
Saturday, February 20, 2016

Tap, Tap, Tap and Caturday Art Blog Hop

Hi Pals,

How do you wake up your humans?    This morning I woke M up by doing three gentle taps on her shoulder.   That's all it took - very soft, gentle taps.    She says she was partially awake anyway because I had started to hork and she grabbed paper towel to put under me.   I never did hork, but she says she was partially awake by that point.   Sometimes I give her whisker tickles on the face, but usually it's 3 gentle, soft taps on her shoulder.

For my art piece, M found a picture in archives and put it in Photoshop Elements.  Then she just started fiddling around with diffcerent effects until she began to like what she saw.   

Our special thanks to Athena at for doing the blog hop again this week.  Check out her art - it's gorgeous.   Get your human to fiddle around in one or more of the many free sites on the internet.  It's really fun and you never know how it will turn out until you try.


  1. Oh are such a loving boy! Your parents are fortunate that you chose them. Of course I know YOU know that and they do as well.

  2. You are a very polite alarm clock. Bogey meows, screams, and howls like the house is on fire in the morning. He does not have a snooze button, either.

    Critter Alley

  3. Scylla woke the humans up several times. First by suffocating the Mommy, then by clawing the Daddy and lastly by clawing at the door after she got thrown out of their room.

    The rest of us are well behaved and would never dream of waking the humans up.

  4. Sometimes we just sit and stare, but it works! You're looking quite artsy Mario!

  5. Mario, you sure are looking good. And good job waking M up. We just walk across our Mom to wake her up. You all have a super job.

  6. Mario you are very handsome in your Caturday Art :) You are so sweet waking Mom up. Mazie wakes our Mom up. At 80+ pounds it is none to gentle or sweet MOL!

  7. Sweet post (except for the horking, but we understand). Each of our cats wakes us differently. Maggie tends to stand on me. That does it, as she is 17 lbs. Chloe Jo usually licks or bites my cheek. Grizelda stands by my bed and talks to me. George bounces off the wall, literally!

  8. That's such lovely art!

    Athena wakes me up by staring at me.

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  9. It's always fun to see the gallery of cats! Mickey Mouser waits patiently, but Rufus the Red usually walks over me, taps my face, and if that doesn't work, he licks my face! It's not possible to ignore that!

  10. Hey, Mario. Jan says she knows about the waking fast when a kitty is about to vomit.

  11. I wake my Mom up by screaming loudly at the bottom of the stairs every morning about 3:15AM. It Dad just turns over and goes back to sleep but good old Mom gets up (she knows I'll just keep yelling until she does). Aren't I just AWFUL??? I think Mom would appreciate the tap, tap, tap thing too but screaming is just more fun. Besides I'm too old to hop up on the bed.

    Hugs, Sammy

  12. Mario other than "almost horking" MOL....I LOVE how you wake your Mom up. You are always the PURRFECT gentleman! Love, Cody and Mom ABSOLUTELY LOVE the bottom photo the best, gorgeous! Yep, nice and warm in Michigan today....the operative word being "today" lol! Have a great weekend! catchatwithcarenandcody

  13. That's exactly how our mom creates our art. She fiddles around until she likes what she sees. That is a very sweet way to wake you mom. We all have different ways of waking the humans. Mau scratches at the cat door non-stop until one of them gets up and opens it. Misty May either jabs Mom if the face with her paws (claws out) or throws her entire body over mom's face so she can't breathe. Some of us just sit on top of them and stare. Of course, the horking is always a great way to wake up a human! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  14. How sweet to wake up your mom like this ! Lovely art ! Purrs

  15. I like what I see too, very nice art. I do that with my cats too and try to catch the vomit with a paper, but they usually turn their head.

  16. Love your artwork, Mario! You send of my childhood cats used to wake us up with a not-so-gentle *pow* in the face!

  17. Mario you are a piece of art! So handsome.
    Boo wakes Mom up with a coupla taps to the head in the morning like around 6am.
    Tee hee.

  18. That was a nice way of you to wake up your mom, Mario. We usually just start walking all over the mom to get her to wake up. We like your art this week, too. Good job!

  19. How can I teach my cat and the dog to wake me up? Neither one does anything even when my alarm goes off. They just keep on sleeping on my bed and ignore it. I have been late for work because none of us wakes up sometimes.

  20. Your art looks wonderful! I once tried waking TW by biting her eyeball. It sure got her up but got me banned from her room for a few nights. MOL!

  21. You are such a gentle, sweet guy, Mario! Three taps sounds like a lovely way to be wakened up.

    The Chans

  22. Purrfect art, Mario and tapping always works here too..MOL :D Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday :) <3

  23. I wake up the Mom by jumping up on the bed and meowing in her face until she pets me! MOL.


  24. Usually it's me who wakes up my cats when I go to the kitchen !

  25. Three gentle taps sounds like the purrfect way to wake your Mama up Mario. You are a sweetheart :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  26. We rattle the door knob, MOL! That means of course that we have been 'locked out' fur is allowed in bedrooms here...too many allergic issues we are told. At least we are allowed to live here:))

  27. Yous artsy foto is just gawjus Mario, just like you. Dat's very nice of you to be so gentle while wakin' yous mommy. Our mommy knows all 'bout those meownin' horks and hates 'em. She sez they wake her up too. MOL Glad you didn't have to hork after all.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  28. That is some lovely art of you, Mario. And I think your way of waking up the human is very effective. My girl Thimble likes to tap me to wake me up as well, only instead of my shoulder she uses my face. Purrs!

  29. Horking is sure to wake up the humans. We love your artwork!

    The Florida Furkids

  30. Oh yes! I wake up Mommy all the time. I either sit on her chest or her face, or I lick her.

  31. I tap TBTs closed eyes - IZA
    I walk on him - AYLA
    I tap on the blanket til he wakes an lets me unner - MARLEY

  32. I sit on Mommy. Sometimes I sit on her face. MOL

  33. Mario, that's a very sweet way for you to wake up your Mom.
    On the mornings I don't wake them with pre-hairball retching noises, I prefer to wake them with meowing.

  34. Various ways. We like to mix it up a bit and keep the peeps on their toes. I mean, paws. No, toes. MOUSES!



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