
Saturday, December 31, 2011

WOOHOO - Happy New Year - 2012

                              Happy New Year!
Dear Pals,

Our New Year's Wish for you

... that you and your family have a year of good health

....that you find something to put a smile on your face every day because laughter is good for us and is the best medicine ever

....that your oomans find a job if they need one

....that you have enough riches to keep you with enough kibble and a warm, dry roof over your head

....that you take time to appreciate what you do have instead of what you don't have


....that we love and cherish each and every one of you.

Love to all,


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thankful Thursday - For All My Krissymouse Cards

Hi Pals,

Thank you so much to all my pals that sent Krissymouse cards.   I just love all of them.   M says I got more cards then they did.  Well...... of course I did, cuz I have the greatest pals in the whole world.

I got so many cards that it was impossible for M do take a picture of all of them - so here are random shots in groups.

M apologizes for the bad pictures, but she was shaky when these were taken, and of course, I don't has the right kind of paws for taking pictures.  Sigh!

Thank you pals.   I just loves all the cards you sent, and I just loves all of you.   

Soon they will be packed away in a card basket.  Next year we'll be getting them out and looking at them again.  They are all very special to us.

Our dear pal, CokeTheCat, has a great give away he's doing, and he has a great video of the floats being decorated for the Rose Parade.   Please go over and visit his blog to enter the contest.   Then join the blog hop if you has a blog.  


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

Card Design by @DanaPixie
Cart Printing and Verse by @Nocrybabydog's mom

"Have A Mario Christmas"


To all things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
We wish the peace of heaven......
God bless us, one and all!!

Have a Mario Christmas.....
And the bestest New Year!!

With love,

Mario, Mom, and Dad
Mario Smooches to All

Monday, December 19, 2011

New Angel And Star - Until We Meet Again

Angel Wings earned 12/15/11 at age 14

Hi Pals,

Sadly, the Blogosphere and Twitter Worlds lost another very dear friend and special kitty - @AdmiralHestorb.   Mom and I have cried buckets of tears over Admiral and feel so bad for the void left in her mom's heart and ours.   

Admiral was one of those special kitties that only comes along now and then.   And, M says if you are lucky enough to have one of those very special loving kitties (cuz she says I am one of those - he he), you will know how great the void is.   If you haven't already read Admiral's mom's post on  Admiral Hestorb's Blog, this morning, please go over there and read this very special post.  It will give you an idea of just how tender Admiral could be with her mom, and why the void in her mom's heart is so great.   It will leave you with a smile too.  

I've only known Admiral for about a year, and we met first on Twitter.   Admiral's mom (Carole) happened to see the article @MaggieTKat's mom wrote about M in the @AnipalTimes "Talk To The Hand"   An instant bond was formed between Carole and M because they both lived in Melbourne, Florida the same year (but didn't know each other).  Being chatty women, they just HAD to have a phone conversation it seems, which then led into many phone conversations.  Well pals, you know our oomans - when they get the phone glued to their ears, it can go on for hours.   Mostly they talked about their living in Fla, about Admiral, and about me!!    So we really got to know a lot about Admiral and her mom and that special bond they had.

Whenever M and Carole talked on the speaker phones, Admiral would come out from wherever she was napping and meow into the phone as if to say hello to me and M.   Now we miss those little meows when we talk to Carole.   But we are also happy to know that Admiral isn't in any pain, that she's like a young kitten again and never has to go see the v.e.t. again.   We also know she's happy at OTRB because there are so many pals already up there to take good care of her and make her feel welcome.

The day Admiral crossed the bridge, @PepiSmartDog made up some pictures for Admiral's mom of that crossing, which were tweeted by our dear friend @HollieCatRocks, who helped Admiral cross that bridge and stayed with her until she became orientated.   
(Admiral in the front, me on the left, then Pepi, the Hollie then CatRulers)

Admiral's cat husband - @CatRulers - and I got to accompany Admiral in the pram along with @HollieCatRocks as @PepiSmartDog steered his pram.  Pepi then dropped @CatRulers and me off before the pram actually went into OTRB and we had to teleport back to earth.   It was quite a ride cuz that Pepi is a fun and wild driver.  Several times we were all going "weeeeeeeeee - this is fun!"   Thank you to Pepi's mom, Michele, for taking the pictures.

