
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Anipal Photo Hunt - "What The Heck Is That"

There is something in there dat moves!
Hi Pals,

This week's Anipal Photo Hunt by @Cokiethecat is "What The Heck Is That."  

About a year ago my ooman sisfur stopped at our house with this big see-through box to show M and D.   M did a "no no" and put me up on the table so I could get a better look. 

I think I need to get closer tho!
Hm, most interesting - two little things that look like the outside mousies.

Maybe if I put my nose right on the glass I can see better.!

I sure would like to get in there!

Sisfur says their names are Cena and Pronzo (Italian names meaning "lunch" and "dinner.")   Yes, they would make good lunch and dinner.   But, my peeps and sisfur won't let me have dem.  I can only watch.   Not FAIR!!

I has been to sisfur's house a few times to stay since these little guys started to live there.  One day Sisfur saw this:
Hmm, there must be a way I can get in der!
Who me!   I'm not doing nothing up here!

Sad to say pals, I never did get into dat box thing to get those Gerbils.   M and Sisfur tell me I can only watch dem - not play with or eat!!  

NOT FAIR!  I'm a cat!  It's only natural for me to invite Lunch and Dinner over for a meal don't you think?  (Licking my chops with the thought!)


M says she LOVES those little guys.  (So do I - licking me chops again)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring Spruce-up

Why can't I lay up here?

Hi Pals,

I've been sprucing up my bloggy since 2011 started.  I had even started a new post called - "New Year - New Look."   Do you remember seeing it?   he he - that's cuz it never got published.   I've been changing the bloggy ever since.

Some of  you have already found the tabs at the top of this page.  If you haven't looked around yet, please take a peek today and let me know what you think.   Even if you have looked, you might want to take another peek as some of those pages are ongoing.  

Signing off for today pals.  It's "Easy Sunday" so I'm going to start being lazy now.

Until next time,


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Unsprung! Rain to Snow!

Chippie's first visit dis year - one week ago.
Hi Pals,

My friend Mr. Chippie visited for the first time about a week ago.   He must have stocked up on lots of M's bird seed last fall cuz he was looking very plump and Yummy!     I was sure sign dat spring arrived and winter went bye bye!   Right!

Den it started raining last night and thunder boomers with snow mixed in and the wind was howling.  Was very scary.  
Wednesday morning at 7:30 a.m.


Last night and today we got 17 inches (the newsman says) of very, wet, heavy, yukky snow.   My peeps were very grouchy too.    So, why does the calendar say we is into spring 4 days?    I think Spring unsprung itself!  What do you think?


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Update on Siofrothecat

Siofrathecat Is Loved
Hi Pals,

My friend @Whskr suggested to me yesterday dat I do an update on Siofrothecat because her new mom had recently posted some pictures.    Why didn't I think of dat sooner!  Duh!  Thank you Whskr for reminding me.  I guess my little brain was not functioning and certainly M's wasn't either.

Siofra was adopted by the family of  @juliemangano on Twitter (also CuteWillieCat's mom).  Julie posted the above photo of Siofra being held by her young adult daughter.   Now, is this a great picture or what!   It seems Juilie's daughter and Siofra have adopted each other and Siofra spends most of her time with dat daughter whenever the daughter is home.   (ooo, I get so excited, cuz I just love stories like dis.)

Here's another picture of Siofra looking very comfy and relaxed in her new home.  

It just makes my heart to happy dat this part of the story had such a happy ending - thanks to @juliemangano for opening her heart and volunteering to adopt Siofra.      But, unfortunately, the other half of the story doesn't have such a happy ending.

Yesterday I happened to see a tweet come from @Igriffis, who is Siofra's first mom.   We do keep in touch on Twitter.   Well, please go over and read the bloggie she wrote:   The Good Ol’ Days of Temping and help just a little bit if you can.    And, please keep her in your thoughts and purrayers.

