
Monday, October 13, 2014

YIKES! It Can't Be Possible!

Hi Pals,

We can't believe that I'm going to be 9 years old already.  M has had leaky eyes just thinking about it cuz she says I'm getting old and she not like that!    Pffft - I say I'm in the prime of my life.   I do worry tho that I'm getting grey.   You know how the humans are with worrying about grey hair, well I know that means old age!   Take a look at the following picture and tell me what you think.

See all that grey?  Maybe I should have a fur touch up?   What do you think?  Do you have any grey hair? 

Be sure to come on Wednesday for my birthday pawty!  Stop by my blog any time - there will be lots of food, drinks, and maybe games to play.   

Old Man Mario is signing off for today,

See you Wednesday,



  1. Ya should see my 12 year old pup friend - she's all white! Ok, she started off white, but still.

  2. Mario, black, gray or white we think you are simply gorgeous!

  3. No way is 9 years old... um, old. 9 isn't like, elevenity billion, ya know! And grey? Sexy! Wishing you a pre-birthday Happy Birthday! Purrs...

  4. Can´t beleive that you are going to be 9 years old , Mario !!
    Sure will be back on your party on wednesday :)


  5. Can´t beleive that you are going to be 9 years old , Mario !!
    Sure will be back on your party on wednesday :)


  6. I don't think you're going grey. It just looks that way cuz the white furs are lying on the black furs. It's an optical illusion. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. MOL *hugs*

  7. We think you are in your prime too! We'll be sure to come to your party!

  8. Oh Mario, you look like a youngun to us. We sure don't see any gray hairs. We will certainly be back for the big birthday party. We can't wait. Have a good evening.

  9. Whoa! You and me both only my gray furs are turning white!! GASP! I wouldn’t miss your pawty.

  10. You're a young man cat, Mario! I'm going to be 18 in a couple of weeks and that's OLD. I think our Ms and Ds always worry about us. Truth is, they want us to stay with them always, forever young!

    Your friend, Nik

  11. That is an achievement Mario!! I am soon catching you up, buddy. Will definitely come by to toast the birthday boy :) xx

  12. I am turning WHITE in spots and I'm 11. This happening to Elliott too and he's only 5! But fear not, Mario! We blame our color change on Caroline, not age!

  13. You are going to be 9 years young! Don't worry, you look fantastic with any color of fur :-)

  14. You're not old, Mario! Not at all! Y'know, I turned 11 and the mom can't believe that I'm that old. Where did the time go?? ~Wally

  15. Mario, you look great! We're all in double digits here, and we say you've got lots more years of living left. :)

  16. Mario, you're not getting old, you're still a young adult kitty. Looks like you're going to have a great party.
    My 10th birthday is on Thursday, and yes my black hair has lots of gray in it.

  17. It's not gray, it's CHROME. Or so Mommy says!

  18. You're just in the age of wisdom, Mario ! See you on Wednesday ! Purrs

  19. My Mom gets all weepy too....I am 7 and she can't believe it! Love, Cody

  20. Oh Mario yous not old. And me dusn't see any gway eevew. Sis Lexi turned 15 this year and hers is still as feisty as any kitten. Yous got a long way to go afur yous old.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  21. Happy Birfday Precius Many more. You are so loved. xxoooxxx

  22. Mebbe yer Mom could help you apply some of that Hair Color For Men stuff?

  23. We can't wait for your pawty!!! And by the way, you look very handsome. Gray hair makes you distinguished!

  24. Nine is just a young fella. Don't let anybody tell you you are OLD! Grey fur...what grey fur? We don't see any grey fur. Hope we remember to come back tomorrow. Happy Birthday now just in case we don't make it. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  25. Mario, you are a handsome guy. Age is just a number. Let's celebrate YOU! ~xoxo~

  26. Dang Mario, we will be by tomorrow to help you celebrate!

  27. just stopping by to say hello. pm neora and sas ringo

  28. Happy Birthday, Mario!!!
    You know... I turned 9 this year too!
    The only grey hairs I have are from Waffles.
    ; )

    We hope your birthday is a special as you.

  29. Mario, ALL of my furs are gray, MOL! I think you still look quite handsome!


  30. Oh Mario, I has all kinds of gray furs, us blondes just hide it better. Then again, seeing as I is a sable color, I has always had gray furs so what be a few more? OK fine A LOT more!

  31. Mario, we kitties are get better grey ;)
    We looks young forever and no wrinkle !
    Buddy, it's Only more charming and sweet ;)


  32. OMC I guess better late than never. Phhttt! sorry I missed your catastic b-day and pawty. You look bootiful,kittehs are lucky they don't dye their furs. MOL <3 much love to you Mario purrrrrrrrrr

  33. A very late appy burfdee from uz all at BT HQ Mario may pal...yoo lookin furry distingwish my ansome chum


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