Thank you to my dear friend @HollieCatRocks for escorting Admiral, being such a wonderful support to Carole before and after the crossing, and for all the work she does in helping many Twitter pals with their journey.   It was only a little over a year ago that Hollie had to make that journey herself, so she knows what it's like and how hard it is on our oomans when we leave them behind.

Admiral, sweetie, while we miss you down here, we know you are happy, pain free, and acting like a kitten again.  Don't worry about your mum, we'll take care of her.  You will always be in our hearts forever.  I saw your star last night and it was shinning ever so brightly down on our house.   We'll be watching for it every night.   Oh, I love that little prezzie you left behind for your mom to find too (shhh, we'll keep it a secret).  It made M and I laugh so hard and made your mom smile - she needed that smile sweetie - good thinking on your part!  Kisses from M and a big SMOOCH from me.

Love you forever Admiral.



Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Twitter Pal In Desperate Need Of Helpl

Hi Pals,

Our good Twitter pal @PepiSmartDog's mom contacted M a couple of weeks ago asking if M would set up a chip-in for @TomCatSamuari to help with moving expenses.   Pepi's mom can't do it because she lives in Australia, and the family would lose some of the money collected due to the exchange range between Australia and the US.

We agreed to do it for Pepi, and after hearing his story, for @TomcatSamuari and his family.  They clearly need the help.   
Please see Pepi's Blog for all the details.  It should answer most or all of the questions you might have as to why this chip-in is needed.   Here's the linky:
PepiSmartDog's Blog   Pepi's mom is in contact daily with TomCatSamurai.  If you still have questions, please DM @PepiSmartDog on Twitter, and she'll be happy to answer all of them for you.

The chip-in will be a temporary band aide to help them with moving expenses and necessary deposits for first/last month rent and security deposit.   There is a group of elves who are also working on ways of finding long-term help for them, such as finding an Advocate to help him try again for Social Security Disability.   His doctors have said he can't work, but Social Security denied his request.   As most of us know, usually you have to fight your way thru this in order to finally be approved.   It can take months and sometimes years.

The Chip-In widget is in the side bar of my blog.  If you can contribute, Tomcat and his family will greatly appreciate it.

Thank you,  


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Santa Paws Drive - Good News - But Help Still Needed

I just love hiding under the Christmas Tree!

Hi Pals,

I'm jumping up and down with happiness today because I read The Daily Cute's Bloggy.  You has to go over there and see the mountain of toys going to the 6 different shelters all over the world.   It's awesome and makes me feel so good to know I helped out with a couple of $$ too.

But, More help is still needed because of the number of kitties and doggies still in shelters.     The have a great raffle going and you can buy a ticket for only $1.00 - yes, that's right - just $1.00 and you'll have a chance to win one of the great donated prizes.   Or, if you have a couple of $1.00 to spare, you can still donate to the general fund, any amount you can spare, thru tomorrow, which will be used to buy toys.   The Raffle goes on for a few more days yet.   

For the benefit of new pals or blogging pals that don't know what this is all about, every year the Twitter anipals throw a fund raiser called "Santa Paws Drive" to buy toys for some anipal shelters.  This year, they are donating to 6 anipal shelters scattered all across the globe.  We were so lucky because @GreeniesBrand matched our contributions up to $1,000.  How great is that!  Thank you so much @Greeniesbrand - you are awesome.   

You can read all about it by clicking on this link:  The Daily Cute.   It's a great cause and makes you feel so good inside knowing you helped provide a Merry Christmas for some of the anipals in shelters.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hit ..... OR ...... Miss!

Hmm, so this is what a Neko Fly is!

Hi Pals,

One day while reading blogs, we saw a sale on the Neko Flies!  So, M decided to surprise me with a couple since all the other kitties seem to LOVE them. 

Get away from my backside Mr. Fly!

