
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Whew - Close Call!

Hi Pals,

A couple of weeks ago I got stuffed in this thing again and hauled off to the v.e.t.   Drats!

M was concerned cuz I was coughing and sneezing - again - even after a second round of yukki antibiotics.   Now I was only caught coughing and sneezing a couple of days out of 4 days - not bad right!!

Well, the v.e.t. lady suggested an X-Ray of my lungs to see if they were clear. They were, but when she came back in, after consulting with her partner, she said I might have an enlarged heart.   She wanted to send the X-ray to a specialist in another city.  

Yesterday she called M and said the radiologist felt my heart was not enlarged, but it was fat that was showing up on the X-ray!   CAN YOU IMAGINE - ME - FAT!!!    Of all the nerve!  I can't help it that I like to eat.   M has had me on a diet, so I'm already restricted, have my food measured, and no more open buffet!   What more do they want!

A friend suggested we do the electrocardiogram anyway.  When M talked to the v.e.t. lady today, she said we could do that, but there is nothing there to warrant one.   She said kitties with heart problems seldom cough like a doggie does.   She told the peeps to watch me and call her if I start coughing and sneezing again.  She thinking maybe Asthma.   

Whew - fortunately I haven't been caught sneezing or coughing in almost a whole week now.   I'm really going to have to hide in the closet when I feel one coming on.



  1. Oh Mario, we sure are glad you are all right. One of our sisters has a bad heart. But that is super that yours is all right. Pretty darn scary going to the vet. Hope all of you have a great week end.

  2. Hey.... mario ... I had asthma at one time. I barked like a seal... I mean it was really loud. Your mom will be able to tell the difference between an asthma cough and a regular one. Hope you don't have either of them ever again.

    Have a great day pal.

    pawhugs, Max

  3. Oh Mario Iz happy you iz okai an I hopes it izn't da azma you haz *softpaw*

  4. Dear Mario,

    You have a wonderful mommy who is very concerned about you! I hope you don't have any more coughs.

    Tell mom I am so grateful that she has been coming to visit me on my blog. I don't have any kitties but I do love them


  5. Mario, mom just wants me to throw this out at ya coz she has seened so much of it with kittehs from shelters and the V-E-Ts be rilly bad about properly diagnosing it - herpes virus. It be highly contagious atween kittehs but not to hoomans or udder animals. It mimics upper respiratory infekshuns but antie-bionics won't help and the hacking, sneezing, runny eyes, I need Nyquil symptoms do last furefur. Then it goes dormant and all is well until it becomes active again. So always be suspushuss of that when a kitteh has been in a shelter and commed out with a furry stubborn "upper respiratory infekshun" that comes back off and on. (Woz this the case with you, Mario?) Mom only knows this coz she did has so many fosters with it and the only V-E-T wot could diagnose it rite woz the eye V-E-T coz lots of times the virus leaves lesions inside the eyeballs so he woz furry familiar with it. Now, this duss not be a serious thing at all, just annoyink when it be active. OK, my job be done here. Bye.

  6. We are glad it seems all is well. Poor Mom and Dad going through the worries thinking your heart might be enlarged and stuff. We hope no more coughing from you.

  7. Yay! We is so glad to heer this noos! Well, except the diet part. Sorry bout that. Pepi says he hopes you don't have azma too. He says it's not fun. It sounds not fun. But it's lot better than a icky heart and medicines will fix it up if you needs them.
    Sanjee and tha resta tha Hotties and Georgey too

  8. We sure send lots of purrs your way Mario! Hey, if it is asthma let me know, my Sister Gracie has it so maybe with can help too with some pointers. Love your header!!!

  9. Oooh Mario! You better not hide as they won't be able to help you! But I think you're very brave, buddy >^..^<

  10. Sorry about the V-E-T visit and diet. I am really sympathizing with the V-E-T trip since I had mine yesterday. They would have to put me to sleep to x-ray me!

