
Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sunday Selfie and They Just Don't Listen To Me!

Hi Pals,

My Sunday selfie is a re-run because this is how I feel today.  You see, my humans just don't listen to me!  But before I get into that, I want to tell you that I'm joining TheCatOnMyHead's Sunday Selfie Blog Hop.  Hop on board with us and have some fun.

Now why do I feel like I look in the picture at the top?  

About 3 weeks ago M flooded the bathroom by thinking she had turned the faucet off, but apparently didn't.   They had to have the bathroom floor replaced, which was done this past Thursday.  It looked good too!   But it won't last long.

At O'Dark Wednesday night/Thursday morning M got up for a litterbox break, and I was asking for a drink out of sink.   She ran the water for me and thought she turned the faucet off.    By the next morning they had a mess again.  Water flowed onto the new floor and through the subfloor down into the basement.   

The funny part is I TRIED TO TELL THEM as M was crawling back in bed.   She could see my Halloween style silouette in the doorway to the bedroom.   I have never looked like a Halloween cat before.  I was trying to get her attention, but she was ignoring me.

Then I went in and tried to wake D up.   He ignored me too.   Well, when they got up the next morning M said to D - "Mario was  trying to tell me that last night and I didn't listen to him."   When will they ever learn to LISTEN TO ME?

Sometimes humans can be so stuipid and their brains are larger than ours!  Go figure!

Happy Sunday pals.



  1. Oh, no, not TWICE! I bet they listen to you from now on.

  2. Mario, there is NO doubt in the world that they will heed tour advice and cautions from now on, You did well, my sweet. Very well. Your M just was tired and only focused on getting back in bed. Ask her to get you a dish,,even a plastic mixing bowl to fill with water in the sink. xoxo

  3. Mario, we know just you feel. Our human doesn't listen to us either. Listen that selfie is hysterical. We laughed and laughed again this time. You all have a great day.

  4. Oh no Mario!!! You were such a good kitty to try and tell them! They will listen to you from owing can guarantee! I am NOT laughing at your selfie! Hehe ;)

  5. Dang Mario! That's awful pal, but you did try to tell them.

  6. OH dear Mario!
    We know you tried to tell D and M!
    We hope all goes well this week!

    Happy #sundayselfie
    Annabelle,Boo,Ping and Mr Jinx

  7. Humans!! They never learn they should listen to the kitty!

  8. Oh Dear... They really, REALLY need to listen to you, Mario!

    The Chans

  9. Oh no, we're sorry to hear that, that is a real bummer...but you are such a good kitty for trying to warn both M & D, Mario. That is a fun selfie for sure!

  10. Oh Mario dat's just pawful. Me bets they wish they had lissened to yous now, huh?. Fankfully mommy lissens purretty good to us. good luck wiff da cleanin' and weplacin'. Have a blest day.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  11. Oh my goodness, what a mess! Lexy drinks from the faucet and Mommy has done that a few times. Luckily we haven't had a flood. And that's a good thing, cause we're on the third floor and two people live under us!

  12. The humans really are silly ...mine don't listen to me either! Sorry about the flooding!

  13. Oh No- how awful - they'll be watching and listening to you from now on. What a good cat you are. X Susie and Kilo

  14. Oh no! You were so good, Mario, to try and warn them. Humans!! The lady is just cringing thinking about this happening and feels bad for you guys.

    We got a laugh from your selfie!!

  15. Oh no, Mario. Not again! Well, next time they will listen to you...but we hope there's not a next time.

  16. Dey obviously need to learn to listen to da cat!

  17. OMC! Your poor M. She should have listened to you. Did Mario2 ever get home. The tracking said he arrived on Thursday.

  18. You look like a little bunny on your selfie, lol !
    It's nice that you tried to tell them about the faucet. They will realize when the water bill arrives !

  19. We do not think that will happen again...cause now they know you are mewing the truth!

  20. least you show them how the ears have to be pricked, Mario :D Pawkisses for a Beautiful Day :) <3

  21. Oh no, Mario! The humans should definitely learn to listen to you! We hope this might teach them a lesson, and we sure hope the floor doesn't need replacing again!

  22. I love your rabbit ears look!

    I can't believe M did it again. I hope the floor doesn't need to be replaced again. I bet she'll listen the next time you try to tell her something! You're the best alarm cat.

  23. Mario,

    We think you should be wearing an angels's crown in that photo ..and get rid of the rabbit ear! Really Mario...your humans should show more respect after all that! And, THEY should be wearing the bunny ears so they can hear YOU better next time!! ;)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  24. How come you look like a bunny in your selfie? Mom turns the water in the bathroom sink on at night for Lily Olivia, but she never floods the bathroom even if the water is left on. Does your mom close the drain? We suggest she put a water bowl in the bathroom for you. We have one that Mom fills every night before bed time. With all that's been going on at your place, thanks for finding the time to join our blog hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  25. TWICE? Yike. That would ruin TBT's whole year! An Pee Ess, those are some long ears...

  26. Oh my gosh, not again. Hopefully this time the floor can be saved. How is the sink overflowing? Doesn't it have that little hole near the top where the water can "emergency escape" down the drain?

    You sure tried to warn them though. Sleepy humans aren't the best thinkers so if something happens again, you're going to have to let out a big yowl to let them know something needs their attention.

  27. Er...wot furry big ears yoo haz Mario my pal...iz yoo rabbit now? BOL...

  28. Sorry I am late, I just realized I haven't been getting your posts in my email so I signed up again. That happens to my readers sometimes too and I don't know what causes it. At least you tried to help.


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