
Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Hi friends -
It's hard to believe, but this is going to be a short post mainly to tell you I won't be updating again for about another 4 weeks.  Why you ask?  Well, listen to my woeful story:  (Oh, before I get into all dat - this is a picture of  me napping on the sofa.  The picture in the back my Dad painted. We is quite proud of it.   He did win an award for it in our local art show in the Intermediate category.  He is  not a professional but has been taking oil painting classes at NWTC for about 4 years now.

Now back to my woeful story:

1.  M & D are leaving me again - this time to go camping for 5 days without me.  Oh don't worry too much, My friend Sue will pop in twice a day to love me up a little, feed me, and scoop out de box!   But, I do get so lonely in between times.  She tries to spend as much time as she can with me, but has several special needs kitties to tend to in her own house, and she oversees the daily care and supervision of two mentally-challenged adults living in the other half of her duplex.   So, I guess she's a pretty busy lady, and I am lucky kitty to get her twice a day.  But, I still get very lonesome when I'm home all alone.  (Poor me!)

2.  As if the peeps being gone 5 days isn't enough, the  next weekend after camping  they are going on an overnight trip to see my D's aunt in another part of the state.  Geeeesh - enough with the wondering around already.  Their job is to stay home and entertain me!

3.  As many of you know, I'm on the committee for the AnipalAcademyAwards.  The gala event is going to be the Friday afternoon and evening of July16th for a PreAwards pawty with the main event being held as part of  FrugalDougal's monthly pawpawty on Saturday, July 17th.  The awards part will start about 2 hours after the pawpawty begins..  (Times are tentative yet & will be announced as soon as plans are firmed up!)  Hope you are all coming to this big event cuz it is going to be loads of fun and will keep you laughing.)

Dis is a really exciting time for all committee members and things are really gearing up now.  We has so many very talented anipals on the committee.  I'm just in awe most of the time with what they create and all the work they do.   My job as "Awards Crier" (like Town Crier) keeps me brain and M's fingers pretty busy.  So, my bloggy has to sit in limbo for a few weeks.  It doesn't help either dat my peeps are going to be gone for a total of 7 days.   So, you see, it's really their fault my bloggy gets shoved on the side.

Come back and see me in 4 weeks, if I didn't bore you too much today.

Dis is Mario signing off - finally.

(Note - this was supposed to be a short post.  Well, as usual, I have the "run-on" of the mouth disease!.)


  1. Dear Mario I shall miss you efurry day, maybe Petie and I can come visit you in your lockdown? We will sprize you wiv nip an toyz! I can't haz mai Mario being lonely.

  2. great pikshur of you - and the painting is wonderful! we is sorry you will not be blogging for so long though. we will miss you

  3. Mario, WTM? Peeps have one job and it's to entertain their anipals and they put themselves first? Hmmmph! You haven't trained them very well. Mine NEVER go away although they used to BC (before cats). That painting is lovely. What week will your peeps be away? Tuna and I will drive the truck over and, er, liberate it while we're keeping you company.

  4. Love the picture. You look so comfy and cozy and your dad's painting is beautiful.

    Sounds like your household is very busy. You M&D need to slow down and spend their time with you.

    I'm looking forward to the Anipal Awards. I can't wait to see efurbody's fance outfits.

  5. Great picture, but bad news. Sorry you won't be blogging for so long, I'll miss you. But I'll be checking your blog until you come back. See ya!

  6. Mario, we hope the humans learn how to stay home! We'll see you in 4 weeks!

  7. They better be going away to buy you LOTS of tunas and noms my friend!!

    We sure like the painting!

  8. Oh boy, I will think of you being alone at home, Mario!!! My mom recently left me for 1 day and that was sooooo boring!!! I hope, Sue will spend a lot of time with you!!!

    I have to say, I'm very impressed by your dad's painting!!! It looks really professional!!! What a great artist he is!!!


  9. Aw Mario, we will miss you on the blog, but we understand. We are going to think of you when our Mummy and Daddy are away next week as well! We will have two live-in purrsons though-it is Mummy's furriend and she is a vet! We're excited!
    We love that painting on the wall. Your Daddy is very talented! The AnipalAcademyAwards sounds like such a big job!
    Purrrrrs, Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Yuji

  10. Humans just don't understand priorities, do they? Their job is to stay home with US!!!

  11. Have a good break, Mario. Have lots of fun with Sue when she comes by!

  12. That is no fairs that M & D leaves you. They should take you wif them but then mebbe being a kitteh you would not like that too much. Mebbe we hikes all over the place (We started out with 1 block too - honestly, I started out going to the end of our driveway and back coz I woz too skeered to leave my howse!) but your M&D goes camping and my mom is so not a camper. She has to has hers electricities and private bafrooms and stuff so to us camping be staying in cabins wot is like home away from home BOL! There be no innerwebs or televishuns so that be ruffing it for my mom.

  13. That's a great painting Mario. Not nice of your humans to leave you though. Thank you so much for the Gotcha Day wishes and pawtying with me. *ducky hugs*

  14. Oh Mario, we are gonna miss your bloggy whilst your M & D are so busy. You could come stay with us if you'd like. Mama would spoil you like crazy.

    Your Dad's painting is really beautiful. He's very talented. Maybe he'll do one of you! That would be amazing.

  15. hello friend, I love that picture:) I do not like you stay home alone. Be a good cat and do not make mischief. I know the cats when left alone are encouraged to explore and look around (so is the instinct cat:))
    I love you. Take care friend :)

  16. We really like the painting your dad did! Sounds like these going to be a lot going on. We will miss you and look forward to hearing about everything when you get back!

  17. That is a very nice painting indeed, Even better with a handsome kitty in front of it!
    Hope you don't get too lonesome!
    (the girl)

  18. Mario, your parents better bring gifts back or they'll face the wrath of Mario MOL

    Nice blog my boy

  19. Oh Mario... I'm gonna miss you. Hurry back and I'll count the days until your return....


  20. Hi Mario,

    Of course by the time we get to read this m and d are back and all is well again! I/WE love the painting that pops did! OMC! Looks like a museum painting! wonderful job!

    I slowly will catch up on all the bloggies;



Your comments are greatly appreciated.