Stupid Pesty Fly!


Wonder if my mousie friends are out tonight!

As you can see - that new Neko Fly was not a HIT with me.  It was a MISS!  M says I'm the hardest kitty to buy toys for cuz there are so few that I like.  Give me a string any day!   


Original photo's were taken 3 days ago.  Since that time, I have taken a liking to the Neko flies and have so much fun with it.  But, that flashy box thing can't take the picture fast enough and it keeps missing the action.  Guess you'll have to imagine how much fun I'm having.


Saturday, December 3, 2011

Whew - Close Call!

Hi Pals,

A couple of weeks ago I got stuffed in this thing again and hauled off to the v.e.t.   Drats!

M was concerned cuz I was coughing and sneezing - again - even after a second round of yukki antibiotics.   Now I was only caught coughing and sneezing a couple of days out of 4 days - not bad right!!

Well, the v.e.t. lady suggested an X-Ray of my lungs to see if they were clear. They were, but when she came back in, after consulting with her partner, she said I might have an enlarged heart.   She wanted to send the X-ray to a specialist in another city.  

Yesterday she called M and said the radiologist felt my heart was not enlarged, but it was fat that was showing up on the X-ray!   CAN YOU IMAGINE - ME - FAT!!!    Of all the nerve!  I can't help it that I like to eat.   M has had me on a diet, so I'm already restricted, have my food measured, and no more open buffet!   What more do they want!

A friend suggested we do the electrocardiogram anyway.  When M talked to the v.e.t. lady today, she said we could do that, but there is nothing there to warrant one.   She said kitties with heart problems seldom cough like a doggie does.   She told the peeps to watch me and call her if I start coughing and sneezing again.  She thinking maybe Asthma.   

Whew - fortunately I haven't been caught sneezing or coughing in almost a whole week now.   I'm really going to have to hide in the closet when I feel one coming on.


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankful Thanksgiving Day Thursday Message From Robyn and Mary

Dear pals,

Mario's mom here.   As Mario would say "WOOHOO."   We not only smashed through the original goal of $500, we more than trippled it.   Now for a message from our good friend, Robyn Harton (Typist for GeorgeTheDuck).

"Sometimes it feels like words just aren't enough, like there is simply no way to express something. This is one of those times. I wish I could give you a peek into my head so you could see just how much your help means to me. Suddenly being able to pay the overdue phone bill, and other physical things like that is enormous. I hadn't realized just how much I was holding my breath to see if my entire life would crumble until I got a chance to breathe, the one you gave me.  Just as much, it made me feel loved in a time where I've been feeling very bleak about everything including myself.  Your generosity floored me completely in so many ways.  I'm blessed with more reasons to be overwhelmingly grateful for Thanksgiving than I can possibly handle in a single day. My Thanksgiving will go on far longer than that. Thank you for everything."


Mary here again - Robyn you and your family have blessed all our lives in one way or another.  I think I can speak from all who contributed, we are so happy to be able to help you in a time of need and somehow pay you back for all the many hours you have put in on so many projects to benefit our community.

Jodie - Thank you for suggesting we do this fund raiser to help Robyn.  Without you spurring me on, I probably would not have tackled it alone.  Your many tweets promoting it are so greatly appreciated.

To The Donors - My personal thank you too to all.   I've said it so many times before that I'm sounding like a broken record.  But, our anipal community in the Blog World and on Twitter are always so kind, generous and supportive in time of need.   You are the absolute best.


Mary  and Mario

My good friend @CokieTheCat has a Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.  Join now.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Help Wanted - Desperately Needed

Dear Pals,

I has a heavy heart as I dictate this bloggy post.  One of our very dear, long-time Twitter pals needs our help.  This is someone (with the help of his dear ooman, Robyn Horton)  who has devoted so much time to Pawparties, nipclub, santa’s jingle bells fund, Anipal Academy Awards, weddings, showers, and any other function you can think of that has happened on Twitter.   I’m speaking of our very own @GeorgeTheDuck and his typist Robyn.    They desperately need our help and love.

