
Friday, November 26, 2010

Grand Prize Winner of Lou Belcher's Book Launch - The Zen Of Max

Hi pals,

I could hardly believe my ears the other day when Lou Belcher of @MaxTheQuiltCat and announced dat I was her grand prize winner from her random drawing during her book launch for the "Zen Of Max".  It came as a total surprise. 

Den today the box of goodies arrived.  

OMC there is lots of stuff in there.

ooo I love dis catnip ball.   It really smells good.

There are even 2 packages of Greenies - YUM! - and a catnip ball.

There are also 2 books dat M can read to me - oh,  a catnip ball. 

There is just so much stuff.  A bookmark for M, a wand toy, and a ball to stuff treats in. Oh and a very nice daily planner for M (and let me tell you - she really needs dat.) Oh, and did I mention dat catnip ball!   

I just feel like I'm the luckiest kitty in the world.   Dat Lou really went all out for dis prize.   Thank you Lou - so very much.    So many neat things in dat box. 

M ordered "The Zen Of Max" during the end of the book launch.  It just arrived a couple of days before Thanksgiving.   We are going to start reading it tonight cuz M had to finished another book first.   (Dumb ooman says she can only concentrate on one book at a time to really enjoy it.)  

If you haven't picked up your copy yet, you can do it now at:
While you are there, check out the two 5-Star book reviews.  Pretty cool.

Now come on M - lets get to bed so we can start reading!!!

Until next time -


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Animal Photo Hunt #15 - Vist To The (Gasp!) Vet

Hi Pals:

Monday night before I went to bed I made a discovery - not a good one either.   Dat box thingy was sitting in the living room.   Dat has to mean I'm going somewhere - not anyplace good either.  M played with me some and we went to bed.

Yesterday morning dat box mysteriously moved to the kitchen table.   I ate me brekkie and kept a low slinky profile until M grabbed me and stuffed me in it.   YIKES!  

Let's see, is the top latched down.  Darn - yes.   Oh wait - the front door is open.  ESCAPE time!   Maybe if I run to the basement and hide, she can't find me.   Yes, dis is a good plan.  

DRATS - As I'm zooming down the steps, you might know I'd meet M on the way up.    She got me again and threw me into dat box and shoved me in dat noisy thing in the garage.   I seemed forever until she turned dat noisy machine off (but M tells me it's only only bout 7 min from our house}   (What does she know anyway!)

Den I was plunked down on dis table.   Not a good sign.  I think I remember dis place from when I had toothie problems.   It wasn't fun den and it's not going to be fun now.
Den the lady dokter scooped me up and put me on dat cold hard counter.
Den she started feeling me all over (hrumpf) and put a cold thing up next to me.  (Okay, when is dat picky sticky thing coming - come on lady - I'm prepared for it!)  But she put me back in the box and said I was in good health.  Whew!  

Den I hear the lady dokter and M talking bout me kibble.   It seems I gained another pound since my toothie problems.   (WHAT - I just put on me winter coat so I looks fluffier.  I didn't gain any wait - honest!)   Dat lady dokter told mom not to let me gain anymore bekause I might get diabetes (whatever dat is).   She told M to measure my amount of kibble for the day.  (What!!!   I can't have a whole cup!   Only 2/3 of a cup.   I'm going to starve for sure.)  

Den the lady dokter carried me to the other room, M paid the bill, and we got back in dat noisy machine thing again. 

Wow. guess dat trip wasn't too bad.  At least they didn't steal toothies or blood and I didn't get poked with sharp needles.   Maybe I got off easy dis time - well cept for being told I'm too fat!  

It's Thanksgiving week so I guess I should be  thankful dat I got a pretty good report from the lady dokter.   I am thankful for dat report, my good home, even tho the food will not be plentiful anymore, my loving peeps, and all of you dear friends.  

My Thanksgiving post was written two days ago in honor of friends dat crossed over the bridge.    If you wish to read it, just go to previous post.

Before I leave, Please keep your paws crossed, say prayers, and send healing purrs and positive energy  to our good friend @Cokiethecat who is very sick and going to has surgery tomorrow.   There is a #pawcircle going for him, and he and his mama really need us now.

Cokie is the one who started dis Photo Hunt.   Hop on aboard.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving - Until We Meet Again

Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends - Blogger Friends and Twitter Friends:

I have been on Twitter for well over 2 years now and have had my bloggy for a year.  During that time I have met some amazing friends.   I love each and every one of you and treasure your friendship.   It's Thanksgiving week and I just wanted to tell you all that before something else happens and someone else crosses that bridge, I am very thankful for all of you. 

