
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Happy Veterans Day 2015

Thank you to all our veterans
past and those still serving. We
appreciate you  keeping us safe
and giving your service to our

Hi pals,

The peeps and I want to wish everyone a Happy Veterans Day.  Let's all remember what this day is all about and honor those individuals.   Many have died through the years protecting our freedom.  Many are still serving.  We appreciate all of you. 

D is a veteran after spending three years in the Army a hundred years ago.   He was stationed in Korea for 13 months, long before I was adopted.

My human sisfur's husband (SIL) served in the Wisconsin National
Guard for a few years.   And we thank him for his tour of service. While he did not see active duty, he was ready and willing, and we love him for it.

Do you have a veteran in your family or know one?   Surprise them and tell them "Thank You" today.   They will be surprised and love you for it.



  1. Mario, we salute the veterans along with you!! They have kept us all safe! xx

  2. We love all of our heroes, past, present and future.

  3. A great post about all the heroes. We honor them.

    hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

  4. Aaaaaw Mario fanks to yous daddy and Sil fur helpin' keep us safe and furee and all da udders who may be nameless to us but never furgotten.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  5. Happy Veteran's Day Mario. It's always nice to remember and thank those who have served our country.

  6. Wonderful post Mario. We honor those that serve and have served and thank them.

  7. My human doesn't have any veterans in her family, but she is grateful to all those who served.

  8. We're very grateful for our vets, today and every day. Happy Veteran's Day!

    Both of our dads, and many of our uncles, have served, and my nephew is currently in the USAF. :)

  9. Mario, be sure to thank D for us for all his service.We thank all the veterans. You all have a great day Mario, and tell M to get to dancing.

  10. Hi Mario! Mommy's dad and two uncles were in the navy!

  11. Sorry I am a day late. Very nice post and thank you to your family for their service.

  12. Grateful blessings to all who have served and those that supported them along the way. Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties

  13. I never met him myself but Peep #1's father was the Signalman on a ship, in the Atlantic in WWII, when he was but barely a kitten himself.


  14. Gramps was a vetern but he’s not longer with us. TW thanks all the troops she sees protecting the people of NYC.

  15. We're kinda late here but The Human's Dad was a Marine Captain in WWII and served for years in the South Pacific before being sent to occupy Nagasaki after The Bomb. He was a good man and we a-member him (and all vets) on Veteran's Day.

    In other news, so Mario: A schedule? Seriously? Well, maybe, but you KNOW I am going to need more than 3 days, Buddy. Let's negotiate.

  16. We had several uncles who served in WW11....
    And a whole line of military peeps in meowmy's furmily in generations past.
    That's why she collects military drummer figures...she has ovfur 300 of them OMC!!

    Thank you veterans, we love you and are grateful:)


Your comments are greatly appreciated.