@JinJinDoggy’s human, Jodie, contacted M one day and suggested we do a fund raiser for Robyn so we could buy her a portable generator to help with her Asthma when their power goes out, which it did several times this year.   M contacted Robyn and told her what we wanted to do for her and to get her permission to go ahead with it.   That’s when M and I realized Robyn had serious $$ problems going on.  While she was appreciative of our thought of getting her a portable generator and said it would be nice and very helpful --- but, she said there were other things she needed worse – like paying for the electric/heating bill, groceries, phone bill, and medications because she fell thru the donut hole and meds now cost her full price.  (M nearly choked when she heard that cuz we know what meds cost, but are fortunate to have good insurance with no donut hole.)  Robyn told M about all her health problems, and she's on more drugs then M (and it looks like a pharmacy around here.  he he, so it must be the same at their house).

Robyn hasn’t been able to work at her jewelry business the 10+ hours a day this year as she had in the past because of her many health problems.  And with the bad economy, that's just made bad go to worse.  Thus, her income is down 70% from 2 years ago.  She is one of those people who falls thru the cracks when it comes to government assistance or state assistance.   She is very intelligent and has checked into all those things thoroughly, even getting professional help for looking into them.  It took Robyn a long time to give us permission.  Obviously she’s very proud and very embarrassed to be in this situation.  But she said she’s at the desperate point now and would welcome and appreciate any help she can get.

Accepting this help is tearing her apart as it’s the last thing she has wanted.   But Jodie and I felt that if her many Twitter pals  and blogger pals knew of her situation, they would want to try to help too, if possible.   We talked her into just an email to a few trusted pals and sent something out.  After talking with some pals, Robyn finally agreed to letting us make this public, thus I'm writing this bloggy for her in the hopes we can get her some help.

We know times are tough for lots of you, and we don't want anyone contributing that doesn't have the means to do so.  But, if you can spare a little, it would be greatly appreciated by GeorgeTheDuck and typist, Robyn.   Robyn and George have 4 kitties and you bloggers probably know them as aka HMBC (House of Mostly Black Cats). 

Robyn's Jewelry business site is:   Both JinJinDoggy and I can vouch for the quality and beauty of her jewelry as both our oomans have recently ordered pieces from her.   Christmas is coming up and they would make wonderful Christmas prezzies.   Unfortunately, I can get the link to work, but if you copy it and paste it into your Browser, you will be able to open it.   Dang blogger.   

Please pals, lets do what we can to help George and Robyn.   We are calling this Chip-in a "Gift" because Robyn has her jewelry business and if it's anything other than a gift, then it complicates things with PayPal not to mention her income taxes.   The Chipin Widget is in the right-hand side bar of this bloggy.     

If you are on Twitter and maybe can't afford any $$, you can help out by RTing the tweets calling attention to my bloggy at  or the chip in page at:

Thanks so much pals.  I know Robyn and @GeorgeTheDuck will be forever grateful.

Mario and Mary  

Thankful Thursday - - Thankful for Award

Hi Pals,

I has to apologize to all my blog pals dat I hasn't been around visiting much for 2 or 3 weeks.   We has been really busy helping out with the Annual Anipal Academy Awards, which was held this past weekend.  It was the 2nd Annual Awards and bigger than last year.  It went on Friday night, Saturday afternoon and night, and again Sunday afternoon/evening.   And, while we didn't help out nearly as much as some of my pals did, we were still kept very busy with the work we did.

I'm very thankful for winning the "Sensational Cat Award".  It's a great honor.  Humbling tho because there are lots of sensational cats on Twitter and in the Blog World.  So, I'm going to accept this award in behalf of all the kitties out there.  It was truly a great event, and I hope everyone will come next year.  he he - I hear @AutumnTheDoxie (who had the dream over a year ago for the event)  already has been thinking about next year.

On Friday night @MaggieTKat kicked off the event by hosting the Anipal Achievement Awards - giving special mention to all the DJs, Barktenders, Donors of pawpawty prizes, quizzmasters, menu planners for various #pawpawtys, and many other volunteers.   It was a great event starting out by walking the Red Carpet into the theater.   
yours's truly walking the Red Carpet.