It seems like I have lost so many pals this past year as they crossed over the Rainbow bridge.   In the two months, we have lost four dear friends:   @LouisLeBeau @Tweetypie54, @Ryker_Tyker, and @Inigoflufflebum - all four very dear to my heart.  I know they are in a happy place now, have lots of old friends to play with that are there already, and they will never experience pain or hunger again - ever.   But I still really miss them and wished I had the chance to tell dem before they crossed over just how special they are.   I am so very thankful that I had the great honor to know them and call them friends.    My life was enriched because of knowing them and loving them.

Photo taken from OverTheRainBow Blog (OTRB)

@LouisLebeau was the first to cross within that two-month period around the end of October.   He had been battling cancer for a long time, and his peeps did everything they could possibly do to save his life.   At one point, they thought he had beat the cancer, but den dat nasty disease came back again.  Finally he was getting so weak and just couldn't stand anymore treatments.   His family decided, along with the vet, dat it was time to help him cross the bridge.   Because we lived with an big ocean between our houses, we were not always on at the same time, and I only got to know him after he became ill.   I can tell you that he was loved by all of us who knew him, and he was very grateful for our caring and prayers.   We all felt very sad when he crossed dat bridge.  
Photo from Tweetypie54 Twitpic

Gunner (@Tweetypie54) crossed over about a month later.   He had some serious health issues, but seemed to be getting better.   It was a big shock one day when his mama tweeted for him and said they rushed him to the vet and said "it didn't look good."  Gunner was such a sweetie.  He was always very thoughtful and had the most amazing sense of humor.   He started tweeting his friends on Tuesday and said Happy #TootieTuesday.  On Fridays we would all get a message for #FartyFriday.   Those messages always put a smile on our faces and made us laugh.   We are all so happy that Gunner is tweeting now from the other side of the bridge, so we still get to talk to him.

Photo from Ryker_Tyker Twitpic

@Ryker_Tyker just crossed the bridge early last week.   I hadn't seen him for a few weeks, but dat happens sometimes on Twitter.   Our peeps get behind in work, and our getting puter time just doesn't happen.   Den one day Ryker's mama tweeted for him dat Ryker had been rushed to the vet and wasn't expected to make it.   One minute he was peacefully sleeping and the next minute he was in critical condition and couldn't pull out of it.   We were all in shock!    This couldn't be our Ryker - the kitty dat loved to have a good time and was so full of life.  I has to laugh now when I think of his talking about his sisfur @Allie_Kitty.   Ryker alwayts put on dis big front dat she was a pest and made it seem like he didn't like her.   But, you know, he really did love her and every now and den it would show when he talked.  We are so happy to see his sisfur tweeting and hopefully Ryker will talk from the OTRB when he gets settled in.  Please see Ryker's blog with a message from his mama.  It's very touching with a very beautiful prayer read by our @DanaPixie, our #pawcircle leader.    Ryker's mom posted dat prayer in Ryker's blog.  Please take a few minutes to read it. 

Photo from Rumblepurr Twitpic

Now we hadn't even recovered from Ryker's leaving us, when we read in @Rumblepurr's blog that his dear brother @Inigoflufflebum had taken a turn for the worse, was not expected to make it, and his family was going to help him cross the bridge.   My first reaction was "Oh noooooooooo!"    You see Rumblepurr and Inigoflufflebum were among my first followers also.  We've been friends for a long time.   Inigo and Rumbles come from a very caring family, and both brothers were always there for us when there was a problem.  They worried bout me when I had all my toothies pulled and wondered how they could help.   They never failed to leave a comment on my bloggy.    I knew they loved each other, even though Rumbles would tease about Inigo about horning in on his bloggy and taking over the spotlight.   Rumbles loved his brother so much, and I'm sure now he just doesn't understand where Inigo went (cuz I don't understand it either).   If you have not yet read their bloggy, please go over and read it now:

Our dear friend @PepiSmartDog crossed the bridge a year ago.  I certainly couldn't understand why he was taken from us either.   But now Pepi leads a group of friends that have also crossed the bridge, and they always - always - no matter what time of day - help with the crossing of new arrivals.   Pepi has a blog just for Over The Rainbow Bridge friends.   Please go over and take a look at it  - and follow it too.  That way you can stay on top of who has crossed over.

Unfortunately Pepi is being kept too busy welcoming new arrivals.  We have seen so many friends cross that bridge just this year.  I had mentioned @MedusaJ (or Rosie) in a previous post - another dear friend who crossed.  Several of us told Pepi he should put a lock on the bridge so we don't have any more pals cross for a long time.

So dear friends, dat's why I wanted to do a special Thanksgiving Blog - not just for the day, but for all time.   I love you, appreciate all of you, and am very thankful for all my friends.   To my friends dat have crossed I say........"until we meet again some day".  To my friends still with us, I say "Happy Thanksgiving - I'm so thankful for you."  You need to know dat before something happens to you.