I don't usually promote raising money for the oomans because I personally know of about 10 others who are in the same situation and a few more who are close to it.   How do you choose one over the other to help?  But because @Igriffis was so very responsible in trying to find a new home for Siofra as her first priority, I thought I could at least do a blog post for her.  So please read her blog and, if you can, help a tiny bit.  It all adds up.

Until next time pals,


Monday, March 21, 2011

Treat Time!

Nope - dis handsome cat is not me!
Hi Pals,

I was reading bloggies dis morning and decided it was time you all met a pal of mine.   This is KorkoroPurrs, my buddy from Twitter.   Now Korkoro is pretty special because not only is he gorgeous, but he is an artist too - well, maybe I should say cartoonist!  

You must go over go over and take a peek cuz you will be in for a real treat:  Tell him Mario sent you.    While you are there, follow too cuz you never know what day he'll have a surprise post and it's guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

Until next time,


Friday, March 18, 2011

Fly High Sweet Boy

Hi Pals,

I'm just adding an update to this post on 3-19-11 because when I wrote it I didn't realize Twitter Pals were planning on a Celebration Pawty for
#NimbusPawty today at 4:00 p.m. to midnight EST.   Come and join us in the celebration of his life.   Many of us are dressing in Nimbus' fur, with our own faces.  Hopefully we can make TSB have a few laughs at us and put a smile in her day.   Their vet bills has been enormous, so if you can contribute a little bit, it would be appreciated.  Even a $1 will help as it all adds up.  The widget for contributing is on the right side of this page.  TSB still has 2 other kitties with vet bills too, so dis will all help.  

Original Post on 3-18-11:

We were so shocked and saddened to hear dat Nimbus crossed dat Rainbow bridge dis afternoon.  He bravely fought his battle against Diabetees; now he is forever at peace and no longer in pain.  

I know his famly is heart broken, and so are we.  I'm trying to tell myself to look at the bright side - he's no longer in pain, will not suffer anymore, and has wonderful friends over the bridge dat will look after him.  In fact @Bill_the_Cat, @HollieCatRocks and @RudyCKat welcomed him at the bridge and were making plans for his evening.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to his mom, dad, Jadzia and Curzon.  We know they are deeply saddened by his crossing.   I hope they can find some comfort in knowing he loved them very much as they did him.   His Mom and Dad did everything they could possibly do to help him get better, but it just wasn't meant to be.  So sad.

Nimbus pal, I know you are feeling better already and probably Rudy dashed you of to the salon for a total make-over.  I bet you are floofy and very handsome once again.  Pal we'll remind @TheNascarKitty dat you need dat Security Badge.   M said she'd make you one, but she isn't sure which one you had in mind.   Oh, and pal... I was looking outside for your star tonight, and I think I found it off in the East winking at me.  I hope you saw me waving at you buddy.  

Fly high dear friend.  We will miss you greatly, but never forget you.

Until we meet again.....

Your buddy, Mario.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

For The Animals In Japan and Happy St. Patrick's Day

Hi Pals,

This is O'Mario wishing everyone a Happy St. Patty's Day!

I am just so happy dat I don't even want to take any naps today and miss all the fun!  But I suppose I'd better cuz we have a special night coming up at #nipclub (managed by @TheNascarKitty and who is a co-founder)  tonight.  Not only are we helping raise funds for WorldVets, but we are also celebrating 3 birthdays:  @SeattleP's mom, @FlaCatLady, who co-founded the #nipclub, and @ParkerSKat whose sisfur @MaggieTKat also co-founded the #nipclub.   Come and join us - 4 p.m. to midnight EST time.     We'll be having a good time but with the purpose of raising green bucks for WorldVets so they can help all the anipals in Japan.  WorldVets are already over there helping, and we all know from news reports that there is plenty of work to do and lots of anipals to help and possibly even re-unite with their oomans.

Our Anipal community, including the Blogosphere anipals and Twitter pals, have been working feverishly all day and even last night getting ready for this event.   I've been seeing tweets all morning on Twitter with the donation link, and almost every blog I read today, and many yesterday, all featured the Donation link for WorldVets.   You see why I'm so excited?  (You can click on the blue WorldVets to see what they are all about and read what great work they do.)

