
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving From Our House to Your House

Hi Pals,

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a turkey with the thought of being someone's dinner on Thanksgiving?   I don't think it sounds like much fun.  But, guess what M and D will be having for dinner - yup - you guessed it -----turkey.   They love it and M says it's tradition!  What is your family having for dinner?

My peeps are going to my human sisfur's and SIL's house for dinner.   At least that means I'll have undisturbed nap time whenever I want it.   I hope it's sunny outside so I can have a sun puddle.

Now if you will excuse me, I think I'll start Thanksgiving Day early.  

Happy Thanksgiving pals.



  1. A very Happy Thanksgiving to all of you too. We sure are having turkey too. It is just so yummy. Hope M and D have so good foods. And Mario, you have some good naps. Take care.

  2. Happy thanksgiving, Mario! Of course we Brits don't celebrate it, but we don't mind that you do! lol xxx

  3. travels two yur peepulz; ewe can stop bye trout towne coz we will bee havin pizza pie !!! ☺☺☺☺

    we will bee off line til monday sew heerz two a pie filled noe burd happee week oh end two all ~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥

  4. YUM!! We are having turkey too! Mom and Dad are going to our niece's starts at 3:30 and because of the football game they won't get there til 5:30 or 6...hoping there is food left for them!!! Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  5. My human and her boyfriend are going out for Thanksgiving and probably won't be bringing anything home for us. Grrr.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving sweet Mario. I hope they bring you a little taste of turkey.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving Mario, we love you!!!

  8. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Mario. Our peeps are going somewhere else to have dinner, so we'll get some extra napping time in, too.

  9. We're with you, Mario! We only have stuffed turkey this year, but that's OK. We'll get a special dinner, we bet. Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. You are adorable in that buttom pic!!! *smoochie* The peeps are cooking a turkey. Every year TW says they're getting too old to cook, they should go out and Pop nixes the idea.

  11. Thanksgiving blessings from all of us at Zee and Zoey’s!

  12. Happy Thanksgiving!!
    Annabelle, Boo, Ping, Jinx, Angels Abby & Gracie

  13. Mario Darling,
    Yous all is in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping this day holds all the warmth, contentment, and love of a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving.

  14. Happy Thanksgiving, Mario! We love you, pal!

  15. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Mario and family :) Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend :) <3

  16. Hope you guys all had plenty of turkey!!

  17. A little late,but we sure hope you and your peeps had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    There was a turkey here too.....

  18. Happy Thanksgiving Mario. You look very handsome on your fall-colored blanket.

  19. I do hope your Mom and dad are feeling better Mario. I miss seeing you but know you are busy doctoring them back to health. We send comfort paws for your well being. Happy Thanksgiving ! Hugs and Love Bea and Mom Nancy


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