
Saturday, March 31, 2012

ANIPALS - We Need To Unite

Under Cover Mousie -  from 

Hi Pals,

Listen up kitties and woofies - we need to unite.   My very favorite toy store is in desperate trouble and might have to close.  That's @BabyPatches' store pals.   Not only might she lose her store, she is in danger of losing her home too.  

So some of our buddies have banded together and we're all promoting "Furrrz Mob Pawsz" TODAY at today.  A kind of "shop till you drop" day.   Now heaven forbid if your ooman says you have enough toys, then tell them they can donate a couple of $$ directly to NipandBones paypal account and call it a gift. Baby Patches has a chipin set up in her personal bloggy - just look for "Blog" at the top of the page.

Baby Patches and her mom have always been very supportive of the anipal community.  They have donated toys for prizes at our #pawpawty on Twitter, helped run the #SantaPawsDrive on Twitter and oh so many other things.  NOW WE NEED TO HELP THEM!

I know we can do this.  The anipal community always comes through for us - ALWAYS!


P.S.  @Katiebella2's mom contacted M yesterday and said she was going to buy some toys to send to a blogging friend who doesn't have much money to buy toys for all the kitties in her care.   So M said she would help with that project too.   Maybe you know of a kitty or woofie that could use some toys - it's a good time to buy something from and surprise that kitty or woofie.

This is our entry into the Saturday Pet Bloggers Blog Hop! Click the image below to go to Two Little Cavaliers' page - one of the three host sites:

Saturday Blog Hop

Pet Bloggers Saturday Blog hop

Monday, March 26, 2012

Tribute To A Dear Friend

Dear Pals,

Our hearts are breaking on Twitter today as we've had to say goodbye to a very dear friend @Petiethecat.   

Petie was an institution on Twitter.  He was one of my first friends when I entered the Twitter world in January 2009.   Everyone in the anipal world on Twitter knows and loves Petie.  He's going to be sadly missed, but most of all by his very loving and dedicated "Mama and Daddy," as Petie called them. 

Petie fought a long, hard battle with kidney failure and diabetes and has been in ill health for a long time.   We are rejoicing that he is at peace now and  without pain, but very sad for our community because @Petiethecat was such a vibrant member.   Whenever I think of Twitter, I think of Petie.   We are all better anipals for having known him.

I'm so thankful for all the good memories we have of him.   We've all had so much fun thru the years, and a lot of those memories center around being invited to the #lakewithpetie.   Talk about fun!   For two summers now Petie invited us to join them at their lake cottage in Canada every holiday weekend and many weekends in between.   It was always a good time.

Fly High dear friend.   You are now pain free, can nom on whatever you want to nom on and be free to chase all the butterflies.   We'll always love you and never forget you.  We'll meet again some day buddy!    


Monday, March 19, 2012

Cattin' Around! - Who? Me?

Hi Pals,

Before I get started, let's take a minute to remember this is World Cancer Day and remember all the friends who have or are currently suffering from dat horrid disease - Cancer.   Maybe someday soon they will find a cure so the suffering ends.  M keeps purraying for a cure to end the disease as she has lost some very dear friends to Cancer.

The most amazing thing happened about two weeks ago.   I auditioned for a part in  "The Real Housecats of the Blogosphere" and got a part along with @CathyKeisha and several of our blogging friends.   I just can't tell you how much fun this has been and how it has changed my life.   This once lonely tomcat now has the ladies flipping their tails over me!  It's true - you'll see!   

Well, my big debut was Sunday night and things are getting pretty steamy!   All my pals know how much I love all the ladycats and that's why I just can't settle down with one.   Now there is one chasing me thru the tunnel - Artimisie  and she's gorgeous.   If this is what it's like to be a movie star, i think I'm liking this new role.  he he  

You just have to see Episode 2 of The Real Housecats of Blogosphere at   Sorry but my ooman has not tried to post a video in the past two years - and she had lots of problems two years ago when she did.   But do take a couple of minutes to see this  wonderful production by Katie and her staff  @Glogirly.   Katie and @Glogirly are so very talented and creative.   It was an honor just to be chosen for a spot in this production.  Check out Katie's blog sometime too - she's gorgeous - swoon!   If you happened to miss the first episode, you can still catch it here: 

Thanks to @Glorgirly and Katie for this chance to "strutt my stuff!"


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Desperate For New Home

Happy St. Patrick's Day from O'Mario and Family

Hi Pals,

A family friend sent M an email message with a plea for help to find a new home for two kitties and a bird. The two kitties are litter mates and presently live in Green Bay, WI.  This is what the attachment said that came with the email message"

"My sister and I are looking for a home together. We lost our master and we are very lost without him. He spoiled us very much. We like to snuggle and play. We are almost 6 years old, kitty-box trained and front claws removed, spade. We don't like dogs. We would be wonderful companions once we get to know you."

