
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Training Session I - Plastic Bag Play

Hi Pals,

When I told you a couple of weeks ago how much I love playing in and around plastic bags, I was totally blown over by the pals who said they had never played with one or did not like it.   It was then I knew I had to do a training session.  My hope is that after getting proper lessons, you will change your mind and demand more plastic bags in your house.

SUPPLIES -  1 Plastic Bag
                  1 Peacock Feather - or thin tree branch - or stick!
                  1 Human
                  1 or more cat(ls)

STEP 1 -  Safety Issue

Humans must cut off the plastic handles so we kitties don't choke as we run around the room with our head stuck in the handle, if play gets rough.

STEP 2 - Thoroughly Inspect Bag for holes.  Demand a new one if not purrfect.

STEP 3 - Have Human run stick end of feather under plastic bag, making noise with the plastic bag.

STEP 4 - Occasionally let your attention span wander to another spec of something on the floor to keep your human alert.

STEP 5 - Pounce on bag and begin to crumple it.
STEP 6 -  Pounce on bag again -  and again - and again.

STEP 7 - Have human move feather under bag while you lay on it.

STEP 8 - Play is over when you can successfully lay on half the bag while being partially covered with the other side of bag and when human's back is broken from leaning over while sitting on foot stool.

Enjoy pals -  plastic bags are just as much fun as paper grocery bags - maybe  even  more fun!



  1. Oh yes Mario, those bags are so much fun and your instructions were purrfect!

  2. Oooooo...I hope this is first of many lessons from you! I bet you could teach us kitties so much =^..^=

  3. I am one of the original plastic bag players...and EATERS of plastic bags......Mom has to keep me away from them! Love, Cody

  4. Oh that was such a good lesson in plastic bags. We wrote it all down and going to get Mom going in just a minute.We like anything that crinkles. Who needs real toys when we have plastic bags and crinkle paper. Hope all of you have a Super Sunday.

  5. Maggie P., Grizelda, & Chloe Jo have a few versions of this. They aren't allowed to play with plastic, though...we don't trust them with plastic, especially Chloe Jo. Fun though!

  6. You are clearly a master at this. Mario!

    The bag itself made #1 nostalgic. That's one of her favourite stores and there aren't any in Europe...

    The Chans

  7. I love plastic bags! I love especially to crawl in them and wait for someone to pass by. Heh heh.
    I'll have to ask Mommy about Step 3. Thanks for the tutorial, Mario!


  8. Great instructions how to play with plastic bags! Glad you put safety issue as step one. Always safety first, then enjoy!

  9. Great tutorial, Mario! We will have to get the humans to help us with this! :)

  10. Brilliant pictures and brilliant gamesmanship Mario bet both your staff had sore backs after playing with you and snapping pictures of your informative instructions xxx's

  11. What a fantastic tutorial, Mario! We play a similar game with brown packing paper but now that we see what we've been missing we are gonna DEMAND an upgrade!

  12. Mario
    I think I'm gonna have to get Mom to get me some plastic bags now!

  13. I will tell you a secret, Mario - I am SCARED of plastic bags! Because once, a long time ago, I got into one that my human hadn't put into recycling yet, and the handles weren't cut out and... well, I supposed you can figure out what happened. It got stuck on my neck and I went into a panic racing around the house! It took my human a few minutes to catch me and get it off and darn her, she was LAUGHING! Idiot human. At least she was a little sympathetic afterwards.

  14. Ya see, buddy, it's the rustling I am afrighted of!! So loud for my sensitive ears. But your step by step instructions are awesome. I might try and overcome my fear. Regards, Austin >^,,^<

  15. That was quite the lesson, Mario! Thanks for that. We're not too sure about plastic bags...they're a little scary sometimes. But brown papers bags...we LOVE!

  16. You may not let me play with you...I have been known to chomp holes in plastic bags. I love them. Mom has to hide them from me.


  17. Hahaha~~
    I know!!! Plastic bag is awesome!! Thanks for let us know your steps!!

  18. Waffles Too LOVE playing with plastic bags. At least when he's preoccupied with the bags, he's not smelling my you-know-what.
    ; ) Katie

  19. I love that game only we use tissue paper instead of plastic bags since TW doesn't want holes in the plastic bags cos she uses them as garbage bags. it's a fun game. Peacock feathers are so wonderful. They have all different uses.

  20. I got no idea about how to play with those bag, but now I know : ) Thanks Mario for full tutorial. I like step 5 and 6. I think I can apply this step foe new way to wake mom up at 4 am....tee..heh..heh

  21. Mario, we are moving in! It looks like so much fun and we aren't allowed to play with plastic bags cause Oui Oui chews on them and the mom gets all hyper over it. We are so glad to be hearing from you, we hope the Dragon thingy is working ok for your mom. Purrs, sweetie!

  22. Mario, that sure looks like fun!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  23. Mario! My mom needed that tutorial! We will get started tonite!! XXXOOO

  24. ha ha MOL that is pawesome that you posted paw by paw instructions! I think Finn will be reading these. Abigail is a natural and so was Madison. But Finn, he gets confused :)
    miss you, so glad to get over here and say hi.
    Have a great week,
    Lisa, Finn and Abigail

  25. We'll have to try that game out!

    Critter Alley

  26. We have a bag that sounds plastic but it's not since our mommy is a worry wart. Your bag looks much funner!

  27. Hmm. I has always been extra suspicious of plastic bags because they make that skeery noise, but that was such an excellent lesson, I think I will have to have the Human give it a try. Thanks, Mario!

  28. I'm only allowed to play with paper bags, in case I get suffocated.
    Anyway, I came over to tell you I have nominated you for an awardie. Come and see.

    Trixie the Black Panfur

  29. I'm glad you cut the handles off! Nothing is more scary than watching a cat run all over the house with a bag stuck around his neck! I'll have to fix a bag for June Buggie!

  30. Excellent tutorial that will be very helpful to many cats I'm sure...And I love your St. Pat's header...very festive

  31. My grandkitty LOVES playing in plastic bags too. She loves grocery day :-)

  32. Yes, Mario, I was a little worn out after the Big Coronation. It was quite exhausting! My Human has not cooperated with my request for a plastic bag game. Perhaps tomorrow she says. Riiiiiiight.

  33. Mario, buddy theese is a fantastic training session and post! You done real good! I bet many a kitty will now find the fun!

  34. PAWsome instructions , Mario !
    Me I prefer paperbags :)

  35. LOL! Love it! Thank you for the step by step instructions and love the pics!

  36. Bravo!!! What an informative video - you have provided an educational service to kitties worldwide!! We especially appreciate you warning the humans to cut the handles off... very important!! Purrs from Zee and Zoey

  37. Great tips. My cats love to play in them but my little one did accidentally get caught up in one when he was a kitten. It was very scary.

  38. We love bags here too Mario. Dad just got some of those new forever grocery bags to save plastic. Wowzer Meowzer are they fun to play in! They stay open so you can zip in and out. Rumpy got the handle caught on his big butt and it followed him around till Dad took it off. What a hoot.

  39. Mieow Mario, we thinkz that waz a furry good tutorial ^.,^ we get boxez & paper bagz, hazn't had plastic yet........ we haz to ask da mom about dat one ^..^ Sure lookz like fun! ♥xoxo♥

  40. You is such a good teacher, Mario! We hope to learn more fun things from you :)


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