
Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Tocks of October Selfie - Blog Hop

Hi Pals,

I figured it was time I posted a picture of my tocks before October runs out.   So there they are for the whole world to see!   M was looking for a better picture, but she didn't find one.   Guess we haven't done a good job of taking the tocks' picture!  he he

I'm joining The Cat On My Head's Selfie Blog Hop.   Our thanks to the crew over there for their continually hosting the blog hop.  Be sure to check it out as they have a creepy guest host this week.

We're into snuggle weather here as the temp goes below freezing nightly.  That means I'll have my tocks plastered up as close to M as I can get them tonight to keep warm.

Hope you all are staying warm too.



  1. Those are great tocks, Mario. Glad to hear you are staying warm.You all have a great day.

  2. We all think you look tock terrific Mario!

  3. Keep those tocks warm Mario! YOU cutie pie.
    Happy #sundayselfie
    Annabelle, Boo, Ping & Mr Jinx

  4. You have a fine tock and I love those cute little pink toesies too :)

  5. Looking good there Mario!!! Mum is doing a blog post about things to see in New Zealand!!!

  6. Hi Mario, great tocks pic and very demure if I might say! I need to get the staff to put mine up but she's been a bit MIA last few days!!!

  7. Mario, you can come and play anytime you like! :) And we think you look adorable in your selfie!

    the critters in the cottage xo

  8. It's definitely snuggle weather here too! I still need to get a picture of Mudpie's tocks too!

  9. OMC Below fureezin' alweady Mario? Dat's just pawful. Gweat foto. Weez not tske many back end fotos wound here eever, so don't feel bad. Stay warm.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  10. I think your 'tocks photo is great. It's a profile view!

  11. Mario, your tocks are almost as cute as your face. I love this pic of you! You're adorable in that comfy spot looking out the window.

    The great thing about cold weather is the snuggling!

  12. At least you were comfy for the shoot,xx Speedy

  13. Another view of a selfie ! not the head but the bottom, lol !

  14. That's a nice tock Selfie, Mario...and such a good idea to keep yourself warm :) Pawkisses for a warm week :) <3

  15. I love your little pink paw-paw pads. Adorable!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  16. Nice tocks, Mario! Happy Tocktober! :)

  17. Great tockky shot, Mario!

    We have had some brrr weather too, but now its warmed up again fur a while.

  18. Your Tocks are ....ummmm...ah......well, they're Tocks. We still haven't done ours. Mom L hasn't picked up the camera for days!


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