    My brofur cat Caesar is overweight and we struggle. It's hard because he is the only overweight animal in the house. Glad to hear you aren't really bad sick! Yoda Smooches!

  11. Well I'm glad that your diagnosis wasn't as bad as your mommy and daddy were probably fearing - but the cheek of it pointing out your insulation - I'm sure you were just making sure you'd be warm for winter, right??
    Although if you're already on a diet then please do keep it up and don't get too disheartened, it may help you to feel better x

  12. I hope you feel better, Mario! I'm glad the X-Rays didn't show anything serious!

  13. Mario is all sounds scary! I hope that your sneezes all disappear.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  14. Mario
    WE are all so glad you are no longer coughing and sneezing. WE are just glad you are doing so well! *whew* that was a close one dear friend.


  15. Hmmm, which is worse, we wonders.... F-A-T or V-E-T ???

  16. You're not fat - you're fluffy, just like a kitty should be! Glad you're ok. *hugs*

  17. Hi Mario! We're glad you haven't been coughing or sneezing lately. But we're sorry to hear that fat remark.

  18. Whew, that was a close one! We are so happy you are healthy! Sum of us could lose a pound or two, also. It's like torture! Good luck.

  19. Well we already knew you had a big heart. We're happy it's a healthy one. ...the fat comment though. Now that's just not right.
    xo Katie

  20. Hi Mario, I'm glad you did not have problems with lungs or enlarged heart. I hope your sneezing/coughing will go away completely.

  21. We're so glad your heart & lungs are ok. These are scary things, and we know your mom and dad have so many things already on their plate. The human girl here has asthma, and at least that can be dealt with. When her seal cough comes on she has to be really careful. But, we hope you just have a cold!

  22. mario! We didn't know about this until now and we are hoping that you are ok! We are sure that you are.

    Our Bobo had an enlarged heart and he never coughed or sneezed or anything so that is a good sign for you. You are more than likely fine!


  23. I'm so glad you're alright!
    Kisses and Tail Wags,
    Dachshund Nola

  24. oh no! I hope your heart says normal size Mario! So glad you are not coughing and wheezing for now. We boff haz azma and take pretipurrzone. It helps alot. xoxoxo

  25. Glad you doin OK Mario. I had a bad heart myselfs and the vets is always pokin and proddin me to check I am ok. Is no fun

  26. had to laff at your going into a closet to sneeze. But I agree completely!

  27. Oh Mario! We're so glad that you're ok! Good thing you're not too sneezy, hopefully this is just a little allergy that will pass. {{{Coonhound hugs}}} buddy!

  28. Whew, we're glad to hear you don't have heart problems, Mario. Just some little ole fat and some sneezing - in the closet, now that's creative!!

  29. When I sneeze I just blame Jen's poor housekeeping skills. *snickers*

  30. OMC! OMD! Mario!!! You poor baby! I'm surprised you could get fat around your precious heart when you've had all those dental issues. But, thankfully, it's not something horrific. I'm so sorry that your access to the buffet has been terminated! UGH! I so relate!!! It's a good thing though that your Mom and Dad took you to the vet and found out about this before it became a really serious problem for you. WHEW! We'll say lots more prayers for you cuz we want you to be around playing with us for a long, long time!!! We send you big hugzzzzzz and share some with your Mom and Dad. RAY & CHASE -- @DaneRay

  31. I'm glad to hear the vet reports were good, Mario. Hopefully no more sneezles, either!

    Critter Alley

  32. Buddy Mario, thank goodness the x-rays came out good. It's good that you have been feeling better and we will continue to purr that all will keep being well. Sometimes us kitties are a mystery and our Humans feel so vulnerable because they don't know how to help us (we know this one oh too well). Purrs to keep feeling better and for your good health. Sweet blog header.

  33. .,oh Marrio sorry for the VET visit and diet.,we sympathize with you..

    Dog Fence
    It's all about Bichon Frise


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