Co-Presenter for Friday Night's Presentation of Awards at the  #NipClub:

And a special thanks to my very creative assistant MissBusyBiz who helped me with my role as “Town Crier.”

Well, dat's all for today friends.  I appologize for not visiting blogs in a couple of weeks, but that is what we are going to do next.  Have been too busy to think about the next post, but I’ll come up with something. Have to get back to my life story again too one of these times.

Dis is Mario signing off for today.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

5 Questions Game - Quick Version and AnipalAcademyAwards Ceremony/Pawpawty

Hi all - it's me "Mario" sneaking in for a "quick" post.

When I last wrote in my bloggy, I said we probably wouldn't post anything until after July 18th or so.  Well, so I lied!   he he - not on purpose tho.  You see, a few of my blogging friends included me in the 5 Questions Game.  My name was mentioned over two weeks ago by a couple of friends.  Because my name was mentioned such a long time ago, I told M I wanted to do a quick post to answer the 5 questions.  I'm changing the rules slightly because four of my friends each asked me 5 questions.  So, I'm going to pick one question from each friend to answer.  I didn't want my friends to think I didn't want to play the game, cuz games can be fun.  So, here goes:

Question 1 (from Cathy Kiesha at

How did you start tweeting?
Well, dat is a question I'll answer in detail in my next blog post cuz it's another good story.  Let's just say, M was curious as to what this "twitter" thing was dat she kept hearing about.  It must be good cuz Oprah and Ellen did it.  "Curiosity" is the reason.  So, stay tuned to my next bloggy as I'll be doing the story in detail.  (ha ha - you know me and details!) 

Question 2 (from Pandafur at

What are you most skared of?
I gets skared when my peeps take off on me for a few days and leave me home alone with just a sitter coming in.  I is just so thankful to have a good home dat I'm afraid I'm going to lose it and end up on the streets again and homeless.  I no liked dat.  If my peeps are home with me, I feel safe and secure. 

Question 3 (from ShivaandJaya at

Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall - and Why? 
Dat's an easy question.  I like spring, summer and fall if the temperature is just purrfect for opening the windows.   I love to get up real close to the birdies, chipmunk and squirrels and hear their sounds.    Winter seems to go on forever and we can't have windows open.

Question 4 (from Lynx217 and  kitties Curzon, Jada, Nimbus at

Who is your favorite human?
M and D are both my favorite oomans - D because he has the best lap for lap sitting.  We quite often take a nap together each day or maybe a couple of times each day.  M  because she plays with me, and she's better at it den D.  I loves dem both.tho - just for different reasons.

Question 5
I hope I didn't overlook a question from someone.  We tried to keep track, but it's been kinda busy around here. So, I'll answer one more question.

What is your favorite toy or game?
I really don't play much with toys by myself.  But if M plays with me, then I like either chasing a ball after she rolls is down the hall, or I like playing with string when she drags it around and I chase it.   I has lots of toys to play with, but I just choose not to play by myself.  he he - M says I must not have had much of a kittenhood.  She even got down on the floor with me, put a mousie in her mouth, den flipped her head and tossed the mousie up in the air - trying to show me how to do it by myself.  I just sat and looked at her like "crazy oomans!"

Now, I'm supposed to pass this game on to more friends.  But, I know many of my friends have already played the game.  If you are reading this and haven't played yet, consider the game passed on to you, if you care to play.  It really is fun.  Just answer the same 5 questions I answered and pass it on. 

One more little note before I sign off for the day.  I hope you are all coming to the combo AnipalAwards/pawpawty on July 16, 17th and 18th.  We have a very talented, dedicated committee that's been working very hard to make this a fun and special event.   And, best of all, we get to finally see who the winners were of the various voting categories.  Now keep in mind, the following schedule:

Friday, July 16th - Preaward pawty at the #NipClub where several presentations will be made for "fun" categories and recognition of anipal authors, etc.   The fun starts at 2:00 PM EDT.  After awards are handed out for "fun" categories - it will be time to Party until closing.

Saturday, July 17th - 2:00 PM EDT start of normal #Pawpawty with FrugalDougal leading us off.   Approximately 2 hours later (or 4:00 EDT) the serious Awards will be presented.  After all awards are presented and there is time for congratulatory comments, it will be time to resume the normal monthly #pawpawty until 2:00 P.M. EDT on Sunday

Talk about a fun-filled weekend  - this is it!!  Get those dates marked on your calendar.  I hope I see all my friends there and all of their friends - anipal or human.

Have you responded to Twitvite yet for the Awards/pawpawty?  Here's the link.  Please don't put it off any longer.

See you all at the Awards/pawpawty - I'm planning on having lots of fun and letting my "fur" down!  

This is Mario signed off.