
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Can't Help Myself


Hi Pals,

Sometimes I just can't help myself and that is what happened this morning.   I was happily reading blogs this morning when I ran across a post by my friend Prudence over at Prudence Pup's Blog Spot (A Coonhound's Tales).   Well, you know - it tugged at my heart strings again.   No, we not asking for green papers this time -  just for you to join the band wagon and help publicize any way you can.  

Pets For   is helping to renite a young, disabled marine, who is home from Iraq now, with a doggie she served with in Iraq (Rex, who is also disabled).  But the request is always denied.     

You can read all about this in http://blog.petsfor 's news letter.   

If both are retired from their military duties, then WHY can't they live together?  All Megan wants to do is provide Rex with a good home for the rest of his days.   

Now do you see why I can't help myself?   I hope you feel the same way to and help publicize this.   If enough people publicize Megan and Rex's plight, action will be taken.



  1. I totally understand Mario, I have the urge to scratch something too...or someone...after that story.

  2. That just boggles mine and mom's mind. There are too many stories like this coming out in the news and in other media. WHY won't they just release the animals to their armed forces friends? WHAT is their PROBLEM?????

  3. There are more and more stories like this coming out on the news now. A few of them have had happy endings, so there is always hope.

  4. That certainly is a great cause to try to help with. We certainly will pass it around. WE hope Megan can get her dog home with her. Thanks for telling us about them. Take care.

  5. Ah! A good sofa scratching always helps me!!! This is a sad story. Me will pass it around too! Perhaps the power of the paw will help.

  6. Golly. What's wrong with those people? Makes us wanna smack them with our paws.
    Our sofa has a persistent itch and begs us to scratch it. We are nice kitties so of course we obliged. And then we get yelled at. Jeez.

    ...Cosmo and Ling

  7. That is horrible that their requests are always being denied. Talk about heartless! I'm sending purrs their way and I'll tell anyone I know all 'bout their plight? Okay?

  8. That is just not right. I just don't understand those in charge. It's such a simple solution for all and cost efficient too. GRRRRRRR!

  9. That's a very good cause but if we allow all the dogs from overseas to come here, who will adopt our dogs over here? It's a no win situation. Believe me, I feel for her and her pooch.

    Mario's being ba-ad! Mario's being ba-ad! HAH! *I* don't even scratch the furniture.

  10. Oh Mario, I know how you feel !
    I just done it a couple day ago, and my mom just scream like someone got hit by car. I almost had a heart attack : )

  11. We get in BIG trouble when we do that, Mario.

  12. Mario! You and Austin are birds of a feather ... or is it cats of a fur? Norty boy :)

    I tried to sign the petition, but it wouldn't let me :( Will try again when I am not on ipad x So sad they cannot be together!

  13. Me too wonder WHAT THE PROBLEM IS ??!!
    Let them live together !!!

  14. Me again :)
    How could I forget to tell you it was very nice working together on The Real Housecat show !

  15. Oh...I don't understand why their request is you said, they are both off duty. I hope they can live together.

  16. Oh, boy, Mario, that's a tough one and I totally understand your frustration!

    Claws down, hackles up 'til this gets resolved!!


  17. Good post today. Signed petition too. Enjoyed the story. behave!!!

  18. Hi Mario! Thanks fur spreading the word buddy! {{{Hugs}}}!

  19. thanks, Mario, for sharing this story.
    We went to the site where we can sign a petition and Glogirly SIGNED! ...I wish I could too, but maybe Glogirly's will be enough.
    xo Katie

  20. Really cant understand what's going on here.there r just so many dogs n cats who need homes n here there's someone willing to take care of a special foggy n she isn't allowed to?it's ridiculous.wil blog about this tmrw.btw,we love ur green colour theme,Mario

    gin,bud n shadow

  21. Hi Mario,
    I am your new follower. We have a cat that is 19 to 21 years old. She just came up to the house on January 1st 1998 and said I have come to live with you so of course she was invited in!!! Took her to the vets and he said she was 5 to 7 years old and was spayed and looked like she had been well taken care of. She is still well taken care of but she is really looking old and full of arthritis!!!!
    Come and visit!!!

  22. Mario
    We think this is such a noble cause, we sure hope it all works out.

  23. What a shame, and they served our country. We'll go visit and help out.

  24. Very good cause - we are hoping it works out for them.

    Cats of wildcat woods

  25. If they served together, they deserve to stay together.

    Critter Alley

  26. Just stopped by to thank you for your purrs for Knuckles the other day. And to say Happy St. Patrick's day. Your green printing is perfect for the occasion.

    pawhugs, Max

  27. So happy you can to visit us. Did you go back and see any Happy pictures???

  28. Psst...I see what you're doing there! But I'll keep watch for ya buddy! That is a sad story, we hope that they will be able to live together.


Your comments are greatly appreciated.