Thursday, November 18, 2010

Anipal Photo Hunt #18 MOMS

Hi Pals,

Sorry we haven't been reading blogs lately. Darn M has just been too busy with other stuff to help me type. But, she promises we are starting to catch up now. We should be able to keep up with reading blogs daily now cuz I do enjoy doing dat.

This week's Anipal Photo Hunt is MOM. Well, my mom doesn't like her picture plastered all over the Internet. So, I really had to talk her into this one. The only other time she let me post a picture was in the blog about giving the check to the shelter where Graham was for a few weeks. We have enjoyed meeting all of your mom though, so finally today she relented.
This picture is of mom and dad and was taken 2 years ago (just before they adopted me) while they were on the Mediterranean cruise with her daughter and son-in-law. 

Now it's your turn to hop on board with this Photo Hunt and post a picture of your mom.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Animal Photo Hunt #12 - All Souls Day

Hi pals,

This week's photo hunt is supposed to be about the anipals M and D had before I arrived.   Before me, they had 3 kitties and 1 doggie.  They loved all their anipals and were always very sad when one crossed the OTRB.   Unfortunatley, the only anipal they have a picture of is Misty - the kitty dat lived here just before I arrived.   Maybe you remember my writing about it in my blog post of January 10, 2010.   Misty was a rescued kitty just like me, only she was a grey and white kitty with a very sweet face.

Anyway my peeps helped Misty cross the bridge on September 28, 2008 because she had serious kidney issues.   They had been hydrating her at home for a year, and her symptoms got worse, to the point where they would have had to hydrate her every day.  She also stopped eating.  So M & D felt it was time to help her cross the bridge because her quality of life was deteriorating rapidly and they didn't want her to suffer.

M and D tell me she was a very very talkative girl who always answered you when you talked to her.   She loved getting foot rubs by D's feet.   Now I don't mean D actually rubbed Misty's feet.   Misty like to have D put his two feet around her body and rub back and forth.  She couldn't get enough of the foot rubs and would pester D until his legs were tired.   She could be sound asleep in M's lap, and the minute D sat down in his recliner, she would get off M's lap and pester D for a foot rub.   M wishes they would have taken a picture of dat, because they've never seen a kitty enjoy anything like dat before.

They loved her and were very sad when she had to go OTRB.   Den about 3 weeks later they couldn't stand living in a quiet house with no anipal to love, so they adopted me.  

Their first kitty was a black kitty named Pepper. I hear he just had a little patch of white under his chin.   M got Pepper from a shelter in Florida when she lived there while D was in the Army.

When Pepper was about 12 (he lived to be 18 years old) they adopted their schnauzer doggie, Fritz.   He came from a family dat had 1 litter of puppies.   M says Fritz was a very smart doggie.  M laughs when she thinks of Fritz.   He didn't like it when M and D left him and went off somewhere.   To get even with them, he would take the bed spread up by the pillow and just pull back a corner nice and neat - like a maid would do for you if you had one.   The first time it happened, M thought D and done it.   She couldn't believe it when D said he didn't do it.   They knew Pepper didn't do it, so dat left Fritz.   It happened over and over again every time dey left him alone for a few hours.  Silly doggie.

Den after Fritz crossed the bridge, their ooman daughter was in third grade in school and wanted a kitty so bad.  So a friend said they knew of a relative dat had kitties to give away.   M went one day to take a look, without taking ooman daughter with her, in case it wasn't the right kitty for the family.   Well, a teenager came into the room holding Tinker Bell, a grey and white stripped kitty, in his arms like a baby.   Tinker Bell just layed there like she really loved every minute of being carried in dat position.   Well, M fell in love with her and brought her home as a surprise for my ooman sisfur dat very day.  

Tinker Bell lived with my peeps until the age of 13.   She was very, very attached to my ooman sisfur as they spent every minute together dat sisfur was home.   It was very hard on Tinker Bell after sisfur left for college.   M says she really died of a broken heart, even tho M tried to give her extra attention and love when sisfur left for college.  It was very sad when Tinker Bell had to cross the bridge.  M says some time we should do a blog post about her story, and maybe sisfur can find some pictures of Tinker Bell in her baby book.   M loved all the anipals dat lived here, but she says Tinker Bell was probably the sweetest kitty you could ever find.  But den she tells me I'm a sweet boy too.

Den when Tinker Bell crossed the bridge, dey waited about a month and answered an ad in the newpaper dat caught their eye - "Littlest Angel - Female cat approximately 5 years old."   Dat was Misty.

So friends, dat's the story of the anipals dat lived here before me.   I wish I had known dem cuz I think I would have liked dem and M says they would have liked me.  

Now hop on board my friend CokieTheCat's Photo Hunt and have some fun.   Just sign up below on the list of names.  Den go see the Photo Hunt's blog for details.   They have a new sponsor now and prizes are given each week, chosen randomly.