
Monday, June 20, 2011

Goodbye For Now Dear Friend @SmokeyPoodle - OTRB 6/18//11

Hi Pals, 

Another dear pal crossed the Rainbow Bridge on Saturday.   Our good pal from Twitter, @SmokeyPoodle.  Smokey had just celebrated his 14th birthday a few weeks ago.   I'm so happy we had his wonderful 14th birthday celebration to remember how happy he and his brother, @OdyMaltese, were that day.  Smokey's health had been failing for a few months, but on the weekend he was having great trouble breathing.  His human took Smokey to the vet on Saturday, and the vet confirmed that Smokey was also in pain.   His human didn't want Smokey to suffer, so he helped him cross the bridge that day.   M always says that helping your dear companion (beloved pet)  cross the bridge is the kindest, most wonderful act of love that you can give.   You are sacrificing your own needs and wants and instead doing what is best for the animal. 

Smokey's brother has a bloggy - please drop by there and pay your respects. Ody misses his brother as much as his dad misses Smokey.   Ody and his dad need lots of hugs, prayers, and kind words right now because they both miss Smokey so much.  

Also, Smokey and his dad started a blog of Las Vegas Hamburger Reviews.   I don't live in Las Vegas, but M still enjoys following the blog in case we visit there.  And sometimes he posts reviews on national chains that sell burgers - sometimes those are in our city.   Please consider following that too.  Ody said he and his dad will keep it up after a couple of weeks rest.

Your ooman and Ody miss you dearly Smokey, but we'll take good care of them for you.  We all love you too and will miss you.  Until we meed again some day, continue to have fun chasing all the butterflies cuz I hear from @PepiSmartDog that you feel so good now that you are acting like a puppy again.  
M wants to give you one final SMOOCH on the head.  
Love ya,


  1. Pierre the PoodleMonday, June 20, 2011

    Beautiful Mario!
    Making me and Momma cry again but that's okay we loved him so much.

    Pierre and Momma

  2. This is a wonderful tribute to our pal Smokey. *leaky eyes* I didn't know Smokey and Ody had a blog. I'm heading over there right now. Thanks.

  3. Oh no, I hadn't been around much on twitter and I hadn't heard. That is so very sad and I'll head to his brothers place.

  4. Oh, Mr. Mario, that is so sweet of you to post a tribute to my brofur Smokey. The love of our anipals on Twitter, Facebook, and blogs has been overwhelming. Dad says it gives him a warm feeling inside.

    Thank you so much!


  5. We are so sorry to hear about Smokey. We send comforting purrs to his family.

  6. We are also very sad to hear about Smokey. It is so sad to lose a dear fur friend. We certainly are sending lots of woofs and hugs to the humans. We certainly will go visit the other blog. Take care.

  7. Thats beautiful Mario. Is so sad about dear Smokey, but I understand his hoomin did for Smokey what Mama did do for me, it is kindest gift of loves they can ever do for us. comfurting purrs and love to his fambly and I will look out for himz and we play at OTRB xoxo

  8. What a wonderful tribute, Mario! It brought tears to my eyes. I'm glad that Smokey is no longer in pain and that he can run and play OTRB.


  9. Just heard a story on NPR about the subject of death and how to handle the online persona of our departed friends, loved ones.
    Mario they should have interviewed you. You help give us closure, and comfort. You are the glue that holds this wonderful community together.


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