If you haven't had a chance to contribute yet, please do so - even $1.00 helps.   It all adds up.  Thanks to all who have been tweeting and RTing too.  It all helps.  The widget for WorldVets is right here on my blog on the right-hand side.

Now I'd like to highlight certain blogs  and Twitter pals because of extra special things they are doing to help in raise donations for WorldVets.  These are in random order.  If you can, take a minute to visit these areas and see what I'm talking about,

@CheshireK, @MaggieTKat, @Boomietheat, and @Whskr who is @DashKitten's mom, are all great artists/crafters/quilters/jewelry designers.   They put their heads together just a couple of days ago and decided they'd combine forces and hold an art auction on @CheshireK's site for an entire week.  This is still a work in progress, but they are even going to open an on-line store.  Check back later today for the store, as it isn't quite open as of this writing.  Click on each name to see what kind of work they do as the link will take you to their sites.  I can tell you there is some great stuff there and all proceeds will go directly to WorldVets.   M says she's seen all their work and it's quality.

@SparkleCat's mom is going to donate $1 to WorldVets for each comment received on SparkleCat's blog.   What a great deal - just go over and check out this neat blog and leave a comment.  By the way, SparkleCat is a great author in his own right.

@CathyKeisha (The World's Most Stunning Cat) - I gave you the link to her bloggy yesterday.  Please read it, she has researched the disaster in Japan extensively these past few days and broadcasts daily updates on the neuclear situation.

@FrugalDougal,  our creator of the very first #pawpawty held on St. Patrick's Day two years ago, had no idea two years ago where his first #pawpawty would lead.  He just knew dat if we all banded together, we could help lots of anipals in need.   Without his hard work, idea, and total commitment, the Twitter community for anipals would not be where it is today.  It was his idea to combine the normal #pawpawty for this month with the Blogging Communities "Be The Change." (a group, dedicated to working for animals,  that started after attending the BlogPaws Conference in Ohio less than a year ago.)

@BrewskieButt's mom @BZTAT is offering her painting of Brewskie Butt at auction.  Head over there and take a look - she's another artist quite well known on Twitter and Blogger.  

I'm sure there are many other Tweeters and bloggers also doing wonderful work, it's just I haven't discovered them yet.   Thanks to everyone for any part you have played in this event. 

Well, I has to get back to tweeting the chip in site and get ready to tend bar at the #nipclub tonight.   Check out the great noms and drinks available and come on over and join us

O'Mario signing off.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

For The Animals In Japan - World Vet Day

What do you mean..... I'm hampering again!  Geeesh!
Hi Pals, 

I'm so excited today.   It's such a big Twitter and Blogger Day and I'm so happy to be a part of this.  We finally get to take an active role in helping all the anipals in Japan.  We've all seen lots of news coverage on the black squawk box the peeps call TV.  That's why I didn't post any pictures like I did for the New Zealand earthquake or the floods in Australia.   Finally, we got decent news coverage here in the US.   We just feel so bad for all the oomans and anipals living in Japan.  The situation there just seems to get worse every day.  And we have dem in our thoughts and prayers every day.  

I'm still very concerned from my two pals over there:  @Nyatsbykitti and @Aska_Alaska.   Someone did talk with them yesterday and they were okay, but the news just keeps getting worse and worse. 
Now we have a chance to help all the anipals living in dat country.   I talked a couple of days ago about dat great organization "World Vet" and how they are already over there helping the existing vet organizations with rescue, treating sick anipals, and helping to feed and shelter dem.  But, they needs lots of those green papers the oomans call dollars.

The Chip In widget is on the right side of this page.   Please help out by donating some of those green papers to raise money for all the supplies needed by the World Vets.

Tomorrow a bunch of us on Twitter will be tweet the links for donations, and I know lots of my blogging pals have also posted the widget.  We don't care which media you use to donate from, the important thing is to donate even just a couple of $$ if that is all you can afford.    It all adds up.

