
Monday, February 13, 2012

OCD - Not!

Hi Pals,

Do you remember before Christmas when M got me the Neko flies?   Well, it's my very very favorite toy and now she's telling me I have OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder).   Geeeeesh!  Can you believe that?

M dangles the Neko Fly round and round in circles.   I have to catch it, but when I do, I drag the Neko Fly and M way down the hall and into another room.

Then when I gets to just the right spot, I drop the fly, straddle the string, wiggle my butt, hump up my back, and do more wiggling with legs spread apart.
Now M has some thoughts that aren't very nice, and I'm upset with her for even thinking what she is thinking.   Afterall, I is a "fixed" kitty and has no manly desires other than admiring the bootiful lady cats.
Dad is more reasonable.  He says I've caught my prey (mousie or birdie maybe) and must drag it to a safe place.  Then I needs to straddle it so I can get a good bitey on the throat for the final kill.
It's very important to keep my paw on the string cuz M is sneaky and likes to yank the string right out from under my paw!   Now I think it's time to move on again.

I gotta find a good place to hide this thingy so M can't find it anymore.   Who knows what she'll accuse me of next.   Just cuz I like this little fly, doesn't mean I'm obsessed with him.

Let me know if you have any ideas.

Happy Valentines Day!



  1. HAH! What a funny post. Love the picture of you waddling off with your kill. Love the last picture too. You are too funny. Happy Valentine's Day! *smooch*

  2. Our mom has to lock our Neko fly up so we can't get it and do what you do to yours, Mario!!

  3. Oh dear Mario, Iz sure you iz only thinking nice thawts. Let me tells you a sekrit tho, Rammy haz a unachural feelin fur teh fuzzy blanky. He spends a lot of time with it, thats all iz saying. MOL

  4. We think you are just doing normal kitty stuff. We drag our prey around too, and sometimes wiggle our butts. All is just good fun! Happy Valentine's day Mario! Have a fun day (and your parents too)!

  5. MOL dat last pic says it all! Love it! I stole a smoochie while I was here. *blush* Happy Valentine's Day!

  6. Who cares what you are thinking, Mario, as long as you are having fun and that Neko Fly gets killed!

  7. MOL! We thinks we'll go wif what your Dad is saying. We're sure our Mommy thinks much like yours does! Happy Valentine's Day sweet Mario!

  8. Don't worry about her Mario. She's just jealous! OCD stands for Only Cats Destroy anyway :)

  9. Mom is really having too much fun teasing you. Naughty Mom.

  10. Oh Mario, not to worry, we have a toy that we go nuts about. It is a lot like the fly deal. It is a tiny little mouse at then of a wire. Mahoney drags it all over the house. Just ignore that Mom. What does she know. MOL. Happy Valentine's day.

  11. I think your Dad is right Mario, I do the exact same happy dance with my fishy pole toy! Happy Valentine's Day!

  12. Mario, we agree wif your dad, your hunter instincts are very sharp. there's no way dat fly is going to get away, even if it's fake.

    Happy Valentine`s Day!

    hugs 'n purrs

  13. That is very interesting, what you do with your fly. Wishing you a very happy Valentine's Day and your ooomans too.

  14. FaRADaY: *wide eyed look* MOWZERS! That...that...looks almost as pawesome as a *reverent whisper* WAND Toy!!

    I gotta go get mommy's plastic momey, NOW!

  15. Oh, Mario, rilly, like you would cross the line with anudder species? I think not. Ewwwww. I think you be sitting on it so M cannot yank it away and make you catch it all ofur again. Her theory be a big cofur up, I is sure of that. Happy Valentimes Day!

  16. Oh Mario
    We are so glad you are still enjoying your Neko!!!!

    Happy Valentine's Day

  17. Ha ha ha, Mario, you look kind of obsessed with the toy! But it's boys are obsessed with their own favorite toys, too :-)
    Have a very happy Valentine's Day, Mario!!

  18. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you from all of us! Sweet kitty kisses to Mario.

  19. Oh Mario, you make us giggle! Don't worry about the OCD accusations. What's she gonna do? Give you another toy? As I see it, it's a win-win.
    ; )

    Happy VD!

  20. Oh theese one is a good one! It is awesome that you are enjoying the Neko Flies so much Mario and don't worry about them Moms they like to give us a hard time sometimes. Happy Valentine's Day Mario and Mom Mary!

  21. Everyone has their favorite pastimes. I say what goes on in the other room should stay in the other room!

    Critter Alley

  22. And me, my mommy agrees with your daddy. I'm a girl and I straddle my Neko fly and go in for the kill. xoxox

  23. awww you lub dat toy! I need to get me one, purrrrr
    I do da same fing wiff my birdie on da stick, I straddle it like a pony hee hee.
    Have fun!!

  24. You are just having fun playing! Not OCD!!! Sorry we are late but hope your Heart Day was fun.

  25. These are some great shots of you! It sounds like a great toy.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  26. Ofcourse you gotta protect your prey! We are totally on your side in this!

    Purr-purr- from Chloe and The Kitty

  27. Hahaha, you're so adorable!

    BTW, Happy Belated Valentine's day, and it's very nice to meet you :-)

  28. MOL...Mario, You rock, dude !!!

  29. Ahhhhh.... Nekko Flies They are on the favorite list over here too....

    pawhugs, Max

  30. It sure does look like fun! I wonder what makes them so pawsome?

  31. Hello Mario!

    Very pleased to meet you! :)

  32. MOL Mario! Ollie does the same thing! He gives it the chomp and drags it off (all over the house) and then meows at it.

    Ms. Stella O'Houligan

  33. Me agrees wif your Dad, Mario. Is a hunter fing!
    Mine mommy reads a book about feral cats, and they does very simular fings in the wild to eets!
    You is a big mancat, and a mancat has to do what a mancat has to do!

  34. OOOOOO :0
    Nawty thoughtz :| ::hehehehe::
    we agreez wif your dad,,,,but wundering why we haven't seen any Nekko fliez around here.... hummmmm ....we haz to ask da mom 'bout dat ^..^

    We ofur heard da mom talking to Katie'z mom las night and we heard her say how much your mom helped her in her Very Sad time :(
    We glad if we can help ,tryin to make efuryone Aware.Fankz fur da Lovely comment ^..^ :)))))) +:) And we Furry Happy to meet you Mario ^..^
    Headbonkz dude ~

  35. Hiya again, Mario!
    Not to put more pressure on you...
    but we TAGGED you today!
    ; ) Katie & Glogirly

  36. U iz soooo pawgeous Mario!
    Happy Valentine's Day,
    Isa xox


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