My name is Chico. I am a gray Cockatiel. I am about 8 years old. I whistle and talk a bit. I also lost my master and am very sad, as he let me out of my cage most of the time. I love my two sister cats, but I know I may have to find a new home without them. I would love a companion to spoil me and talk to me."

If you or anyone you know is interested, please let me know with a comment on this blog, or if on Twitter, DM @Mariodacat, and we'll give you a phone number of the daughter who is caring for the cats.

Help spread the word please.  These kind of situations just break M's heart because she can relate to the situation so well.  

Thanks pals,


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Can't Help Myself


Hi Pals,

Sometimes I just can't help myself and that is what happened this morning.   I was happily reading blogs this morning when I ran across a post by my friend Prudence over at Prudence Pup's Blog Spot (A Coonhound's Tales).   Well, you know - it tugged at my heart strings again.   No, we not asking for green papers this time -  just for you to join the band wagon and help publicize any way you can.  

Pets For   is helping to renite a young, disabled marine, who is home from Iraq now, with a doggie she served with in Iraq (Rex, who is also disabled).  But the request is always denied.     

You can read all about this in http://blog.petsfor 's news letter.   

If both are retired from their military duties, then WHY can't they live together?  All Megan wants to do is provide Rex with a good home for the rest of his days.   

Now do you see why I can't help myself?   I hope you feel the same way to and help publicize this.   If enough people publicize Megan and Rex's plight, action will be taken.


Monday, March 5, 2012

Hats of Hope - JudiBug

Hi Pals,

Our very special Blogosphere friend Judi (staff for Sammy, Sierra and Shelly over at needs some major purrs and purrayers.  All of Blogosphere is purring and purraying.   Please help us by joining in with purrayers, woofies, and purring.   Judi, we hope things turn around for you soon and you get all better.   We're purraying and purring so hard it feels like an earthquake here.   

To my Twitter pals - please join us - even of you don't have a bloggy.   Our Blogging pals have helped in so many ways and times when one of the Twitter pals has been  hurting or needed help - now I'm asking you to help the Blogosphere.   We are all one very big happy community of anipals and need one another.   

Thanks pals.   If you are on Twitter - help spread the word please for purrs.

Love you all,  


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Cleaning Up

Dear Friends

Our hearts are breaking this morning for all the human and anipal lives that have been lost due to the bad weather yesterday - and reports are still coming in.   We are especially worried about all our Twitter friends and Blogger friends that were in harms way - I know there are several of you in the south.  

Just a quick update on the fire victims from last week.  For an update on CJ and his mom, please see the blog A Tonks Tale (by Ryker_Tyler) who's mom had been helping all the fire victims.    I say he is a miracle kitty.  All the humans continue to try to rebuild their lives and are each in their new apartments.   Chip-ins to help  both families are in that blog also.  Thoughts, prayers and positive energy continue to be with CJ and all the victims from that Thursday - over a week ago now.  I never did get the widgets going here as I had trouble putting them in the side bar - first time I've run into that problem.  Hiss on Blogger sometimes.

HELP STILL NEEDED with Project Quilt.   If you are a friend of SeaBassCat's family (including DottieGP and BoSoxAmy) we'd love to have you sign a quilt square being made by all kinds of busy bees helping out.  Ultimatelly, Krause Cats mom , Wanda - a fabulous quilter, came up with the idea of doing a signature quilt for the family and she's coordinating the project.   If you can sign a quilt, please contact @LeoPussman's mom - Leo is on Facebook at, or you can DM him on Twitter.  Leo's mom is coordinating getting the squares to those that are signing.   If you don't know Leo, put a message in my blog and I'll reach him for you.   

Several people will be helping sew the blocks together - @Boomiethecat's mom, @TinyPearlCat's mom, @CheshireK's mom, and @DashKitten's mom.   

Thanks to everyone who has helped the fire victims.  Once again the animal community came thru.   Anipals and their humans are the bestest!!!


Friday, March 2, 2012

Dr. Seuss Day Challenge

Hi Pals,

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss.   I don't know who Dr. Seuss is because I'm a cat, but M has read a few of his poems to me.   He's my kind of guy I think.

Recently Zoey, Maggy and Amber  over at Zoolatry contacted me to see if we might re-write a  Dr. Seuss book together since Maggy and I are both toothless.  Well, I'm not a poet by any means, but i'm always up for some fun, so I said sure.   She said all I had to do was come up with a poem and she'd come up with all the art work for this post - one talented kitty with a very talented ooman.   Thanks Zoey for all the art work.   Here's my poem.

I can't eat hard crunchies or "Green Eggs and Ham."
or Fish like the "Cat In The Hat,"
but I'm good at lap sitting and purring and licking,
'cause that's just the cat that I am!

Hmmmm do you think Zoey and I will be famous like Dr. Seuss.   Now if you will excuse me....... I should get back to writing my next book! 