Before you leave my bloggy, please go over to  "The Stunning Cathy Keisha's" Blog and read her constantly updated report on the tragedy in Japan.   She really should take some sort of award for that blog, and I will recommend to the AnipalAwards Committee that they consider her for a nomination of an award at the next banquet this summer.   It's outstanding, and she put in lots of time researching the information.    Outstanding job Cathy.

Let's all make this a successful event and show Japan we care about helping their animals too.

Thanks Pals,


Blog Hop added as late entry

You can join too by hopping on board.  

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Blog Paws Be The Change - Paws For Japan AND IRISH FEST with two Birthdays at #nipcloub

Hi Pals,

I has so much to talk about today, so I hope you will stay with me to the end.

First,  I've decided to join the Blog Paws Be The Change for this week in an effort to help the anipals in Japan.   We has been watching the events in Japan unfold since last Friday when they had the devastating earthquake followed by the sunommie, and  and now possible meltdown of their nuclear plants (don't know what dis is, but M tells me it's bad stuff).  We were so relieved to learn dat our good friends @NyatsbyKitti and @Aska_Alaska were okay.  But we feel so bad for all the anipals and oomans that are not okay or who have lost everything dey own. 

M says she will donate to to an organization providing relief for the oomans, but she's not sure which one  -  maybe Red Cross.   But because of her love for me and all anipals, we want to do what we can to help the anipals that have been displaced, injured, and are in need of help in Japan.  
Dr. V (Jessica) at Pawcurious liked what she read about the organizaiton helping anipals - The World Vets (An International Aid For Animals).  I know dat if it has been recommended by our own Blog Paws Be The Change group, it is a worthwhile organization doing good work for anipals, or they would not recommend it to us.  Every disaster brings out the "scam artists" M says, but she feels we can trust this group because it has the backing of Dr. V.
Dr. V (Jessica) met the CEO at the last Blog Paws Conference and she's a "huge fan" of Cathy King and World Vets, an organizaiton that has, under Dr. King's guidance provided assitance to animals around the globe.  Dr. King has already mobilized a team to go to Japan and provide aid to established groups that are already present. They will need all the help they can get in order to assist in the devastation. 

And our very own @FrugalDougal over at is promoting this as the replacement for the St. Patrick's Day #pawpawty he normally holds to celebrate the second anniversary of our famous #pawparties on Twitter.   He recommends donating to this charity and celebrating March 17th in dis manner instead of our normal pawpawty.  (This does not replace the #SciFi pawty dat @BorisKitty will hold on March 26 and 27.)

I hope you will join in this effort too.

How to Participate In Be The Change:

1. If you can, make a donation on the link in my bloggy, again, no amount too small - it all helps.  

2. Grab the badge(s).

3.  Go over to the blog for PawCurious and follow the instructons.

4.  On March 17th, post, tweet, or share on Facebook about the World Vets effort for animal relief in Japan. 

March 17th is St. Paddy's Day, but we hope you will take time out from celebreating dat and help promote World Vets.   We will be promoting on Twitter and Facebook, so see you there.

Second, Happy St. Patrick's Day to pals.  Come on over to the #nipclub too cuz we are having a big Irish Fest and celebrating two birthdays. (@SeattleP's and @Flacatlady (a founder of the #nipclub.)  Open 4-12 pm EST.   You know it's always a great time and a good way to meet new pals too.  Your's truly here will probably tend bar at his usual time 8-9 PM EST.   The Nipclub is known for their charity work.  You do not need to donate if you can't, but please come and have a good time.  The drinks are always free - and the great noms are too.  We have fabulous DJs spinning the tunes all night.
Third,  I know I has been asking for donations a lot lately, but if Mother Nature would stop creating such a mess in the world, we wouldn't have to be asking for $$ all the time.    Now just in case you meant to donate to my favorite charity (Happily Ever After Sanctuary in Marion, Wisconsin) in my honor, you can still do so on the widget on the right of my bloggy.  You can read about HEA in the tab at the top of my bloggy if you wish.   They are a "no-kill" shelter dat do a great job with the anipals.   