@MaggieTkat honored 125 anipals that evening.  We were all awarded with this bootiful star for our service..
Achievement Award for Serving as Barktender at parties.

So you can see pals, I has lots to be thankful for.   It was a great weekend, but very tiring.   This little kitty could barely lift a paw by Monday morning.  I almost insisted on breakfast in bed, but M said I was a real star, but I still had to get up for breakfast.   he he

I'm going to do a second Important blog post some time later on Friday or Saturday morning, so I hope you will come back to visit me then.   

Until tomorrow pals,


I've joined CokieTheCat's Thursday Blog Hop - why don't you too.   It's easy and fun.   

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Wait Until You Hear!

Hi Pals,

This is just such an exciting day.   I've been featured in Luna's Sunday Spotlight - and I'm her first kitty friend ever to be featured.   What an honor because Luna is just the cutest, smartest little puppy you could ever want to meet.  Take a look at her eyes in her picture - don't they just make your heart melt?   

Luna lives in Australia and has two adoring daddies, whom she's starting to train, with my encouragement - of course.   (I figure a puppy can never have too much help in the proper training of their oomans.)  She's doing a good job too because she has them wrapped right around her cute little paw.

Please go over and meet Luna on her blog.  While you are at it, follow her on Twitter too.   She's a cutie.


Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween - Mario Style


All week long M has been saying "Mario, what do you want to dress up as this year?"    Geeeesh - lady!!!   I've lived here for 3 years now.  You should know by now dat I don't like to wear CLOTHES.  I'm a c.a.t.!   Got it?

So she got to work on our cheapie version of Photoshop and here's what she came up with.   

What am I?   Some kind of weird mousie Dumbo!   Thumbs down!

This looks like I've had too many niptini's at the #nipclub!  Thumbs down!

What the heck are these dangly things?  Thumbs down!

Yikes - now she thinks I'm a cowboy - err - cowcat!  Thumbs down!

Do you get the HINT lady?  Thumbs up!

Happy Halloween pals - Excuse me while I hide away in this pumpkin and watch the trick or treaters.


Friday, October 28, 2011

Thankful For Dad on Thankful Thursday

Hi Pals,

By now it's no secret dat I LOVES my Dad.   I'm so very thankful for his lap.   This is how we look every night after dinner.   We always take a nap together. You know guys - we has to nap a lot, and his lap is the bestest.

Yawn, well, excuse me pals.   Guess we'd better get back to this creative art form - NAPPING!


My buddy CokieTheCat over at    started this Thankful Thursday Bog Hop.   Go over and say Hi to him.   His ooman has a great contest going on right now and you can enter.  I'm not going to tell you want you can win - but it's a FANTASTIC prize.    Now hop on the Blog Hop.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Calling all Kitties - EXCITING NEWS!

Pet Blogs United

Hi Pals,

Such EXCITING news today.   

My good friend @Oskar and his mom over at Pet Blogs United has featured me for the whole week in their bloggy.   Isn't that great!   It's extra exciting because I "think" I'm the first kitty to be featured.   If there have been others, I apologize - maybe I missed that issue.

Pet Blogs United usually features lots of doggies, but they also will feature kitties and would like to EXPAND in that area.  I know I always thought it was for doggies, so never pursued being featured until I read where kitties were welcome too.    So go over there, say hello, and tell them you'd like to be part of their community.   Follow their bloggy so you don't miss out on all the great pals there.   You don't have to be featured if you don't want to, but if you do, tell them! 

Pet Blogs United is a great blog as they introduce new pals just getting started with blogging, old pals who have been blogging awhile that we just haven't met yet,  and is a great meeting place for all bloggers.  I've enjoyed all of their weekly featured bloggers, and I know you will too.   If you have been thinking about starting a blog, what better way to get started then with having your blog featured in one of their posts. 

If you are not a blogger, you will still enjoy following this blog because of all the interesting pals you will meet - some are on Twitter too.

