
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Jungle Run - Easy Caturday

Hi Pals,

Hope you are all having as great of a day as I am.   D took me outside dis mornng and let me whiff in the jungle.   This is my favorite plant - a Catmint plant.  Whiffing is really good out there.    Then I patrolled the backyard looking for intruders.  

When the peeps get tired of walking me around, they lead my to the KritterKondo and I go right in.   I is just so happy to be outside again dat I'm sitting outside all by myself.   he he - I can hear the sucker-up monster running in the house, so why go in!!   It's more fun out here watching the birdies.  

I'm nice and cool right here under a shade tree feeling the nice light breeze.   M says don't worry about me out here cuz she peeks out the window about every 2 minutes just to make sure I'm okay.
he he- this is the picture M took of me thru the screen and dirty window.    She was spying on me.

Well pals, that's our exciting Caturday.  Hope you are having a relaxing one too.  


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Swinging 60's Beach Pawty

Hi Pals,

I'm so excited cuz in 6 hours I gets to go to another #pawpawty - a Singing 60's Beach Pawty at Malibu Beach, CA.    I hope dat beach has waves cuz I'm ready to do my gig on the surfboard once again.

My pal @Frugaldougal has been leading these pawparties for  2+ years now and has managed to raise over $54,000 for recognized animal charities all over the world.   This weekend's Charity is for Medical Detect Dog Rescue in the UK.

Come on over and join the fun pals.  If you just happen to come around 3:00 p.m. EST, your's truly here will be tending bar and there are all kinds of temptations to serve you.

Let the party begin.........


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Hi Pals,

I've joined @CokieTheCat's Thankful Thursday blog Hop.  We has to tell what we are thankful for.   There are so many things, but don't think you want me to bore you with all of them.     So, for this week, I'll choose all my friends on Twitter and the Blogosphere.   

I'm so thankful M got on the puter one day and just decided to see what Twitter was all about.   Once she saw dat there were lots of anipals talking to each other.......... well, the rest is history.   We both got hooked on it.  Then of course dat lead to my having a bloggy where I met some more great pals. 

I is the luckiest kitty in the world cuz I now has all these great pals.   M and I loves each and every one of you.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Thank You

Hi Pals,

I reminded M today dat we hadn't done a proper thank you to all the wonderful pals who donated to @Nocrybabydogs mom to help  pay for her  in-home aide help while she recuperates form her vertigo.    We apologize for being so late.  I know Daffy's mom did contact as many of the donors as she could to give them a personal thank you.

The generosity of the animal community in the Blogosphere and Twitter is just overwhelming.   We can't thank you enough for all you have done to support this fund raiser and those of other endeavors I've had over the past couple of years.

I have closed out the fund now and the funds should either be in Daffy's mom's paypal account or coming soon.  I'm sitll in shock that we raised a little over $2,000.   YIPPIE!   That should provide her with home health care help for a little bit anyway.

I have since learned that a couple of more pals have indicated they wanted to contribute, so I believe @DanaPixie is setting something up.   If you are on Twitter you can contact her.   If you are a blogger and still want to help, let me know and I'll send you the link as soon as I have it and will also post it in my bloggy.

M joins me in expressing our gratitude to each and everyone of you for your friendship.  We has met so many wonderful pals and deeply treasure your friendship.

NOTE Added 9:30 p.m. CDT.   Pals you can also see @DanaPixie's Chip-in Post at  Original & updated Chip-in.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Don't Mess With Your Kitty - ME!

Hi Pals,

Our good blogging buddy Mr. Puddy suggest we pals share stories about what happens if  you mess with a kitty.  So, here's mine....

M will be the first to tell you dat I'm really a good boy, only don't mess with me when I don't want to do something.   M likes to sometimes sit downstairs in the recliner thingy, with me in her lap.  I likes dat too.

But why does she have to pick me up when Iz sleeping so nice, haul me downstairs and plunk me in her lap!!!!    I always gets even tho, cuz when she picks me up, I but the bitey on her (except I has no toothies) and kick her with my hind feet. back claws extended, and kick as hard and fast as I can -- sometimes drawing dat wet drippy red stuff out of her arm with my claws!  

The other time I do this is when I'm outside patrolling my kingdom with M behind the leash and she NOT let me go where I want to go like in the neighbor's yard.  If she picks me up den to turn me around or bring me in the house, oooooo - don't mess with me!!

Does she learn .........NO!   I don't give up tho and will keep practicing until purrfect!   Maybe I should consider false toothies so I can really bite her.

When you leaves here, go over and take a look at Mr. Puddy's Bloggy.   He is so cute and funny and drives all the ladycats wild cuz he's so handsome.  You'll be glad you took the time.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Furminated Fursday

Hi Pals,

Dat's me sitting in my 2nd favorite place - my window perch dat D made for me.   I love napping here, especially if my oomans don't provide me with a lap.    It's the next best place to nap if I can't have a lap.

That dang M thinks when I'm up here tho that she should get a couple of swipes on me with the furminator.  I HATE THAT THING!  Now I'm a pretty good natured guy until M gets that FURMINATOR out and starts pulling my furs right off my body.   She says I'm full of hair.  Well - DUH!  I'm a cat.   I'm supposed to have a fur coat!  If she wants a bald cat, she should get one of those dat don't has any furs.   Geesh - oomans can be so dumb at times.     One of these days I'll get my revenge - just wait and see.