Fourth, You can also make a donation to help with the medical bills for Nimbus at @UsThreeCoons.  I wrote about his medical needs in my last post.   Just scroll down to read all about Nimbus.
Fifth - Frugaldougal's next #Pawpawty is being combined with @BorisKitty's SciFiPawty to be held March 25 and 26.   See you next time,

Until next time pals,


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Good Versus Evil

"What do you mean I'm hampering?"
Hi Pals,

I don't understand oomans - do you?  I'm up here helping M with the bloggy and supervising her work cuz it's for her own good and for the reputation of my blog!   Now she has the nerve to tell me I'm hampering more den helping.  Sigh!  Oomans are so very hard to please.


Our good twitter buddy Nimbus of @UsThreeCoons needs our help.   He is diabetic, and has had several recent serious health concerns taking him back and forth to the v.e.t., for lots of tests,  plus trying to get his diabetic condition stabilized again.   They are facing gigantic vet bills right now, plus have 3 other kitties in the family.   The mom was working two jobs for awhile trying to get ahead of the vet bills and is getting worn out herself.    So some of my twitter pals decided to open a "chip In" to help with some of the vet bills.  If you can spare even a couple of dollars, it would help.   Lots of "little bits" add up to a big "bit."   No amount is too small.

Thanks for considering.  I know his mama will appreciate any amount dat is raised.  Oh, here is a link to their blog if you'd like to read some of what has been going on with Nimbus:

Wicked Mother Nature
I am was so  saddened by after hearing the news dat another earthquake has hit yet another country - Japan.   I have a couple of pals living there too - @NyatsbyKitti and @Aska_Alaska.   I was so happy yesterday to hear both are okay -  shocked and scared, but okay.   What is wrong with Mother Nature!  I always thought she was a good witch.   I think we need to FIRE her right on the spot - no vacation, no special compensation for being Mother Nature for so long - just get rid of her!   She's the evil witch!

Our hearts go out to all the oomans and anipals living in Japan.  They will be in our thoughts and prayers in the days ahead as they try to pick up their lives and carry on.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Anipal Photo Hunt Is Back - Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras

Hi Pals.  

YAY - I was so happy when I read in @CokieTheCat's Bloggy  dat he was bringing back the Anipal Photo Hunt ---- until I saw what M did to me!!   (Not your fault Cokie - it's my ooman.)

I do has to give her credit for not trying to put real beads on me - instead she used some kind of thingy where she cuts pics apart and put dem back together.  I am a cat after all, and I'll not tolerate wearing anything on my fur!

Come on woman - enough already!

As usual she got carried away!

I loves Cokie's photo hunt cuz we gets to be silly sometimes - like this time.

You can hop on board to by going right here.  You meet lots of new friends too.

See you around the blog hop!


Saturday, March 5, 2011

What A Great Pawty It Was.......

Mariodacat Day 3-3-11
(Another update of photo coming soon) 

Hi Pals,

WOW, what a fantastic event that was!  I'm still trying to get my paws back on the ground cuz I feel like I'm floating on Cloud 9!   This event in my honor was way more den I deserved.

A few days before the event even started, my good friend @CathyKeisha loaded dis picture on TwitPic declaring a Procolmation dat 3/3/11 be MariodacatDay.  All my pals signed it and we has a copy to keep forever.  Wow, I even has a whole day named after me.  Our President of the US does not have his very own day becaue he shares the day with all past presidents.

My last blog post talked about all the pals coming dressed up as me all week.  What a blast dat was.  I even posted a picture of a few.  @AutumnTheDoxie is presently updating the picture at the top, but so many pals were sending in their pictures, she couldn't keep up before the event happened.  She'll be finishing it dis weekend, and when I get the latest copy, I'll post it in my blog.

