
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Life Isn't Always Fair

The story of "The Rise And Fall Of Ladycat3" is being delayed a week because what I am writing about is much more important den a story about me.  You see, my good friend @CatNamedSinbad and mama desperately need help.  Before I get into their story tho, Sinbad's mama sent the following video to M last night.  We both had leaky eyes after watching it. 

Sinbad's mom also provided the following link because the lyrics are easier to hear, tho the picture is not of sinbad. 

Now on with Sinbad's story:

Several months ago Sinbad’s mom lost her job. They have been living with a friend the past few months and sharing the cost of the living quarters. But now dat friend has also lost her job and is going to have to move to a smaller place. Sinbad’s mom has depleted all her personal funds and was on the edge of becoming homeless when she was recently offered job working for one of our national parks in another state. Housing will be provided for her. But, she is not able to take Sinbad with her because the place where she will be working does not allow their employees to bring their pets. (Dat’s a very dumb rule, if you ask me – hisss at those peope.) She had to make a tough decision – either be homeless herself (and Sinbad too) or take the new job and get back on “her feet” so to speak, but leave her beloved Sinbad behind in CA.

Sinbad’s mom is heartbroken dat she has to leave Sinbad in California. But the lady they have been living with has offered to take Sinbad with her to her new apartment, even tho she really isn’t a cat/animal person. Dat lady has already told Sinbad’s mom she doesn’t have money for vet bills. If something happens to Sinbad, she would have to put him to sleep forever.

When M heard all of dies, she immediately volunteered to take Sinbad with the understanding his mom could have him back at some point when she could provide for him. But Sinbad doesn’t travel well at all and doesn’t adjust to new places or people very well (WI is a long way from CA) Sinbad would not do well traveling this far. If he stays in California, at least he will know the lady he is already living with and will have some other familiar things around him.

M den offered to do a fund raiser for dem because Sinbad needs to have his shots updated and some dental work done. Sinbad’s mom isn’t sure, but he might have other health issues, so she also wants blood work done too. Sinbad’s mom feels terrible that she has to ask for help, but wants what is best for Sinbad. She wants to take Sinbad to the vet before she makes the move at the end of this month to have his medical needs attended to. Any leftover money would be saved for future vet bills.

We contacted our good friend @ForeverGinger, and her mama created the Chip_in Page for us. 

Please consider donating something to help Sinbad get the medical attention he needs. Think about how you would feel if you had no money left and were on the edge of being homeless and couldn’t provide for your beloved pet. It’s sad enough dat she can’t take Sinbad with her. No amount is too small because every little bit helps. I know Sinbad’s mom will be grateful for any help she receives.

Thank you for helping my friend @CatnamedSinbad.

P.S. –Here are two of my favorite photos dat Sinbad created for me.  He liked to surprise some of his friends with picture now and then. 

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A New Adventure Begins

Well, I'm getting side-tracked again.  This post was supposed to be on how I got started on Twitter.  But, it's kind of been an exciting two-week period, so I just had to share it with you. 

You see, last summer (my first summer wth my adoptive family, I kept begging to go outside.  And, on occasion, would even sneak out of the house, scaring M and D half to death.  So, after much thinking on M's part and begging on my part,  she contacted @BabyPatches mama at and started asking questions about leashes and harnesses.  Den M went to her sewing table and got some long string-like thingy called a tape measur and wrapped it around my belly.  I didn't like dat very much, but thought, oh what the heck, if it gets me outside, I'll let her have her fun.  I thought dat stringy thingy was kind of fun to play with anyway.

About a week later the mailman brought a package.  When M opened it, she showed me this red strappy thingy, and I even played with it for a few minutes. 

Den, before I knew what was even happening, she scooped me up and carried me to my perch where she tried to get dat red thingy on me!  Well, let me tell you friends, I wasn't having anything to do with wearing dat thing.  No way - no how!   I did put up a good fight.  She finally gave up. "Whew" - I thought - I guess I showed her who is the boss.

Later dat night after D got home, he scooped me up took me to my perch, and it took the two of them to put the harness on me. It was a miserable thing to wear and felt really funny.  I showed my dispproval by rolling around on the floor - over and over again.  Finally, they took it off.  I was hoping they really got the message this time.  After all, how many times do I have to tell dem I don't like it.

Two days later, M picked me up again and put dat blasted thing on me.  I tried fighting really hard, but (sigh) she won dis battle.

M took me outside and set me on the patio.  So, I rolled around out there until I saw something interesting - hmmm - long grass to chew.  "Hey - wait a minute - I haven't eaten grass since I roamed the streets.," I said to myself.  After chowing down on the grass, I started rolling over and over again and looked at M with my pleading eyes - "get this thing off me."  So, we went back in the house.

