
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Going To Werk At My New Job

Hi Pals,

A couple of weeks ago I told you about my new werk with the puzzle box. Well, now I have a new job and because I took on added responsibility, I got an increase in pay - 2 more treats!.

This is a new game M invented (or maybe I should say tried to invent - it's a dumb game if you ask me).    

See those two caps?  Well, she puts this tiny treat:

If you can call that a treat - you can barely taste it because it's so small.  But it  sure is good and I like it.  Anyway, she puts that tiny treat under one of those white caps.   Then she tells me to "Watch Mario" as she moves those white caps around to trick me.

Hmmnm, I think it's in this one maybe.  
"Success!   YUMMMMMM!"
Sometimes M says I don't pay attention and just don't "get it" because I turn my head  and look at the wall or something.  She even told D my elevator doesn't always go to the top floor".   Whatever that means I'm not sure, but I'm guessing it's not  something nice. 
"My elevator works just fine lady - your  elevator is the one not working.  This is  really a dumb game and I just don't feel like doing it now!  When will you ever catch on?"
Do any of you have a job?

I've joined the Pet Bloggers Blog Hop:


  1. Mario I don't know a single kitty that likes elevators anyway. I think you did great at that game.

  2. We agree wif Abby. Seriouslies, we have FOUR legs, and we ALWAYS beat the humans up the stairs.

    But we'd be okay with a game that gave us noms. Until we got tired of it!

  3. Mario, I stand by mine and mom's claim that you are smart as a whip! Your e,elevator does too go all the way to the top! Tell M to cool her jets!

  4. I don't have an elevator but the peeps use one so I guess theirs don't go up to the top floor. You're smart as anything in my book. I hope she doesn't put meds in those cups if you ever needed any.

  5. My human wants to try this with Binga! I bet she would be good at it too.

  6. You make it look like fun, Mario!

    We think Princeton would just steal the bottle tops and run off with them. MOL!

    Happy Sunday! XOXO

  7. Oh dear. We think we heard Mommy mumbling about US needing to work. Eeek.

  8. You sem to be pretty good at your job, Mario!

    Most of us supervise, The Beebs keeps #1 cozy in bed at night, and Genji gives cuddles!

    The Chans

  9. Mom just doesn't realize how smart you are. Too smart to play silly games.

  10. Haha the game looks quite fun to me! I did play the game like this with my boys. I put treat in one of my hands and let them decide which hand has the treat. They didn't play and got treat anyway.

  11. OMC Mario you made me laugh! I am with you pal! Mom tried that same trick with me some time ago and my "elevator" must not go to the top either because I was less than thrilled. I was thinking "JUST GIVE ME THE DARNED TREAT LADY AND CUT THE CRAP!!!" MOL!
    Love, Cody

  12. Poor guy. Mom is expecting you to work?! There must be laws about that! ~xo~

  13. Your Mom's take on the shell game is terrible...there should be THREE caps, and a treat under each one!

  14. this is just so not right ... she makes you work for your treats? But they are a right for all anipals? MOL at elevator ... tell her you take the stairs darling Mario xxx's

  15. You have an elevator at your house? We just have stairs...


  16. Mario, we think your elevator is just dandy. Who wants to work so hard for a treat. But you did a couple of times, so that is good. Hope all of you have a great evening.

  17. Shhh, don't let our Servant get the idea that cats work! But hey, can we share your treats???

  18. We think your mom does that game wrong, Mario. She is supposed to put a treat under BOTH caps. Just saying!

  19. Aw that looks like a cute game! Shiner got a new game recently. I pour food into this toy and she has to figure out how to get it out. I don't think she really likes that lol

  20. You haz da biggest brane I ever did see my pal....

  21. That sure looks tricky, gotta work for those treats. Must keep you busy Mario!

  22. What *IS* that tiny little thing?? Sheesh--you're a ManCat & you need ManCatly treats!! Also, I think that game she's playing with you? We think it's a version of something called a Three Card Monty Scam and we think M could get herself arrested. So she should watch it. She should also give you all the treats you want so you don't call the Vice Squad on her.

  23. Oh wow, we just realized our puzzle box has been away fer MONTS! We gotta have that back.

  24. My mom alway´s make me work for the treats too !
    Yesterday she tryed to get me to go slalom between bottles *rolling my eyes*

  25. Oh, Mario, your mom is just exercising your brain! If you get foods for it, that is ok.

  26. Hey Mario, if it involves treats we're all over it, even if the game is dumb and the treat is itty-bitty. Got to get those good noms wherever you can. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo.

  27. Well Mario, my Sister Gracie would sure like to give that a go! Have fun pal!

  28. Hi Mario! At least you get treats--holy moly, at my house they can expire before my mom remembers to bring them out!

  29. We think that your elevator is working just purr-fectly, buddy! So glad to see that you got to go outside finally (maybe those hots let up a bit, we hope). Have a wonderful week! PS: My job is keeping my Human in line.

  30. Now see, they're all about hiding our food, but watch how upset they get when they find out we've been hiding our poo for them to find!

  31. Mario, you did GREAT!!!
    Those elevators are way overrated.
    Katie & Glogirly

  32. Hey Buddy! What's up? She still making you WORK for your treats?? You need to go on strike for shorter hours.

  33. We have to agree with Spitty. Work for your treats?? Who ever heard of that. You need to get that Mom trained a little better.
    By the way, tell the Mom that our Person says it is time to go dancing. LOL.

  34. You are such a smart boy! No wonder I love to date you at Nipclub.

  35. What silly elevator she has anymeow!
    My job is to keep all the catnip Kliban kitties well licked. I have to check them daily and get to it.
    Thanks fur asking


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