Just before the event started on the cruise ship, our mail lady delivered a package to me.  It was so exciting.   A 5" x 7" picture of me was in the envelope.  I'm so honored and want to thank @Cokiethecat's mom at BoHoPets very much for dis picture.  M and I just loves it.   Cokie's mom is so very talented.
Den today I learned they are giving 20% off through 11:59 pm Sunday, March 6th (tomorrow)  on all their Tuxie cat souvenirs with my picture on it.  They has pendants, key chains, stickers and buttons all with my picture.  How cool is dat.  I told M we has to head over there after we gets the blog published.  (She even listened to me - do I have her trained or what.)  If you are interested, just click on and scroll down to where you see "Find Us On FaceBook."  

The pawty started with @TinyPearlCat picking me up in her hellicopter.   It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be.  In fact, it was fun and I'm ready to go again.  Dat Pearl is an amazing driver - she didn't "crash" us even once.

Tiger Tomny talked his Dad into throwing the bash on a cruise ship, but catered by #nipclub.  What a fantastic job he did with the menu.   Even the menu was tailor made just for me with all kinds of Wisconsin goodies and drinks.   To see the great menu, click on  Everything was so good.  Thanks Tiger Tommny and dad (@TheNascarKitty.
(@Tiger Tommy)

Dey also arranged to have my good friend @HollieCatRocks be the hostess for the evening.  Hollie did a wonderful job of escorting me various places when I was supposed to be there, and greeting pals as they arrived.   I called her the "hostess with the mostess."   She did a great job keeping me on schedule too.

My good friend @SeattleP did a wonderful presentation of the various anipals I had helped - accomplished only by having lots of help from my Twitter pals.  I could not have done all dis alone - they should all be up here with me.  


 Oh my gosh - I was also given Knighthood by the Purrime Ministerettes @ShivaandJaya, who were in Tahiti.  But, due to time travel in time zones, the knighthood had to be presented by their proxy @TheNascarKitty.  Thank you Shiva and Jaya so much for this honor.  It's so exciting to become a real Knight.  Does dat mean I get to sit at the Round Table too?

Photo Compliments of PepiSmartDog

While all this was taking place, my wonderful friend @MaggieTKat was asking quizz questions.   She had been working hard all week asking for donations for prizes.   Wow, some great prizes were obtained from so many wonderful generous pals. 
@Dougal's Den (@Frugaldougal)  - Key Chain, DVD, and Pen
@BoHoPets (CokietheCat) – Anipals Annonymous BumperSticker and Mario Magnet
@Smokey8 - Note Carts from @No_CryBaby_Dogs
@MrPie -  “I love Pie” badges
@Douglas' Den (@TheNascarKitty)  – Sausages Recipe Book
@Pasikas – Handpainted silk Scarf
@DCKitty – Certificate for Nip and Bones
@LilyLuWhoT - "Summer At The Lake With Petie” book
@Autumndadoxie - Barktini Dog Bowl
@ChesireC Hand-drawn fish notecards
@Pasikas 2 Hand-painted silk Magnets

Thanks to each and every one of you for your generous donation to make the pawty fun.   Thanks to @MaggieTKat for getting donations, record keeping, and giving the quizz questions for the major part of the evening.   Thanks to @DashKitten for taking over the quizz questions so Maggie could take a much needed nap.  Fantastic job on the quizzes Mags and Dash.

Oh man - the Shibbering Cheetos also performed, led by our own @Mattiedog and her rock group of @TrailerParkDogs and @Brutusthedane.  I don't know how they ever managed with their busy schedule to fly out to the cruise ship to perform cuz they are always booked in advance.  Thanks Pals - you really ROCK!

Den my good pal @PepiSmartDog gave a toast to me followed up with this picture the next day.   Pepi did a great job on the toast (much more den I deserved).  (shh ... don't tell anyone, but he got a bit tipsy - if you know what I mean - by the end of the toast and I had to help him off the stage.)

While all this stuff was going on, our fabulous bartenders and DJs continued to serve the best drinks on the house and play the best tunes anywhere. 

Fabulous Bartenders:
@GeorgeTheDuck and @SanjeetheCat

@JinJinDoggy & @PixelDoggy for jumping in early before barktenders even arrived.
@Meow_Girls did 1 hour alone den teamed up with @Tildatoo for the next hour
@Tiny Pearl Cat & @PumpkinPuddy

Fabulous DJs

@BunnyJeanCook, who also tended bar for a bit.

