
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

ABC Award

Hi pals,

My good friend  @Nerissathecat presented me with the ABC award on Sunday.  Imagine my surprise because there are so many really Awesome blogs out there. in face Nerissa's blog is very awesome.  Take a peek at it once and you'll see what I mean:  Nerissa The Cat's Life

I'm supposed to come up with a word for every letter of the alphabet.  Whew - that's a tall order, but here goes:

1.  A = Alphabet
2.  B = "bad" - I'm a good kitty, not a bad one.
3.  C = "Cat", that is what I am,  I am!
4.  D = "Dog"  - I have lots of doggie friends
5.  E =  M always tells me we have to leave for the vet "early".   
6.  F = We have "fun" at our Twitter parties.
7.  G = "Good" - I'm always a good boy.
8.  H = "Happy" - I'm always in a happy mood.  
9.   I = Most of my blog posts are my "idea" - not anyone else's.   
10.  J = "Join" - I've joined groups on Twitter - like #Nipclub. etc. 
11. K = I was "kept" at the Humane society Shelter for 2 months before my peeps came to adopt me.   
12.  L = "Love" - I just love all my friends and my oomans. 
13.  M = The name I call my ooman mom - "M"!
14.  N = "Nighttime" - I love cuddling with my oomans at night.
15.  O = Sometimes M says I'm "obstinate!"  How dare she!   
16.  P = "Pan" - something M uses to put birdseed in for the squirrels outside.  
17.  Q = "quick" M is always telling me when she plays with me "Mario - get the ball = "quick!"
18,  R = "Rabbit" those cute little critters in our back yard.  
19.  S = "Sleep" - something  M says I get too much of and she doesn't get enough of.
20.  T - "TV" - I like to watch TV with my oomans as long as one of them gives me a lap.
21.  U - "Under" furniture.  When we get a bad thunder boomer, I like to hide under something so it not find me.  
22.  V = "voice" - M said I had a squeaky voice when I was first adopted,
23,  W  = "Willful"  M says I can be willful when I don't get my  own way.  he he  
24.  X = "box" - I just love to lay in boxes - doesn't everyone?  
25.  Y =  "yelp" - We have a doggy in our neighborhood who M says yelps!
16.  Z = "Zebra" a funny horsie with strips.   

Now I'm supposed to pass this on to 10 friends.   I do know many blogs very worhy of this award, but I'm only going to choose 1 simply because if I do 10 those later on the list will run out of friends to pass it to.   

i would like to present this award to TheStunningKeisha.


  1. Hey! Congrats to you Mario. Very well deserved :) Love the answers. Austin would agree with a lot of those, particularly T and W and O and and … lol

  2. Those were fun words about you. Whoa! Now I got it twice so I have to do an extra good one. My little kitty mind is already thinking.

  3. Mario, I loved this. I wish you could have found a way under M to say when you meow, my mommy goes crazy to hear it, it's so sweet.


  4. Pawsome Mario!!!!

  5. Concatulations my furriend. Oh,and by the way, box doesn't start with x. Just meowin'. Love you buddy! *smooch*

  6. WOW! You done good Mario! Congrats on that amazing award!

  7. This meme is certainly a tall order - but you came through, Mario!

  8. Congrats, Mario! You did a good job with your ABCs!

  9. Concats! We loved your answers, but we can't believe you're stubborn. Say it ain't so!

  10. Concatulations! We luf these awards. We think you did an excellent job. Thanks fur stoppin by with get well wishes fur the sick and afflicted.

    Pee Ess - last week we got to see our friend, JoRita, whom had the brain surgery for her Parkinsons. The great news is: Her hands and arms no longer shake at all. None. She is in therapy to rebuild her leg strength. Her hair has already grown back and she looks adorable. She says she'd do it again in a minute! We are so happy for her!

  11. Yous did wonderfully well with all those letters! me is impressed!

  12. Congrats on the award. They got that right. You are awesome!!!

    pawhugs, Max

  13. ConCATulations to the award !
    I agree totally with you who doesn´t love to lay in a box ??

  14. EXCELLENT answers, my friend. I LOVED them all! Thanks so much for accepting this award from me. You deserve it so very, VERY much!!!

  15. Those are such good answers. We love the way you did it. That is a lot of answers to come up with.
    We read the comment about that lady having the surgery for Parkinsons. That sounds encouraging. Can your Mom do that or is it a different Parkinsons?? Good job Mario. Have a good evening.

  16. May I call you Mr. Award ? Conactulation dude !
    Many answers, I bet after this you got more awards from mommy : ) treat !!!!

  17. Mario, I'm impressed. You know your alphabet very well!

    Critter Alley

  18. Pawsome award buddy! Well done!

  19. I loved all your words!!!
    Yes Happy is very happy in the big crate. Last night Tom got her out to give her her joint formula and she got so mad it him for taking her out-- not mad at him for giving her the formula, but mad she got haled out of her crate!!!

  20. Concatulashuns on your award! That sure do be hard one and you did a great job!

  21. congrats on your groovy award!!!!

  22. Congratulations on your award! We loved your alphabet interpretation.

    Your kind thoughts recently, following our news about BonBon crossing over Rainbow Bridge are much appreciated.
    We got to know him late in his life when he came to live with us three years ago at the age of 13. He seemed happy here and quickly became a cherished and loved family member.

    Thank you from all of us,
    Mindy, Moe, Cookie, Mike and mombean Nina

  23. Hello there Mario! Me and my human Mom wants to extend our warmest greetings to you! You are deserving for your groovy award. Your page is really pawsome.


    Dog Fence

  24. you deserve the awards. concats. it's tough to do that alphabet game thingy.

    emma and buster

  25. Congrats to you and your award! :) Wow, there's a lot of letters in the alphabet, but you done good!!

  26. Great job and concats on the award!

    Cats of wildcat woods

  27. Awesome alphabet, Mario!
    Glogirly says I'm the opposite of just about every one of your letters. ; ) hehe!

  28. Congrats on your award Mario, you did a fantastic job on it! Hey, we read about your new brother Koko, very cool!

  29. Great job on your list and award!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  30. Concats on your award Mario.You do kno just about the right amount of werds. Well done.

  31. Concatulations on the award! We love reading up on our furpals and learning new stuff about them!


Your comments are greatly appreciated.