
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Thankful For Our Special Visitors - Blog Hop

Left to Right - D and M, Sylvia, Carol, Nancy, Lisa

Hi Pals,

A couple of weeks ago, we had a special treat.   Another human of one of our special Twitter pals visited our state, and we had a chance to meet Nancy (@Bea_Bells).

Nancy was in Madison attending a conference.   We were fortunate in that she was able to break away from her conference the day before she was to leave to go back home.   Another good Twitter friend (Lisa - human of another doggie pal - @BigBoyBosco) volunteered to go meet Nancy in Madison and drive her to Oshkosh, WI where we were able to do a small anipal meet up.  Carol (@Fergusthedog's mom) drove to Oshkosh from Madison too.   Then, Sylvia (Bode's human - @4CatsStrapkie drove to our house, and she rode to Oshkosh with M & D).   It was great - or so I hear.  M told me all about it, and I was wishing I could have gone too.  Can you believe M didn't even take @Mariodacat2 with her -  the stuffie that is supposed to travel in my place when I can't go.  Hissss.  It's going to be a long time before I forgive M for that one.   She claims she didn't want to carry anything except a purse as she was using her cane instead of her walker because the restaurant was going to be so busy. Likely excuse!

Anyway, we are so thankful that we were able to get together to meet Nancy while she was in our state.  And, of course it's always fun to get together with our other anipal humans too.  We always say that anipal people are the bestest! 

Now, who wants to visit our state next so we can do another anipal meetup?   They are so fun, and we are thankful we could do one again this year.  Maybe even one of our good blogging pals would be visiting our state?  Just let us know - we'd love to meet you.

Thanks to PepiSmartDog's human again for hosting this Blog Hop.  Take a minute to read her blog as she's posted another great Kangaroo video and dog rescue stories..  



  1. Wow, that sure sounds like such a fun day seeing all your twitter friends. It is always great to meet people like that in person. Take care.

  2. Last night Mom was looking for anyone here in the Philippines who blogs about their cats too. There's none! If you happen to know any cat blog here in the Philippines, please let us know. Would love to meet and greet too.

  3. That's so nice to be able to have a meeting! I would love that one day too.

  4. That had to be so much fun and we always enjoy meeting our pals in the furs!

  5. This is wonderful! I am sure a great time was had by all! Maybe someday I will get up there and we could do lunch. Hug.

  6. I think that is wonderful. TW would LOVE to meet your M and D but she doesn’t fly or drive. MOL! She doesn’t think she could walk there. She’d love to see Carol again and meet @Bea_Bells Mom. At the last Blogpaws she was at, she hardly got to see Carol.

  7. Wow that sounds wonderful! So many of you got to meet together. What a fun! I hope your M will take Mariodacat2 next time :-)

  8. How awesome that you got to have a blogger get-together!

  9. I would so love to meet up. I wish it were not o far away. I love all the Pals. xxoox

  10. meeting our furiends in pawson is always such a special treat! How lucky you are!!!! Hoping one day I pass through your state so I can FINALLY meet all of you! xoxo

  11. Oh Mario that sounds like such fun! We visited your state once many many moons ago and we thought is was so beautiful.

  12. It's always so much fun to meet other blogger and twitter fureinds!

  13. She didn't take your plushy with her? MOUSES!

    Maybe your mum needs a bigger purse. Plush Nissy fits right into Peep #1's purse provided that she takes out all the stupid stuff she 'stores' in there and doesn't need. Hmmm... Maybe MY peep needs a bigger purse, too. Again I say... MOUSES!

    Nissy #Niss4Senate - tell the PM, today

  14. That is SO cool! How fun to meet your bloggie pals in person!

  15. What fun. We've never met a real live pet blogger before. That would be so neat.

  16. You lives in Whiskerconsin??? The Human has a TON a family in Milwaukee! She has not been back there in about 15 years but she loves it there (well, the snow's a BIT much for her!) We are happy your Mom and Dad had a fun meet-up! Tomorrow the Human is going for a little BBQ at the house of Savannah and Sage and their Humans and she thinks another blog-furiend might be there too! It is really fun to meet other bloggers she says--*I* wouldn't know since *I* don't get to go. Pffft. I could totally behave myself! (Well, maybe not totally.)

  17. Wowza this sounded like M had a great time! Purrs & Headbonks!

  18. How nice! Our mom loves meeting her online friends too. We are glad you had such a nice time!

  19. Oh so fun!!! I would love to meet you and D and Mario, but sadly we NEVER never go any where!!! Most of
    the time we can not afford to stay here let alone go any where!!! Money there is never enough. This poor house needs so many things replaced or fixed or painted!!!!
    Thank you so much for your visit!

  20. Sounds like your M and D had a grreat day !
    Meeting cyber furineds IRL are very FUN say´s my mom-person too :)


  21. PepiSmartDog - I am so envious the way you get to meet pals.
    Looks like you had the best day!!!
    Thank you for sharing with us.
    Thank you for joining our Thankful Thursday Weekly Blog Hop.
    Big apologies for being late with my comments - I'm late to everyone's blog. *blushes*
    Always love your posts and appreciate your support. *fury hugs*

  22. PepiSmartDog - I am so envious the way you get to meet pals.
    Looks like you had the best day!!!
    Thank you for sharing with us.
    Thank you for joining our Thankful Thursday Weekly Blog Hop.
    Big apologies for being late with my comments - I'm late to everyone's blog. *blushes*
    Always love your posts and appreciate your support. *fury hugs*


Your comments are greatly appreciated.