
Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Newest Bright Star In The Heavens

Hi Pals,

Monday, August 12th, the blogosphere and Twitter had to say good bye to another beautiful Tuxie girl - Abby of  @Manxnmews.   It has taken M and me this long to try to write this because our hearts are still heavy.   

Such a beautiful girl who was the love of her human mom and dad.  Every now and then that special kitty comes along.  I think some people call them your "heart" kitty.   Abby was that to her mom especially.  M and D say that about me too.   M says it's extra hard to say good bye under those circumstances.

Abby sweetie - we all loved you so much,  and you will always be remembered.  I will especially remember when you and I attended a couple of parties on Twitter.  In fact, M still has a copy of the dress she designed for you.  How stunning you looked, but then you were just plain stunning anyway even in your beautiful furs.

Fly high and free sweetie and know you were dearly loved by all who knew you.

Big  Mario SMOOCH!

If you haven't left your condolences to Abbey's humans yet, you may do so here:  I know they deeply appreciate each and every comment.


  1. What a wonderful tribute to Abby. There was a bunch of love between Abby and her Mom. She was a wonderful cat and it is soooooooo sad that she had to leave. Mario, we hope you and your family have wonderful day. Take care.

  2. Mario, this is a lovely post about Abby. She was so well loved. We are glad, though, that she is now free of her illnesses. And that she was with her Mom when she left for the Rainbow Bridge.

  3. What a lovely tribute you have made for Abby <3

  4. Thank you Mario. Thank you so much.

  5. Mario and Mom
    thank you for the beautiful posting for my girl. You may know she made her final trip home yesterday and it was another sad day here in the ManxMnews house. All the days have been a bit sadder since Abby flew away to the Bridge. I now know (in my head) that Abby is free of illness and that she has been restored to her youthful vim and vigor. She was always beautiful. My heart aches to hold her again, and one day I shall. One day...thank you again my dear friends.


  6. Such a lovely and beautiful tribute for our dear furriend, Abby. Thank you, Mario.

  7. Yes, this is so furry sad, efury time we read about Sweet Abby we get all leaky eyed ^..^

    ♥♥~ What a Beautiful Tribute ~ ♥♥

    So furry sweet ov you Mario ♥xo♥

  8. What a beautiful tribute, Mario. It's been very hard for us to even visit the blog. Abby sure had lots of furriends that loved her.

    Happy Thursday. XOXOXO

  9. This is a beautiful tribute. It made me cry. Hugs to Abby's family, and yours my friend. ~xo~

  10. What a nice tribute to a very special girl, Mario.

  11. That was a beautiful tribute to Abby. We will miss her very much.

  12. What a nice heartfelt tribute to Abby. She will be missed.

  13. Those are wonderful words, Mario. Abby is much loved by many. Thanks for sharing this.

  14. That is a lovely tribute, Mario!! xx

  15. We are sad beyond words. Run free sweet Abby, we will love you forever.

  16. Oh no, we are so sorry. How sad but what a wonderful post to honor Abby.

  17. Beautiful post. We are sending purrrrs to her family.

    Have a great day.

    hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

  18. That's a beautiful tribute to our dear departed friend Abby. We will miss and love her always.

  19. Such a lovely tribute to beautiful Abby. We have constant leaky eyes every time we visit her heartbroken Mom, but we think we can help just by letting her know we care

  20. It can take time to get thoughts together on such a loss. We unnerstand. We wish Abby very much.

  21. Beautiful words for a beautiful angel. Purrs...

  22. Oh Mario we loved dear Abby too. Her Mom is very sad and we go over and purr to her so she knows we all love her very much.
    You are a good kitty Mario

  23. We met Abby late in her life, but love her nontheless. Her passing was sad day for all of us.


  24. Abby was a fine LadyCat in every way, and we will miss her. We know this has been so very hard for her Mom especially. We think that Boo and Ping and Jinx and Gracie have a really big job to do taking care of their pawrents for the next while. It's a good thing there are four of them, cause it's gonna take a LOT of purrs, but I think Abby will send some love down to help them, too.

  25. We know it's going to take a while for Abby's mom to work through the pain of Abby's loss - it hurts us to think of her hurting....

  26. How nice of you to post about Abby! She was one of our first and most loyal friends and we felt like we lost a family member. We are purring for her mom and dad, and all her loved ones, because we know how much she meant to them.

  27. Beautiful post for Abby, Mario. We will miss her so much and we are very sad for her Momma.

  28. Hi Mario my buddy! Hope you had a terrific Easy Sunday!

  29. we luff dear abby too and we were so sad when she left for the bridge.

    emma and buster

  30. Abby was beautiful in so many ways. Now, she will be one of the most beautiful angels up in Heaven, shining down upon us all. When I look up at the evenin' sky, I will think of her always.


  31. sorry to be reedin bowt you pal Mario my chum...and so sorry to be so long gettin ere to see da news...

  32. Isn't it awful? We're so sorry for those left behind.


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