Hi Pals, Geeesh - first M interrupts my nap in the sunshine by using that flashy box thing. Then she can't even aim straight! Of course her excuse is that she wanted to hurry up and get the picture before I got up and left! (he he - she knows me well.)
We are all enjoying a beautiful sunshine day with temps hovering in the high 50's. Life is good! One day soon I'm hoping a window will be opened for me and maybe even the patio door. I asked today, but M said the air was a little too cool yet. That's her opinion. She should go put a jacket on and then it wouldn't be too cool. My pal Spooky (http://www.15andmeowing.com/) isn't doing that great. He sure could use some more healing purrs, pawprayers, healing vibes, and anything else that works for you. His human is very worried and of course loves him so much. We hope you have a great weekend. It's going to be a beauty here with temps hitting 70 by Sunday. Woohoo. I think I'll start working on M and D to take me outside that day. Until next time, Mario
Help Pals! I've been evicted and have to hitch-hike and find me a new home. Can any of you take me in? I can't believe that M is throwing me out just like that! Something about I'm a bed hog and SHE didn't get ANY sleep last night. Well, I didn't exactly get much sleep either! You see I want to sleep on the edge of the bed instead of on the inside. M claims she can't get in and out of bed for her many trips during the night. SHE says she really struggled last night because I wouldn't budge! pffffft! This is a lot to ask, but can anyone come and pick me up and let me stay at your house. I'm afraid to hitch-hike due to so many catnappers out there. I'm a good kitty - I promise. Mario
Hi Pals, It's a rainy, cold day in Wisconsin, so I plan on sleeping all day. Pardon me while I get back to the business at hand! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Mario
Then M put it into Photoshop Elements 10 and chose the " difference cloud" feature. It turned out like this:
Then she put it into something that twirled the picture slightly so it came out looking like this minus the frame and white border. Then she just put it in PicMonkey and added the frame and white border.
We kinda like the modern art because the colors are pretty. You can even make out my ears at the top and my tail at the bottom. he he Purrs and prayers are needed for Princeton's mama, Tonya, who had some serious surgery on Friday. http://prancerpie.blogspot.com/