I'd also like you to meet Oskar - the doggie behind Pet Blogs United.   Here's the link to his blog.  He's the cutest little schnauzer you'll ever want to meet.  M just loves him because he reminds her so much of Fritz (the doggie before my time).

Now please take a minute to go over to Pet Blogs United and say hello.

Thank you Oskar and his ooman for giving me this opportunity.  It is an honor.

Now I gotta get over to a Halloween #pawpawty on Twitter.   Come over this afternoon/evening and join us.  It's open 24 hours, has already started, and will go until 2:00 EDT tomorrow afternoon (Sunday).   

Until next time pals,


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thankful Thursday - Birthday/Gottcha Day Celebration

Hi Pals,

Do I look old to you?   I was just wondering cuz I turned 6 on Saturday.  A whole 6 years old.  M said she thought a kitty at 6 was considered a senior.  Yikes - I'm not ready for kitty Medicare yet!!

It's Thankful Thursday, so I'm very thankful that my peeps adopted me 3 years ago and gave me a good home.  I'm very thankful to my Twitter and Blog pals for the birthday wishes and for being such good friends.  It made the day special.  M was supposed to throw a pawty for me in the blog world, but she just never got to it.   Between Twitter, my bloggy, and her own bloggy she says it's a full time job that she doesn't always have the energy for. 

It was a great birthday.   First of all the @Meow_Girls surprised me by sending a package addressed to me.  Take a look - there were so many fun things in dat package:
I think I sniff nip in here!

YAY!  A nip cigar.   This one will be fun to bat around the floor too.

YUMM - Temptations and 3 more toys!
Thank you so much Penny, Tippy and oomans Kathy and Anne.   That was so very sweet and thoughtful of you and totally unexpected and unnecessary.  But I loved it.  SMOOCH  SMOOCH  SMOOCH  SMOOCH

Then my M and D got me this really cool tunnel:

As you can see, I have soooo much to be thankful for.   It all began 3 years ago when my peeps brought me to my forever home.  Now I'm on Twitter, have my own bloggy, and all these friends from all over the world.   Aren't I just the luckiest kitty in the whole world!!

If you has time, go over and take a look at M's new bloggy about Parkinson's Disease.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thankful Thursday - Goodbye Pills

Hi Pals,

Can't believe it's Fursday already and time for another blog hop on Thankfulness. 

I am so thankful dat my pills are all gone  and I've only sneezed once in 4 days.   YAY - no more pills getting shoved down my gullet by this eveil thing:

D was pretty sneaky when he gave it to me.  He'd wait until I was all nice and comfy like in the top pic, then he'd kneel down in front of my chair, trapping me in the chair with no escape route, grab my head, force my mouth open with his giant paws, and shove dat pill down so far it almost came out my "other" end.  It was shameful cuz I had no choice but to swallow it pals.  

The lady vet called M on Monday to see how I was doing.  She said that at the first sign of a sneeze, M should call her and she'd order another round of pills.  

Guess I'd better keep my paw over my nose so no one can hear me if I let one slip out!


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Daddy's Boy

Hi Pals,
I just loves early morning.  After M gives me breakfast and I patrol the patio from inside the house, I crawl back in bed and wait for D to get out of the shower.  

After he has put on some clothes, he reaches out with his big hand and starts to give me a belly rub.   ahhhhhhh!   He gives the bestest belly rubs.   (Notice the glazed eyes on the bottom photo!)

Of course I gives him lots of loud purrs as a reward.  M says I look like I'm in 7th heaven (whatever she means by dat.)  he he- she calls me daddy's boy.   I loves both of them, and I hope I never lose them as pawparents.    But I do get worried bout it sometimes.

M and D both have Parkinson's.   I don't know what that can be, I just know it's not good to have.  Anyway, M started a new bloggy about living with Parkinson's.   We're extra happy today because @Manxmnews' mom over at is the guest writer.   i hopes you'll go over and take a peek at M's bloggy and read all about @Manxmews' dad.   He has dat nasty thing too.

I've joined a blog hop.   Please join us and hop on board!