
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Honest Scrap Award

I know this is supposed to be another chapter in my life story. But, you see a few days ago I had the surprise of my life. A tweet came from @MaxTheQuiltCat indicating little ole me had won this award. How could this possibly be - der must be some mistake. I am a newbe at this bloggy stuff, and there are so many good bloggers much more deserving den me. She explained that the Honest Scrap Award is given to "bloggers who put thier hearts on display as they write from the depths of their soul." So, please forgive me for being so excited that I just have to share this with my followers. M says it's like winning the Oscar (whatever dat is, but I know it must be really special!)

First of all I want to thank from the bottom of my heart for this award. I humbly accept even tho I'm still feeling unworthy. I will try to live up to the meaning of this award.

There are some things that we have to comply with in order to accept this award. These are: Highlight the award on your blog and link back to the person who bestowed the award to you. Post 10 interesting things about yourself. Pass on the award to 10 other blogs.

Okay - I did thank my presenter Now for 10 interesting things about me. Dat's a hard one cuz I don't think I'm all dat interesting. But, here goes:

1. I am an "only" kitty - no other kitties live with me now.

2. My M & D rescued me from the shelter.

3. I'm toothless (we'll get into dat in another chapter)

4. I'm beginning to like riding in cars if I'm out of the box.

5. I love TUNA (he he - I am a cat)

6. I've been on a sleep over to my ooman sisfur's house, with her 2 kitties.

7. I drink water only from the sink in the bathroom. It must be filled at all times. If oomans forget to put water in it, I'll sit in it until they do.

8. I like to play ball - but I don't retrieve it. Dat's for doggies to do.

9. I love all my Twitter friends - they are the bestest.

10. My meower is broken. (More about dat later too)

Now I'd like to pass the Honest Scrap award on to my friends listed below:

1. Meet @HollieFerguson and family

2. Story of @BigSkyMonte & @BigSkyKai

3. - @MaggieTKat & mama - memories of Rudy

4, @KathyKeisha's life story

5. Baby Patches Confessions of the Plume

6. @Mattiedog's blog

7. Adventures Of A Blind Dog In A Big World

8. Adventures of @MadisonLab & @MavTheTiger

9. Call Me Mr. Breeze

10. The adventures of Rumble & Indigo Flufflebum & Rumblepurr

Thanks again to for this very special honor. I will try hard to live up to your expectations.

My next post will be Chapter 2 of my life story.  So, please stay with us. 

Now if you'd like to have a good laugh on us, doing this post only took about 8 hours of work.  But we did learn from it.  (Snicker - of course I shed buckets of fur all over cuz I was nervous and M pulled all her hair out - now she looks really funny!).


  1. Yay! Beautiful post and much deserved award!!
    *nosetaps to you*

  2. Much deserved reward Mario! You write frum you heart, and wwat you say is bootiful and funny. I love your blog and can't wait to see what you writes next. You are very handsome in the sink of you. *nosetaps & special purrs to mai special friend


  3. Hmmm, thanks for the award and honor. I will try my best to live up to it. 2morrow I will post 10 facts about myself and the rest of the requirements and hope the woman can do it in less than 8 hours. Thanks again.

  4. WOOHOO well done & congratulations Mario

  5. Concats on da award my furriend! Thanks you for sending it on to me as well.


  6. I'm sure anyone else can do it in less den 8 hours. We're technology disadvantaged!! he he

  7. I bet you I take longers... I pretty slow....fank you again for the award hansome. xx

  8. Concats on the award! Your sink picture is great!

  9. Dat was fun to learn more bout yoo Mario!
    Sanjee and tha resta tha Hotties


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