
Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy Mother's Day M

Hi Pals,

Happy Mother's Day to the mom's of my pals.  Each one of you is special.   We furbabies love and appreciate you even tho we don't ever say anything.   The most you will ever get from us in the way of a thank you is a wag of the tail,  looked at with adoring eyes, we'll curl up on your lap for a nap, maybe a kiss if we are so inclined.   

I really appreciate M, but I've never told her so.  It's the little things that I do that tell her - when i give her a kiss (nose bitey), hop in her lap for no reason at all, cuddle up to her at night in bed when i'm cold,    She says I'm the most affectionate kitty she's ever had, tho the other 3 came close.   I think I'm just appreciative that I'm not living on the streets anymore and get 3 square meals a day plus extras. M plays a mean game of Neko Fly with me......Life is good.

How about you pals, do you love and appreiate your mom?  What do you do to show it?

I'm joining A Cat On My Head's Sunday Selfie Blog Hop - please join us.



  1. Aw, this is so nice, Mario. Happy Mother's Day to M, and awesome moms everywhere!

  2. Happy Mother's Day to your very special Mom and to all the special Moms everywhere. You sure caught a good one Mario!

  3. Mario...well meowed; and Happy Mother's Day to your mom who loves you to the ends of the earth...just as you love her and your dad. xxxxxx

  4. So sweet! Happy Cat Mom's Day and Happy Sunday! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey gang

  5. I consider my human my companion (and assistant), not my mom, and she prefers it that way! But happy Mother's Day to those who celebrate.

  6. Mario you are ALWAYS such a sweet kitty!!! M loves you sooooooo much!!!! I show my Mom I love her by sitting with her every night and watching TV. I put my butt on her arm while we sit MOL! Happy Fur Moms Day! Love, Cody catchatwithcarenandcody

  7. What a sweet post ! Happy Mother's Day ! Purrs

  8. Happy Mother's Day to your Mom - our Moms are special ladies - they take such good care of us and are always there when we need a hug (or a bowl of food!).

    Have a super day of celebrating!

    Love, Teddy

  9. You are such a sweetie. Happy Mother's Day to your wonderful Mom!

  10. Hi Mario. What a special mom you have! Happy Mother's Day to her!

    I show my love for the lady by sitting with her in the evenings in our recliner, purring, asking for pets and tummy rubs.

  11. That's a lovely post, Mario! Over here, we all have different ways to show #1 how much we love her. The boys are very demonstrative and both sleep with her. Genji is always glued to her when he can be, and Da Beebs often comes to demand cuddles. Sei-Chan sneaks into her bed at night, when she is asleep. Tama loves to bebrushed and fussed over. She knows...

    The Chans

  12. Oh Mario, I bet your mum KNOWS you love her lots AND LOTS. purrs

  13. Aaaaaaaaaaw Happ Mother's day to your mommy. big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  14. You have a great Mom. Those unexpected hops up into the lap are the best gifts.

  15. Sweet selfie post!! Happy Mother's Day to your Mom

    The Florida Furkids

  16. Mario, you are just getting more handsome. Happy Mom's Day to M. I showed TW love by biting her cheek last night. She didn't appreciate it. I purr for Pop and he does appreciate it.

  17. Happy Mother's Day to M and you are just too sweet today with kind words fur Moms

    -Purrz from Katie and the Katz

  18. Mario, we bet M knows you appreciate her. We appreciate our mom too. She gives us good food to eat. :) Happy Mother's Day to M!

  19. Happy Mother's Day!!!! Hope it was wonderful!

  20. Happy Mother's Day!
    Such a lovely post and we knows you haz a super sweet Mom! So glad you gets to tell her I loves you everyday.

    Thanks fur stopping by and wishing our Mom a Happy Mommy's Day!
    Have a wonderful week.

    Angel and the Katie Katz

  21. Happy Mothers Day to you all, and they do deserve it... though around her I don't say too much in case the service slips. Can't have them getting above themselves, now can we. MOL
    Purrs, ERin

  22. That bitey must be full of love, Mario❤ Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day with your beloved mom❤Pawkisses for a great MonDay😘❤😻

  23. What a sweet thing to say on Mother's Day. And I think you're absolutely right. The furkids may not have words with which to express their love, but they do their best with cuddles and nips and purrs. For us, that's enough.

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  24. You are such a sweetie, Mario!

  25. Happy Mother's Day to M! Lexy and I appreciate Mommy every day!

  26. Happy Belated Mother's Day to your M! And to all mommies:)

    We like to jump on laps and give headbonks and kneading massages to legs, bellies and even the air when someone passes by...and loudly purring:)

  27. Lovely post!

    Happy Belated Mother's day to your mom :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  28. Happy belated Mother's Day!
    Martio, you are just the always made Nellie swoon! I am sure you make your Mommty swoon!
    PS. I want to send everyone who attended Nellie's 19th birthday a little something. Could you please send me your snail mail address? Please send it to Nellieontheedge @

  29. dood...well heerz a commint that haz nothin ta due with this post tho happee bee lated momz day two yur mom.....hay, if ewe wood like ta bee a "ree croot" pleez leet uz noe !!! heerz two a flashlight fish kinda week o end ~~~~ ♥♥

  30. thanx for playin a long dood....ewe will bee mario meowsineeni :) ♥♥


Your comments are greatly appreciated.