The story of "The Rise And Fall Of Ladycat3" is being delayed a week because what I am writing about is much more important den a story about me. You see, my good friend @CatNamedSinbad and mama desperately need help. Before I get into their story tho, Sinbad's mama sent the following video to M last night. We both had leaky eyes after watching it.
Sinbad's mom also provided the following link because the lyrics are easier to hear, tho the picture is not of sinbad.
Now on with Sinbad's story:
Several months ago Sinbad’s mom lost her job. They have been living with a friend the past few months and sharing the cost of the living quarters. But now dat friend has also lost her job and is going to have to move to a smaller place. Sinbad’s mom has depleted all her personal funds and was on the edge of becoming homeless when she was recently offered job working for one of our national parks in another state. Housing will be provided for her. But, she is not able to take Sinbad with her because the place where she will be working does not allow their employees to bring their pets. (Dat’s a very dumb rule, if you ask me – hisss at those peope.) She had to make a tough decision – either be homeless herself (and Sinbad too) or take the new job and get back on “her feet” so to speak, but leave her beloved Sinbad behind in CA.
Sinbad’s mom is heartbroken dat she has to leave Sinbad in California. But the lady they have been living with has offered to take Sinbad with her to her new apartment, even tho she really isn’t a cat/animal person. Dat lady has already told Sinbad’s mom she doesn’t have money for vet bills. If something happens to Sinbad, she would have to put him to sleep forever.
When M heard all of dies, she immediately volunteered to take Sinbad with the understanding his mom could have him back at some point when she could provide for him. But Sinbad doesn’t travel well at all and doesn’t adjust to new places or people very well (WI is a long way from CA) Sinbad would not do well traveling this far. If he stays in California, at least he will know the lady he is already living with and will have some other familiar things around him.
M den offered to do a fund raiser for dem because Sinbad needs to have his shots updated and some dental work done. Sinbad’s mom isn’t sure, but he might have other health issues, so she also wants blood work done too. Sinbad’s mom feels terrible that she has to ask for help, but wants what is best for Sinbad. She wants to take Sinbad to the vet before she makes the move at the end of this month to have his medical needs attended to. Any leftover money would be saved for future vet bills.
We contacted our good friend @ForeverGinger, and her mama created the Chip_in Page for us.
Please consider donating something to help Sinbad get the medical attention he needs. Think about how you would feel if you had no money left and were on the edge of being homeless and couldn’t provide for your beloved pet. It’s sad enough dat she can’t take Sinbad with her. No amount is too small because every little bit helps. I know Sinbad’s mom will be grateful for any help she receives.
Thank you for helping my friend @CatnamedSinbad.
P.S. –Here are two of my favorite photos dat Sinbad created for me. He liked to surprise some of his friends with picture now and then.
OK, the YouTube thingie is rilly easy. Even I can do that BOL. Go to the video and unnerneath it to the rite is a button wot says "EMBED". Clickie on that, copy the code and past it rite where you write werds in blogger. Ta da! You has the video in your bloggie.
ReplyDeleteThat is rilly sad bout Sinbad and his mommy. Icky ekonomy makes heartbrake for so many. And I put the bitey on them wot say no pets allowed. GRRRRR. Wot if'n they sayed no chilldruns allowed? How would peeples like that? And trust me, the boy braked many more things when he woz a yungun than wot I did.
Poor, cute Sinbad and his Mom! That is so sad that they have to be separated for awhile. M and yourself are so good; always trying to help everyone out. Do good for others and it will be repayed. I hope it works out for Sinbad and his Mom.
ReplyDeleteThank you Shawnee for the help. We'll go try dat. One of these days we're going to do a bloggy on how dumb we are wiht all this stuff. Thanks for coming to my rescue.
ReplyDeleteI apologize for 3 posts appearing under Dashboard. It took several tires to get the viedeos posted and to include photos. Darn changed things & we had to use the trial & error method. Thanks to @ShawneeShep we finally got it up and running.
ReplyDeleteThis is just so sad. My peeps would be devastated if they had to part with us. This is such a similar story to how we got my bro Riley. His peep lost her job and her house. She had to move back home to her family several states away. Her mother is horribly allergic to cats so she couldn't bring Riley. She gave him up to the shelter I was adopted from. Shelter contacted peeps & the rest is history. I hope everything works out for Sinbad. We'll do anything we can to help! xoxo
ReplyDeletepoor sinbad, i knew his mom got that job, but i didn't know she had to leave him behind. while i'm very happy for her that she found work that will help them both land on their feet, i didn't realize she'd have to say goodbye (temporarily) to sinbad. it makes me so sad, and i wish i could help financially, but i myself am looking for work. i know what it's like to leave beloved pets behind. i had to leave my henry and ralphie (who's since gone over the rainbow bridge) when i moved across the ocean. i knew it was best for them. i am sending good thoughts to sinbad and his mom that they're reunited soon and until then sinbad is in a good place. i hope my good thoughts are enough to help them.
ReplyDeleteI iz so sad for Sinbad an hiz mom. Sinbad haz always been such a grate frend, they deserv for efurrything to werk owt.
ReplyDeleteJesse - please DM your Twitter name to me. I didn't mnake a note of it last time. Thank you so much for your comments.
ReplyDeleteThat's just too sad. We may lose our pretty house and have to move. Mom and I would be very sad if we couldn't stay together. Mom said she'd try to find a little money to help them.
ReplyDeleteSinbad & Deb Thank Mariodacat & Mom and ForeverGinger & Mom for caring enough to do the fundraiser. Thankyou to everyone that cares it helps during this tough time very much.
Sinbad is always so kind to us - he and his mummy made us so many great photos - it's so sweet what you're doing. It's a shame he couldn't come live with you guys,and his poor mummy is in our thoughts. We know how our mummy would be if she had to leave us (she getting teary just thinking about it)
ReplyDeleteIt is so nice of you to help spread the word about Sinbad. I feel very sad for him and his Mom. I will tell my Mom to contribute so Sinbad will be safe in his new home. I hope one day soon they will be reunited.
ReplyDeleteThis is very sad. We aren't sure how big the distance is (we are in the UK) but if Sinbad had a large crate to travel in, with a bed, litter and water - plenty of stops for rest, would it be possible for him to travel to you in Wisconsin? Our ape once brought a cat down from the Highlands like that, all the way down to Somerset, it took her 4 days as the cat was elderly and HATED travelling, but having a large crate and space to move helped. She settled well on day 2. That was nearly 1000 miles in total.
ReplyDeleteIt would be wonderful if Sinbad could come to you, and a big relief to his Mom too.
We'll RT this as much as we can.
Whicky Wuudler
Poor Sinbad, we hope things work out for him. We are sending lots of purrs.
ReplyDeleteGee, we really hope everything works out for Sinbad and his person.
ReplyDeleteps - I am a girl kitty! : )
Purrs to our good friend, Sinbad!
ReplyDeletePurrs to mama too! You have always been so fun and kind to us! You hold a special place in our hearts Sinbad!
There has to be a way this can work out! *HUGS*
I hope Sinbad gets plenty of money raised for him. What a great cat!
ReplyDeleteI have to wait till Friday (payday!), but I will definitely put in some green papers from me, Pimp and Moo.
So sad that he and his momma have to separate. Hopefully it's only for a short time! *paws crossed*
This is so sad. It was a tough choice to make but we understand. It would not help either if they were both homeless and something terrible could happen to Sinbad if they were. We hope he gets a good home!