Thanks pals so much for spinning the tunes and keeping us all happy with the great drinks.   It wouldn't be a good Twitter pawty if you didn't faithfully volunteer for these jobs.

It was a fabulous pawty and I still can't believe all this was in my honor.  The credit should go to all my Twitter & Blog pals for all the tweets, retweets, and blog postings they have helped with over the past 2 years.   You all are the real heros.

We Twitter Anipals really know how to pawty dat's for sure.   But while we are having all this fun, our main goal is to raise money for an animal shelter.   I chose Happily Ever After for this honor (a no kill shelter in Marion, WI).   Special thanks to all who have donated to help the anipals.  If you would still like to donate, the widget is on my blog - just scroll up the page a bit and click.

Thanks to everyone involved in this pawty - wether you worked on the pawty, at the pawty, or attended.   I deeply appreciate your efforts.

Your pal,


P.S.  I sure hope we haven't forgotten to mention anyone.  If we did, please let us know so we can give mention. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What Are Those Imposters Doing?

Admiral Hestrob

Hi pals,

A couple of days ago when we logged on to Twitter, we began seeing all these imposters show up on Twitter too.   All of dem wearing my clothes, but their own face!   he he - M and I were laughing so hard she could barely type for me.  It was just so funny.   @AutumnTheDoxie has been working hard at doing a group photo, that is still a work in progress.   The link is available below.  Be sure to go look at it - it's awesome.

Den a couple of days later we found out dey was dressed like dat cuz they wanted to throw a pawty just for me at the #nipclub Thursday, March 3rd.   Well, M and I just fainted dead away, and D had to come and fan us and help us both up.   We were so surprised and humbled.   Dey asked us to choose a charity so dey could do  a fund raiser in my honor!   WOW - I still can't believe all dis is happening. I has chosen Happily Ever After Animal Sanctuary
in Marion, Wisconsin  (with a new, second location in Green Bay that just opened a couple of months ago.)   They are a no-kill shelter with a wonderful reputation in our area.    Please read all about them.  You will be amazed. 

BearBearD & Fuzxzy
I have created a new page (found by looking at the top of my blog in the tab marked HEA Animal Sanctuary) and they were kind enough to supply some pictures from their Marion location since M has never been there (She has been to the Green Bay location though.)   The widget for donating is on the right in my bloggy if you wish to do so.   Please see the special page for more information since we do have pictures up.   Those kitties are really treated well - even in the Green Bay location. Very home like.   They are very lucky to be at that shelter, and can stay there forever if they is not adopted..


Please go to the links below and read about the pawty.  I can't believe all the work these pals have gone through just to throw dis pawty for me.   We still can't believe all dis is happening.

The first link will explain why they want to hold dis pawty in my honor.  Wait until you see the pictures too.  


Dey has planned a special menu with drinks, desserts, the whole works.  Take a look at these noms:   Talk about being creative and tailor made just for me!

Can't wait to sink my gums (no toothies - remember) into dat cake.  yummmm!

Oh, my good friend @MaggieTKat has even rounded up prizes to be won by playing her quizzes.  I don't have a clue what all the prizes are, but knowing Maggie, they'll be good ones.  Don't be afraid to jump in and play for the quizzes.  You never know when you might win something.  Just be sure you follow Maggie because you have to DM her if you know the answer - or even think you know the answer. 

Now if you read my blog a couple of days ago I had a picture posted with a caption of ....Is it?......or Isn't It!.......  he he.
It wasn't me, it was The Stunning @CathyKeisha.   She is a pretty good look-alike isn't she.  Unfortunately, I couldn't keep up with who all was appearing on Twitter looking like me. but  @AutumnTheDoxie has been working very hard on posting everyone's picture here:  Go take a look at it - it's awesome.

Thanks to all my pals for throwing dis pawty for me.   I will thank each and every one of you individually.  I really appreciate the hard work, time and planning dat it took to throw dis pawty.  

Love you all,
