
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Happy Sunday, Happy Spring

Happy Sunday and Happy Spring Pals,

I am getting so excited because pretty  soon I should be able to convince M and  D to take me outside on my harness and leash.   I keep asking now and then, but M always says "It's too cold Mario."  Well!  I have a coat of fur on, so it isn't too cold for me?  She always says "one day soon Mario.  Just have patience."  Sigh!   I'm tired of "have patience."  

I might as well get my easy on while on one of my window perches!   I like "Easy Sunday's" so much that I asked M to help me with an "Easy Sunday selfie."   

Giulietta over at is hosting the Selfie Blog Hop this week. Go on over there and join it - it's fun and you'll meet lots of nice new pals.  

Excuse me now pals, but I need a nap!   zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



  1. Oh Mario, that's a great selfie! I hope you get to have an out n' about soon!

  2. Just who is this "patience" person? We hear about him/her all the time when it comes to feeding us at dinner time! Purrs from Deb and the Zee and Zoey gang!

  3. Great selfie! I hope you get to go out for a walk soon.

  4. Mario, you look SO luscious and soft and just so handsome there. *swoooooon*

  5. Mario, that is one terrific selfie. Spring needs to hurry up and get up there. We are sending some nice warm Sun. Take care.

  6. Hang in there pal! The weather is getting better and better and I am sure you will be able to go out regularly in no time! Love, Cody

  7. Mario
    We hope that day that's called "SOON" will arrive so you can get some good whiffies. MOL

    Great selfie!!

  8. Nice selfie, Mario! And don't worry ... we hear spring is coming soon!

  9. Happy Spring, Mario. You cutie, you. ~xo~

  10. That's a precious Selfie, Mario :) Pawkisses for an Easy Sunday :) <3

  11. Great selfie, Mario! Don't worry, you'll get outside soon enough.

  12. Giulietta says,"Thanks for the smooch, Mario. I am only blushing a little. And thanks for mentioning me here." You are quite handsome in your selfing. All the girls here (including Mom) think so. Thanks for continuing to join and support our blog hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  13. We hope you do get outside soon Mario and that Spring arrives with great weather for you. That is a fantastic selfie, buddy. Have a great week!

  14. Mario, you look so sweet in your selfie! We bet it's a bit too cold out for you just now but soon sweetie! Soon :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  15. Mario, that is a gorgeous selfie. You have wonderful green eyes! We think an "Easy Selfie" is the best. We sure hope you get that fresh air soon!

  16. Very cute selfie ! We hope you can go outside soon ! Purrs

  17. That is a lovely selfie. I can go out in the garden whenever I like, but I'd rather stay by the fire when it is cold.

  18. Gweat foto Mario. Yous lookin' quite handsum. Hope it warms up fur ya' soon. Weez spectin' sum days in da low 70's this week and we hope to go out in ow stwoller too. Weez hav on ow hawnesses, mommy just dusn't like us walkin' in da germ infested gwound. MOL She's such a girly girl. Hav a blest day.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  19. Happy Easy Sunday, Mario! You are one good looking Tuxie! Great photo for today's hop, and nice to meet you here!
    Z-Girl and the Squeedunk Gang

  20. Mario, that's a great selfie. We hope it gets a little warmer so we'll get some open windows around here.

  21. That's a great Easy Sunday Selfie Mario. I hope your weather warms up soon so you can go out. It's been very warm here and I've had lots of open window time.

  22. We keep hearing that spring is coming. We wish it would hurry up!

    Mario, you have beautiful whiskers! Wonderful selfie, too.


  23. Hi! Thanks fur stopping by at our blogs!

    We think your selfie is great!
    And sure hope that things warm up so you can go outside...we nevfur do, well, MJF the dog-guy does but not us kitties...we get our 'outside time' through the window, MOL!

  24. Lovely selfie! Hope you had a nice Easy :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  25. What a cute selfie ! My cats are also inside, it's too cold to go out although they could, we have a cat flap.

  26. That's a wonderful photo of you, Mario! We hope you get to go outside sometime soon. Your mom is probably just waiting for the perfect sunny day for you to enjoy :)

  27. That´s a great photo of you , Mario !
    Hope you can go out for walk´s soon !
    Over here we had a setback this weekend , it was -6 C = Brrrrr !


  28. Spring does seem to be a long time coming!! BUT you look good Mario!!

  29. What a handsome Easy it is! Are you coming by to hear me DJ on Caturday?

  30. I know how you feel. I sit at the back door every day and cry to go out, but mom hardly ever takes me.

  31. I wish I could get our kitties to let us take them out with harness and leash - they would have none of it when we tried!

    Thanks for commenting!

  32. Ello Mario my pal...sorree i haz been a paw pal dese last few weeks...haz been diffycult to be reedin da blogs wot wiv da werks an all dat....ope yoo furgive I....we iz off on oliday tomorrow too so will be sum times befaw I iz bak reedin yore ventures....ave a good week my pal.....woof


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