
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thankful Thursday Bog Hop and #HillsPet Followup

Hi Pals,

Don't I  look thinner to you?   I have lost 1.4 pounds on the Hill's Prescription Metabolic Advanced Weight Loss Solution formula food.    I'm so thankful M put me on it because it didn't work for us to  simply feed me less.   Anyway, I thought it was time for me to show off my new body - the new slimmer Mario! Hills had sent me a package containing the items in the picture as a thank you for helping with their Awareness Campaign - and help  get the word out there.

The Give-away mentioned in my last post ends Monday, April 14th.   Hills was kind enough to grant an extension to the deadline date for the giveaway to those of us who were assigned the later dates in March - My original post was on March 28, 2014.  

Just scroll down and read the directions in my last blog post.   Be sure to give us your email address  so we can contact you.  Remember, your veterinarian will have to give his/her approval as this is a prescription diet.   Only 5 days left to take advantage of this $70 value in prescription diet food. 

If your vet does not carry this food and you live in the Green Bay, WI area, you can contact my vet  as they have it.  Click here 

I'm thankful that my vet lady suggested this program to me because I feel so much better.  I can really do the zoomies now and do - sometimes two times a day.   I for sure have more energy.

Now join @PepiSmartDog's Blog Hop. 



  1. Oh Mario, good for you to lose that weight. Good job. That is a great deal, that giveaway. Hope all of you have a wonderful day.

  2. Mario we think you look fabulous, but we always have. We are also glad you are just plain feeling better.

  3. I'm thankful that the food has helped you so much. I'm also thankful I don't need diet food. MOL I zoom plenty, especially when I chase EK around the house!

    Love you pal!

  4. Mario, you handsome mancat about town, you look dashing and handsome and slimmer indeed. Be still my little Katie heart.

  5. Looking good, little buddy! M did the right thing to involve your vet. Sometimes we need help to get healthier. Hugs to both of you!

  6. Circle is too heavy now and she is our cat that we adopted after Happy left us!! Circle is only going to be 2 years old in May!! She is a lover of food!!! She loves almost everything that you can eat!!! People food included! Every treat she ever met!!
    She just LOVES FOOD!!!
    Food is love to her!!
    Our Email address is
    We need to get her a coulpe of lbs lighter. The last time she was weighted she was 17 lbs but she probably weights more now! Thank you Mario for doing this!!

  7. That is wonderful news, Mario! Zoomies are so much fun. Shall we arrange a playdate? :)

  8. Good for you Mario! Losing weight sure isn't easy!

  9. You look marvelous Mario! Even more handsome! We're so glad the change in diet worked well for you! {{hugs}}

  10. Mario, you look very princely since you have slimmed down. Keep up the good work!! xx

  11. 1.4 pounds? MOUSES! That's ten percent of my weight. Yup, I weigh fourteen pounds or so. Doctor says I'm good for my length but the peep sometimes worries I'm too thin. What do you think?


  12. Circle--- cat
    age --- 1 year and 11 months old
    she weights 17 lbs last time.

    M. hubby just called and I was telling him about it and he said he wanted to study more about it and I will let you know OK.
    Thanks Mary so much!!!

  13. You look wonderful, Mario! Even though there’s less of you, I love you more than ever! xoxoxo

  14. Gosh, Mario, why'd you have to mention 'diet'? You do look great, but I don't think I want my mom getting any MORE ideas!

  15. That is really great that this food is working out for you Mario!

  16. You look fabulous, Mario!

    That bag looks like it's pretty fabulous, too. Do you think we could teleport over and play in it??? MOL!


  17. It's really great the diet has helped you and you are feeling much better :-)

  18. Good job, Mario. That is a significant weight loss. We are so proud of you! Enjoy your extra energy and zooming around the house. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  19. Congratulations on your weight loss, Mario!!!! That's so wonderful : ) We're especially happy you feel better.
    : )

  20. I would love to call you M. if you would like ne to call you email me your #. We need to talk!

  21. Great that your vet suggested that food , Mario !
    You sure look GREAT and slimmer !


  22. Way to go buddy, congrats and lookin' good!

  23. PepiSmartDog: Mario you look like a supermodel!
    You sure are a lucky guy to get all that food. MMMmmm!
    Thank you for joining our Thankful Thursday Weekly Blog Hop again. Really appreciate your support and always enjoy visiting your beautiful site. :=o)

  24. Yikes....I see yoo has dun 4 blogs since I woz last ere Mario my pal...sorree I not been more tentiv....yoo is lookin very fine bein all fin an dat my pal....dont get too fin impawtunt keeping up da eetin


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