
Thursday, June 27, 2013

I Finally Have A Job - Thankful Thursday

Hi Pals,

I'm so thankful that I finally have a job.   If you all remember when I had my toothies pulled (4 years ago) and it cost so many $$, M &  D told me if they ran out of money in their  retirement, I'd have to support them.   Well, I finally found work.

I am so thankful for my puzzle box cuz then I get M's undivided attention while she makes me work for a treat.   She puts a Greenie in one of the holes of the box and I have to fish it out in order to get paid my treat.    This is not easy because the greenie treat is rather small and gets hung up on the inside right where you pull it out on the side.   She really makes me work hard too. Sometimes I have to try 5 or 6 times.

I can feel it I think!

YAY - Success

Now she's thinking up a new game for me to try.  Stay tuned for that one. This working for a living sure isn't easy.   But  at least I have a job now and I'm thankful for that!

Oh, M updated her bloggy - if you are interested.  "Essential Tremors versus  Parkinson's Symptoms."

This is a Blog Hop started by   It's easy and fun - so join us.


  1. Mario, that looks like such a fun job to have. Hope the Mom puts lots of treats in there for you to work to get. Good for you have a real job. Take care.

  2. Looks like you're working hard over there. Have a great day.

    hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

  3. I have that same puzzle maze! Isn't it fun?

  4. Oh how great is that! You are working very hard, Mario and it looks such a fun job. Would you hite me as your assistant?

  5. A job where you get paid immediately is rather interesting. Especially if payment is in the form of a yummy treat!

  6. I love your job Mario...and I can you will be able to support them in the style to which they have become accustomed. xxooxx

  7. Good job, dude! That looks like a tough job, but you are handling it well!!



  8. Since you get paid in Greenies, is this what you are giving back to your humans' retirement fund?

  9. Hello Mario. Dat is such a good game. I wish I had a treat generating game. Thank you for hopping over to visit me today.
    Stay cool,

  10. I can tell that you are very happy with your line of work Mario!!!

  11. Oh Mario we love the green/yellow (packer, perhaps) color scheme. Way to go on earning $$$! (treats=$$$)

  12. Hope you joined the union, Mario! Ya know just in case they downgrade the treats or something!! mol Looks pretty cool though :)

  13. Now that's the kinda job I could do. Are there any other openings at that firm?

  14. Whoa Mario?! I am in deep trouble if I have to earn my upkeep and noms by searching for treats...I don't care about them...ummmm...maybe there is something wrong with my sniffer system???...must have it checked out...good luck with the work, paw pats, Savannah

  15. Hey Dude, you sure wurkin furry hard, but it lookz like it sure payz off! ^.,^ but we mus say.... you settin bad example, now da mom iz gonna think we needz to work fur owr keep ^..^

    *swishing tailz in frunt ov mom'z eyez*


  16. Excellent work! Did this require a Catuate degree? BearHUG!

  17. Our mom did the same thing with our puzzle box. It's hard work finding those treats!!

  18. Whoa! They put you to work for a few treats? I gotta have TW talk to M.

  19. You're a hard workin' fella, Mister Mario. You know what you need? You need a supervisor. I think I'd be a good supervisor, and you'd only need to pay me 3 out of every 5 treats... an excellent deal!

  20. Do you need a helper ? A team ?
    Call me my friend ; )
    Love to join

  21. WTG getting a job Mario...I know you're doing your very best work for those treats!

  22. We think that's a pawesome job! We're not surprised you're so good at it too!

  23. Oh Mario that is wonderful that you have a job!!! Good for you!!
    All cats should have a job like you!!!! Smart!!

  24. That's a great job, Mario! And you are so good at it! :)

  25. That's a GREAT job, Mario!!!
    You know...Glogirly is looking for a job. Maybe she ought to learn how to play with one of those things.
    ; ) Katie

  26. Your M sure is smart - what a great idea! Now our M is thinking of putting us to work... Purrs from the Zee and Zoey gang!

  27. That looks like it might just be the BESTEST JOB EVER!

    Sure do hope you'll get a chance to come on over to Nerissa's Life for a visit. There's a special little somethin' waitin' for you over there.


  28. We must be lazy but we never got the hang of the puzzle box - even for treats.

    cats of wildcat woods

  29. That treat puzzle seams to be a fun job to empty :)

  30. I think if you try 5 or 6 times, you should get 5 or 6 treats!

  31. Well if you gotta have one of them J-O-B's then I think yours isn't a bad one to have! Hope you have a wonderful week buddy!

  32. I KNOW a guy could like STARVE after emptying his tum out like that. Yes, I am happy to report I *DID* get another breakfast. The staff may not be perfect, but she does not want me to get all fainty from hunger!

  33. Mario we hope you take your job seriously, you sure look like your doing a great job! hehehe


  34. Excellent werk Mario my pal....yoo is keepin dem good for they branes

  35. Hey, terrific job, Mario! Love that puzzle box.

  36. What a great job, Mario! And you hit pay dirt when you finally snag that treat. Oui Oui enjoys her job too. She inspects all boxes for safety and jinxes then tests their durability with her might claws.

  37. Hi, Mario!

    Our Human says maybe She'll look out for a puzzle box like this, to keep Us busy and out of mischief (mol).

    Enjoy your weekend!

    Trixie and Caspurr

  38. I need to put mine to work!!!
    Thanks for your visit!!! yes my wedding dress came from a second hand store and didn't cost a lot of money!!!

  39. Treat supply job still workin' out? Sure do hope so. Sounds like a great job.


  40. Hello there Mario buddy! Thanks so much for helping me celebrate my Birthday!

  41. Hi Buddy! Thanks for coming to visit me ;-) You still working on those treats over there???

  42. congrats on your job... it sounds like a tough one, but someones got to do it!

  43. Hey ho! Just checkin' in to see if you managed to score any more of those treats!


  44. Hi Mario, nice to meet you! Work is good, but so is rest! Me-Ommmmm

  45. Hi Buddy! Thanks for coming to visit today. Hope all is well in Mario Land. Are you still enjoying your treat game?


Your comments are greatly appreciated.