
Thursday, June 30, 2011

WANTED - New Family With A BOX!


This is so embarrassing! 
I'm hiding and might NEVER come out again!

It's national box day.  Do you think my ooman has even one picture of me in a box (my favorite, next to a bag)!   NO!   She didn't even GET a box for me so I could celebrate the day in style.  

I'm shopping for a new family - must have lots of boxes.

I'm hiding until I get a new family!   How could M and D treat me this way!



  1. Oh Mario! Being boxless is akin to cruel & unusual treatment! *whispers* But I know how much your M&D love you-it must just be a terrible mistake! Btw-you look really cute hiding in that last pic! (((HUGS)))
    <3 Lily

  2. You can come stay with us while you find a new family! Poor Mario!

  3. You poor, deprived kitty! I love boxes. I have a special box with my name on it that I've had for two years. Plus, I get new boxes all the time. Big ones, little ones, flat ones. I can't imagine a life without boxes. I'd invite you over, but I'm scared of other kitties. I hope your human gets you a box soon.

  4. How can you not have a box! M & D deserve every terrible thing you can think of to do to them. Kitties must have boxes! We have lots of boxes. You come live here, and I'll give EK to M & D.

  5. your M and D love you so much BUT just to show them what happens when you are boxless come live with me for a few days!!♥

  6. I seriously think we ALL need to mail you a box Mario!!!

  7. Don't move out! We'll send you lots of boxes Mario. Psst, you do look adorable hiding though, we couldn't help but laugh, just a tiny bit!

  8. We would be happy to share some of ours with you.

    The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

  9. We definitely need to mail you something in a box so that you can have a box of your very own. I bet M and D get one for you now. Please don't look for a new home. You might not get anything in the new home. Take care.

  10. Mario... I just checked with Bugsy and Knuckles and they said you can come play with their boxes. They are waiting at the door for you.

    pawhugs, Max

  11. Oh dear Mario! I just said to Oskar over at his place, that cats need boxes like hermit crabs need fancy shells! It's a requirement!

  12. OMC THIS MADE ME LAUGH!!! I absolutely ADORED THIS!! Cody is here pouting with you! Do you think that his Mama (me) could even go and get a box for today? NOPE. I am equally as embarrassed!!! I DO have boxes that I have things in, in the bedroom...could I empty them for photos? Obviously not. Mario, you and Cody are poor, sweet, DEPRIVED kitties!!!!

  13. oh Mario how awful nawt to get lots of boxes on box day. Hay wait a minit....ware's mai box?

  14. You can come to my house, Mario. We have lots of boxes, but I'm not all that interested in them. Mom says I'm strange.

  15. Come on over here, Mario! We got lots of boxes and we'll share with you!!

  16. Oh Mario, that is AWFUL! I'd offer to have you come here, except, well, there aren't enough boxes for a FOURTH kitty right now!

  17. No problem buddy! I'll send my Driver for you pronto...and then you can have pick of the boxes here at Headquarters!

  18. That's not nice that you have no boxes. What's up with M & D? They must go out right now and get you at least one.
    On the other paw, you look so cuddly and adorable in the pictures on today's bloggy.
    Love our buddy.
    Penny & Tippy

  19. I just now checked your blog and saw where you told people to visit me. That is so sweet of you to do that.
    I've had a lot going on this summer and have not had much time to blog. Im in the process of redecorating my that leaves me very little time to blog.
    I love your Mario. He is so cute hiding from us. I just love Blk & Wht. kitties.
    Have a nice weekend!!

  20. Mario, you must be feeling pretty PO-ed with your humans. They are, after all, servants, who need to be at your constant beck and call. Nothing can be more important than your blog, except for your food. Better luck next time.

  21. Poor Mario. :( I hope your M & D bucks up after reading this post and get you a lot of boxes to play with!

  22. Shameful! This do be a case fur PETA. I mean rilly, how many green papers duss a box cost - nuttin, it be FREE!

  23. Oh Mario, that is terrible. We're always getting boxes here so you can come here. Do you know that on National Box Day, TW threw out a perfectly good box cos she said I hadn't been in it in a few days. BTW, I can lend you a box picture if you'd like cos TW never got around to putting my blog up. Hmmm, maybe I should look for a new home too!

  24. Hang in there Mario. I'm sure it was just an oversight and your new box will show up soon :-)

    Have a great 4th of July


  25. We have a big box that our car seat came in and we drag our toys inside it! You could play in our box any time!

  26. LOL, Mario!! I wonder how the shopping for new family went... :-) I'm sure you could not find any better family than your M and Dad. They love you and I think they will get a box for you next year!

  27. Mario, You got some company here..I don't do box..much..too : )
    Excepted litter box..heh...heh

    Have a great weekend my friend


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