
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Thankful Thursday Blog Hop and Happy Veterans Day

Hi Pals,

Since Veterans Day is Friday, I would like to dedicate this post to all veterans, past and present, who have served our country.   I know many  of you have a human dad or mom, or grandparent who have served in the military.   My D is a veteran, as is SIL (my human sisfur's husband).   We appreciate all the veterans and the sacrifices they and their families have made in protecting our country.  Many throughout the years have returned home with the loss of a arm or leg or other injuries.   That is a lot to sacrifice, so we owe them a big THANK YOU.   If you know a veteran, please take a moment to tell them "thank you for your service to keep us safe."

I'm joining Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.



  1. Love your flag image, Mario. And we are also thankful to our veterans for all they do and sacrifice for us.

  2. Actually my half-brother Sizzle's human is a veteran! Proud of her.

  3. This is a wonderful post. We are so grateful for our veterans and their service. My hubby and great uncle are veterans, but we are deeply thankful to all for their sacrifice. We must remember to pray for our military.

    I love this picture!

  4. Amen to that Mario. Thanks to all veterans past, ,present and future. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. Mario what a beautiful post to honor our past present and future Veterans!
    Hugs madi

  6. That certainly is a terrific post and we all need to honor our veterans, for sure. We sure are thankful for all of them. You all have a great day.

  7. Hiya handsome. I am grateful for YOU. You make my day brighter.

  8. Great post for your veterans ! Purrs

  9. Mario that is so well said and totally true!

  10. total lee awesum post two day dood; with manee thanx two yur dad....N de huzband oh SIL ♥♥♥♥♥ ther bee several vetz in trout townez hiss tree az well ♥♥♥♥♥

  11. Great post! TW's uncle came back from the war a broken man; another uncle never came home and her dad came home an alcoholic. TW always thanks the servicemen and women stationed inside the Port Authority Bus Terminal. It's a shame they have to be there but it's safer than overseas.

  12. This is a beautiful post. I am most thankful to veterans too.

  13. We love and thank all the veterans, Mario.

  14. Wonderpurrly said, Mario. My pawrents celebrate their 38th annipurrsary on Veteran's Day.

  15. Mario, Kudos to your Veterans !

    Have a lovely weekend

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Great post Mario and well said!!!


    Basil & CO xox

  18. Well done, Mario. We, too, are so grateful for our veterans, and the amazing sacrifices they've made for us all.

  19. dood.....we see yur post in R reeder bout yur side bar but now that we iz on yur page we due knot see yur post; blogger haz been spazzin a LOT late lee......we due knot even get a noe tizz R palz haz posted a post ore we get stuff like thiz.......faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....may bee if yur mom goes ta page dee tailez her can see if sum thinz crazed with how it lookz ??? we iz knot any help we noe ~~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  20. Our petcretary has worked with lots of veterans over the years, and it has been a pleasure to care for them, and their families as well. Thanks to them all, evfur so much.


Your comments are greatly appreciated.