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Update On Collection For @NoCrybabyDoGs (Daffy)

From card designed by Daffy's mom
UPDATE on 7/10/11 - you pals are AMAZING.   Thank you all so very very much.    I'm overwhelmed at the total and I know Ingrid is also - over $1,900.   THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU!

Hi friends,

Ingrid, Daffy, Mario and I are just overwhelmed by the total love and support shown to help Ingrid and Daffy.   As of this minute, a total of  $1,717 has been raised.   That is OUTSTANDING!   We just can't thank you enough.  I know Ingrid wants to thank each and every one who contributed from the bottom of her heart, she is so grateful - she will do so herself once she is feeling better.  

I did some calculating today based on the figures Ingrid provided me ($16.50/hour for week days and $18.50/hr for weekends).   I show enough $$ to provide her with 8 weeks of weekday home health care coverage at 2 hours a day, and weekend coverage at 1 hour per day.   That by itself will run $1,616.00.   Her co-pay on her new medication is  $80/mo.   Her normal drugs run her  $320/mo.   Adding $80 to that cost makes for a total of $400 a month that she is responsible for.   She now has enough money to pay her share of the new drug cost for 1 month, maybe 2 if she doesn't need the full two hours a day on of home health care week days.  

If you missed my original post regarding helping Daffy's mom's home-health care services, please see  Friday's post Help Needed Again Pals.
I talked with Ingrid a few minutes ago.   She isn't feeling any better now than she did when this all started on June 6th.   She still receives therapy 3 times a week, but so far she has not seen an improvement.   But she will  "hang in there" and keep it up with the therapy in hopes it does help.  In fact, one of Mario's blogging pals suggested that same thing as a possibility for helping.

I'm going to leave the Chip-in up and running for awhile to give those pals a change to contribute that had told me they just needed a few days.   Ingrid and I agreed if there are excess funds they will be saved in case home health care is needed beyond the 8 weeks and/or for Daffy's vet bill expenses, and once she's better, computer/card supplies so she can get her business up and going again.    Daffy will have to go to the vet in about another month for some shots, bath, and to have her ears checked.  (Ingrid is concerned that Daffy isn't hearing anything anymore - doorbell rang a couple of days ago and she didn't even look up!)  Not her normal behavior at all.

Masters/Staff of animals and  animal lovers are the GREATEST PEOPLE ON EARTH.   Thank you again so very much!

Mario and M

Friday, July 8, 2011

HELP Needed Again PALS

Daffy of @NoCryBabyDogs
Hi Pals,

I has a serious issue to tell you bout today.  Our good friend Daffy at @NoCrybabyDogs - well her mom needs our help.  She's having a tough time right now and can't work so she can pay her bills.    She has something called Vertigo, which I guess makes you very dizzy, and in bad cases you can't walk without falling down.  YIKES!!   A ooman could break something falling down cuz they has a long ways to fall.

Anyway, She needs something called a Home Health Aide to come in daily and help take care of her.   Right now she has hired one for week days only, and only for 1 hour a day - a half hour in the morning to help her get dressed, toothies brushed, etc; and a half hour in the evening to help her get showered and ready for bed.   She can't even afford that much help, but has had to do it.  She hasn't hired any for the weekends, cuz it's out of the qustion she said for her billfold. She really needs more help than just 1 hour a day too on week days.  M isn't even sure how she gets her meals or fills Daffy's bowl with kibble and fresh water.   You see the Home Health Aide costs $16.50 per hour on week days and $18.50 per hour on weekends.   The only insurance she has is Disability Insurance and they will not pay any of the charges.  She also has to get very expensive meds now for that Vertigo stuff.   Normally she relies on her card/magnet business to provide funds for things like this and to save to pay for big bills.  She has other health issues too which prevents her from having a full-time job.   But, now she's so sick, she can't even make cards.  That means no income coming in either.   The last time she had Vertigo, a few years ago, it went on for months, but she had a husband then to help with the bills and help take care of her.  He has since passed, so it's just she and Daffy now.

M asked Daffy's mom if she could do a fund raiser for her to help pay for the home health aide and meds, and maybe even  have a little left over to help  with her other bills.   She said no at first.   She's a very proud lady and likes to "make it on her own" and not accept charity.

Then last night she sent M an email and very humbly agreed to it.   We're sharing the last couple of lines of her email message with you:  

"If I could still work I wouldn't be in this shape. I'm so sorry.
I feel like hanging my head as I say yes ... I do need help, Mary. Your kindness and the kindness of all the anipals is too overwhelming for words.
bless you all,
ingrid & daffy"

M says times are tough for so many oomans right now, but if you have any extra change laying around and can possibly help Ingrid, please do it.  She will deeply appreciate it.  No amount is too small - even a couple of $$ helps.

Thanks pals.

Oh - the chip-in widget is on the side of my blog.   If you wish to post it in your bloggy, please feel free to copy it.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Helping Paw Wednesday

Hi Pals,

I just loves it when M changes those sheet thingies cuz I have to help her and soupervize so she does it right.  Um, M I think you need to smooth out the bumps before you are done,

Um.... M you still have bumps here!   How can I play with a toy if it isn't smooth?
Dat's much better.  Now I can bunny kick this mousie without bumps getting stuck in me paws.

I just don't know what M would ever do without my help.


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Easy Sunday

Hi Pals,
Someone scritch my belly please!

My peeps have plans today that don't include me, so guess I'll nap a lot and then be ready for laps when they come home.  

Happy Easy Sunday pals.