Two days later she captured me after a peaceful afternoon lap and put dat thingy called a harness on me.  I didn't struggle too much dis time cuz I began to suspect dat I might get to go outside.  Sure enough.  Dis time I walked along the flower bed (minus flowers cuz I guess it's something bout being too cold in WI yet.)  Here's my picture taking dat stroll.  M said I lasted about 15 minutes outside dat day before I started rolling around again.

The next day, the same thing happened.  Only I didn't struggle when she put the harness on (even tho I still don't know why I have to wear the darn thing).  We were outside for about 30 minutes dat day.  It was kind of nice until M started ripping dead-looking stuff off something called a trellis.  It made a very scary noise.  I jumped and started running away from the noise.  So, M said "dat's enough for today" and brought me back in the house.

We were just outside again yesterday.  M said I was out there for about 45 minutes, but she brought me back in the house because I kept wanting to go in the neighbor's yard or crawl under the fence in back.  I just don't understand why I can't go there, so I got mad at her and put the bitey on her when she picked me up.  (She laughed at me, cuz  if you  remember - I has no toothies).  Then she told dad to get a piece of some kind of thing called clothes-line rope and to attach a hook to it so she doesn't have to lead me around everywhere.  He's supposedly working on the project as we write this story. 

So, friends, I really hate to admit it, but I've decided it's not too terribly bad wearing dat thing as long as I get outside.  It's fun to smell all the smells and sniff around.  We have bunnies and squirrels in our yard and I could definately smell them in the grass and along the fence.  I still wish I didn't have to wear the thing, but if it means getting outside for a bit, den I guess I can tough it out. 

Now, I promise dat next week I'll tell you the story of Ladycat3 and how I got on Twitter.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

New Home for Catsalady, Gwim and Abby

Just had to post dis picture so you all know dat I do supervise M when she's typing.  Everything written in a tweet or in my blog has to have my approval. 

I just had to share dis latest news dat M got via email from Catsalady.  YAY - they are in their new place.  Here's Catsalady message:

"Hi friends and family,

Well, after 2 days here, so far so good. I'm living in a mountain of boxes and bags for right now; it'll take a while to get everything out of boxes and put away since at present there is a cleared area wide enough for my wheelchair, but that's about it. The people here are great; all of the staff are friendly and helpful and I've met several of the residents, most of whom are nice.

Even dining room seating is cool; they chose to seat me next to the most computer geeky gal, so she and I get along great. The other two at our table are also very nice. It's neat that they carefully consider who would be best table mates for each new person. The food here is pretty good, with optional choices to replace the main meal if it doesn't sound appealing. Yesterday evening we had broiled catfish (quite yummy) and I'll have a salmon (something) salad for lunch today. Since the place is not gigantically large, the dining staff remember each person's preferences at mealtime. This morning they already had a glass full of ice for me to pour my coffee into so that I can have my daily iced coffee.

Abby and Gwim are relaxing a little bit, sitting next to me and looking out the glass door to the veranda, but they also hide away behind boxes a fair bit. It'll take them time to adjust, so I'm just giving them lots of petting and reassurances while they get used to all the changes.

Once I get things set up, I'll be able to take my laptop outside on the balcony/veranda since I already have my table out there. Well.... I'll be able to that during the mornings and evenings since daytime temperatures are in the 90s already.

For those who are local (or those who can come who don't live locally), I'd love to have visitors here. Entrance is facing Indian School Rd. and parking is on the east side of the building."

Now we can do the Happy Dance once last time.   M says if anyone wishe to send dem a card or note in their new home, just tweet me and we'll DM you the address. 

Now stay turned next week for the story of how we started on Twitter.

Until next time,


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

NEWSY UPDATES - @Perodacat, MamaKitty & @Wildboutbirds

Lots of news to share today, so I’ll get right to it!


Last week @Catsalady sent M an email message with an update on @Perodacat & Mama Kitty. They have been adopted by a nice young couple and @Catsalady keeps in contact with their new family. @Catsalady said I should share the email message with our Twitter friends.

Here’s an up-dated photo of MamaKitty  What a cutie all curled up.

The message as received from @Perodacat's new family:

“A while ago you asked for some updates on the cats. They are still doing great. We actually had Pero's hair cut really short at Petsmart because he had some mats on his stomach that I was unable to brush out without bothering him. My fiancĂ©e just put a picture he took of Mama on twitter today, and I will also upload some photos of Pero's new haircut in the next couple of days. Anyway, as for updates, Mama is just a snuggler. She is very cute in the morning; she doesn't sleep in bed with us at night, but in the morning she likes to jump onto the bed and be petted while she "kneads" with her paws. And the other day, we couldn't find her for a while. It turned out she had crawled into a cupboard and was hiding contentedly behind some camping gear.

As for Pero, all our friends love him because he is so "talkative.” He seems to forget that he can jump up high sometimes, so he will very cutely look at the countertop or the fridge or something, and then look back at somebody else as if saying, "I want to go up there! Pick me up.” We are enjoying them very much, and hope you are well. “

We are all so happy that Pero and Mamakitty are doing so well and have a wonderful new family that really loves them. Knowing they have a good home must bring some comfort to @Catsalady, as I know it was very difficult for her to have to give them up.

