
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Training Session I - Plastic Bag Play

Hi Pals,

When I told you a couple of weeks ago how much I love playing in and around plastic bags, I was totally blown over by the pals who said they had never played with one or did not like it.   It was then I knew I had to do a training session.  My hope is that after getting proper lessons, you will change your mind and demand more plastic bags in your house.

SUPPLIES -  1 Plastic Bag
                  1 Peacock Feather - or thin tree branch - or stick!
                  1 Human
                  1 or more cat(ls)

STEP 1 -  Safety Issue

Humans must cut off the plastic handles so we kitties don't choke as we run around the room with our head stuck in the handle, if play gets rough.

STEP 2 - Thoroughly Inspect Bag for holes.  Demand a new one if not purrfect.

STEP 3 - Have Human run stick end of feather under plastic bag, making noise with the plastic bag.

STEP 4 - Occasionally let your attention span wander to another spec of something on the floor to keep your human alert.

STEP 5 - Pounce on bag and begin to crumple it.
STEP 6 -  Pounce on bag again -  and again - and again.

STEP 7 - Have human move feather under bag while you lay on it.

STEP 8 - Play is over when you can successfully lay on half the bag while being partially covered with the other side of bag and when human's back is broken from leaning over while sitting on foot stool.

Enjoy pals -  plastic bags are just as much fun as paper grocery bags - maybe  even  more fun!


Monday, February 18, 2013

Honoring Special Friends Who Need Help

Hi Pals,

#NipClub is honoring @GerogeTheDuck and Typist, Robyn  on Tomorrow night from  6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Eastern Time.   All our twitter pals know George and Typist, and many of you bloggers know his typist, Robyn.   We  invite you to please come and join in the celebration.   George and Robyn have done so much for #nipclub, the Twitter world, and Blogosphere over the years   In fact Robyn was the leader of the Blogosphere back in the beginning days.  They are always right there to help raise money for charity and quite often lead the fund raiser.   It's time to show them how much we care!

Many of you know that Robyn has 3 sick kitties requiring lots of vet bills over the past 2 months and Sanjee, in particular, is terminally ill.   Because Robyn has  been busy nursing kitties, running to the vet, and doing what she can to take care of them, she hasn't been able to spend the time advertising her jewelry as much as she needs to.  Thus business is falling behind which equals no income either - A serious  issue with the vet bills piling up.

How can we help?    

Come to the pawty on Twitter Tuesday night.  Use the hashtag of #GeorgePawty to see everyone who is there and talk with everyone even if you don't follow them.   If you can come, please RSVP here:   It's very important to RSVP because there will be a drawing of names with two gift certificates worth $25 to Robyn's store.   In order to qualify for the drawing, you must RSVP.

If you like jewelry or need a special gift, Robyn has a great store.  M has several of her pieces and we can tell you she does quality work.  Go over and take a look at what she has for sale.  Tell your friends about it too.    

If you are not into jewelry and still want to contribute a couple of $$ to the mounting vet bills, click here for a chip in:   The chip  in explains  in more detail the health problems the kitties have had.   

If you can't do any of the above but want to offer purrs, purrayers, or positive energy to help Robyn deal with all of this, leave a message on George's blog:

I know the family will deeply appreciate any of the above.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Looking For A Valentine - Happy Anniversary M & D

Graphic by Ann Adamus at Zoolatry


Will you be MY valentine?





Happy 54th Anniversary to M & D

SMOOCH smooch

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Bag O'Cat - Almost Wordless Wednesday

Hi Pals,

I LOVE LOVE LOVE plastic bags - big, small, whatever.  Of course you humans need to cut off the handles so you don't choke on it - that wouldn't be fun and then you couldn't play in anymore plastic bags.

We've joined Blog Paws Wednesday Blog Hop this week.  


Join us on the Blog Hop - so fun and always good to meet new pals.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Mario Recommends and Saturday Blog Hop

Paintings by Lou Belcher (@MaxTheQuiltCat's mom at

Hi Pals,

Have you seen my new portrait done by Lou Belcher (@MaxTheQuiltCat's mom:  Here it is:

We are so excited about this because M said she really captured my personality too in addition to the coloring.  Just look at that fine detail!   Lou is an artist and a writer living in Florida and we've been Twitter and Blog  buddies  forever (well, okay - not forever, but at least 5 years now).

Lou started the month of January with a challenge to herself to do a painting a day of a cat.   She has now painted 31 kitties since issuing that challenge, and we are so proud of her for doing the challenge and meeting it.

Lou has decided to paint kitties again for February for anyone who wishes to buy the painting.  But, she won't be painting at the hectic pace of doing one a day.   Cat's only for now tho.  She will have a special price of $40 + shipping.  These are great 6" x 6"  x 1 1/4" canvases, without frames, as the canvas  has a wide, approximately 1 1/4" wrap on the sides, top and bottom, allowing her to paint on that 1 1/4" surface too.  Thus no frame is needed.  M says she really likes these canvasses and has a picture like that painted by D.   No frame is needed which cuts down on the expense considerably and looks lovely on the wall.

So, Mariodacat (he he - me) recommends you go over and see Max's bloggy and then visit her art gallery where she has January's portraits posted.   Tell your humans to think about getting your portrait painted.   You'll probably never see a price like this again as her time and quality of work is worth so much more than what she is charging.

Now head over to MaxTheQuiltCat's Blog then check out her gallery where she has the kitty pictures posted:  If you wish to contact Lou please do so at MaxTheQuiltCat:   Maxthequiltcat AT gmail DOT com

It's Saturday - YAY - Blog Hop Time.  Our special thanks to Two Little  Cavaliers for hosting the  blog hop this week.    Please join us and meet new friends.