Now for an update on another friend of mine - @WILDABOUTBIRD'S RESCUED KITTY:

Honeybell’s (as he's fondly known by some of us on Twitter) mama  rescued a stray kitty that had been very badly injured and in desperate need of medical attention. Rather than leave the poor kitty lie there, Honeybell’s mama picked him up and rushed to the vet. KittyKitty has had several procedures done so far with a resulting bill of $2,000 to date – with much more to come. My good friend @Petiethecat has a Chip-In Fund Page set up to help with those rising vet bills. Please considering donating – no amount too small because it all adds up.

Bless this wonderful lady for coming to KittyKitty’s aid. Most people probably would have turned their back on the situation and walked the other way. See @Petiethecat’s blog for details at

Stay tuned next week for the story on how I started on Twitter as @Acatlady3

This is Mario saying bye for now. 

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Dis is Mario with a special news bulletin:  @Catsalady sent M an email message on March 29th stating she found an assisted living faciity dat she really likes. M asked her if I could publish her message in my bloggy, and she said "yes." So, here it is in her own words.

"Hi Friends and Family:

Yes, the move to assisted living is happening.  I toured the place this morning and decided it will be the right place for me.  The apartments are rather small studios, but there is a huge balcony outside which I think makes up for the small size.  The place has good "vibes" and friendly staff and residents.  There is a total of 70 units, so it's not one of those huge places where you feel like you are just another name/number to the staff.  The dining room is nice, with alternative meal selections for people like me who don't care to eat meat that much.  They have a great activities director who has scheduled everything from crafts, to visiting the Chinese Cultural Center, to picnic with fishing, to movies, and more.

My official moving date is April 14th, so I may have a few days before/after without internet (which also means my softphone/MagicJack phone might not be up).  Of course, my cell phone will be on for emergencies, but I'll try to get the phone and internet running as soon as possible.

My packing is coming along since my main home-help attendant has been good about getting lots done for me.  I will have to downsize my stuff, but I haven't yet quite figured out just what will stay and what will go. 

Oh, and one more piece of good news!  They will not be charging me a pet deposit there!  I can keep Abby and Gwim and not have to worry."

This is all very good news and M and I are so happy for Catsalady, Abbey and Gwim.  Their new home sounds purrfect for them.

Come on everyone - let's celebrate - up on your feet - we're doing the Happy Dance with @Catsalady.

(Grabbing Abby and Gwim's paws in mine, weeeee - twirling around @Catsalady's wheelchair - all doing the "Happy Dance.")

This is M talking:  Abby and Gwim did receive their three shots (Rabies, Dystemper, and Feline Leukemia) on Saturday, March 27.  They are set for a year.  @ForeverGinger reported that the bill has been paid to the vet for the shots.  A check for the remaining money has been sent to @Catsalady to be used for future expenses for the kitties.

@Catsalady has expressed her gratitude to me and to all of you through general tweets.   I know she is very appreciative for this assistance.

Mario and I could not have  helped  @Catsalady all by ourselves.  It was because of the group effort of our online community and the generous donations of our Twitter friends that we were able to place two kitties in another home (where they are doing well) and help @Catsalady pay for the necessary shots to bring Abby and Gwim up to state code.  A big THANK YOU to our donors:  (I'm sorry that we don't have all of the Twitter names to match the donors.  To keep anonymity, I am listing only the first name).  Please let me know if you wish to have your full name listed.)

Lisa and @SidTheCatahoula, @The_Curly_Bear
Elizabeth and @Dixie_Belle
Wendy and @Dogstoyevsky
Teresita and @Smokey8
Pamela http;//
Dana @DanaPixie
Trea and @Jazzydacat
Kathleen @Pisikas
Kirsten and @Morriscat @Nellijean
Elizabeth and @ThePixelMoon
Kim and @GingerWalker
Mary and @Mariodacat

Thanks also to anyone who regularly RT'd the many tweets asking for help. 

As you know, I had to leave for vacation about 5 days after I saw @Perodacat's initial plea for help in finding homes for himself and his three siblings.  (As it turned out, only 2 kitties had to be placed in a new home and 2 are now able to go with @Catsalady.)  @Forever Ginger and @Hollieferguson graciously volunteered to take over for me while I was away.  A big thank you to them for their many efforts. They came up with the idea of a fund raiser in case funds were needed to help transport the kitties to their new homes and/or help pay for any shots or other necessary expenditures.  They also helped broadcast the fund raising effort to the masses, stayed in contact with @Catsalady for any updates/changes, and provided support wherever and whenever possible.  @ForeverGinger has done an excellent job of managing the funds, carefully  thinking each proposed expenditure thru before authorizing  These are two very special animals with very capable, special humans behind them.

Let's all do the Happy Dance one more time because this real-life story definately has a happy ending.