
Monday, March 5, 2012

Hats of Hope - JudiBug

Hi Pals,

Our very special Blogosphere friend Judi (staff for Sammy, Sierra and Shelly over at needs some major purrs and purrayers.  All of Blogosphere is purring and purraying.   Please help us by joining in with purrayers, woofies, and purring.   Judi, we hope things turn around for you soon and you get all better.   We're purraying and purring so hard it feels like an earthquake here.   

To my Twitter pals - please join us - even of you don't have a bloggy.   Our Blogging pals have helped in so many ways and times when one of the Twitter pals has been  hurting or needed help - now I'm asking you to help the Blogosphere.   We are all one very big happy community of anipals and need one another.   

Thanks pals.   If you are on Twitter - help spread the word please for purrs.

Love you all,  



  1. Our thoughts and prayers are with Miss Judi too.

  2. We're all sending purrs your way for the lady with the hats. Stand back... 'cause twelve cats can make a LOT of purrs... they're on their way!

  3. We all love Mom Judi and send our purrs, love, hugs and support each and every day.

  4. Oh Mario... I screwed up again... yes, again... it's this computer stuff. You know me. And the peep is even worse! Well, you already knew that, right? I didn't really understand the hopping thing with the blogs and thought it was like the CB so, if you want to take my name off the list, that's okay with me. I understand. I'm sorry... no... I'm gonna blame the peep for this one. As usual!

  5. Dis a furry nice post you does for Auntie Judi! Me is purring furry hard.

  6. This is a furry nice post for Auntie Judi-Bug. Fanks you, mario. xoxoxoxo

  7. Nice post for Judi. am joining in today too and am praying and purring for a good result.. Hugs GJ xx

  8. Sending all of our purrs to Momma Judi.

  9. Judi sure has had a rough few months. We are purring hard.

  10. My paws are crossed tight for Miss Judi!

    Your pal, Pip

  11. We Loves Judy and wes is purraying very hard and adding ours to the power of the Paw!
    Nellie and Kozmo and the Hairy Slobbery Sisters Bob and Sam

  12. We are purring very hard for Mom Judi and hope she will be well.

  13. We are purring lots for Judi over here!

  14. We're purring too! It feels like forever when you are waiting on news or tests! We hope for the best for her.

  15. We are anxiously waiting for the results of the biopsy. We're purring that it's something easily treatable!

  16. Purrs and prayers from us too xx

  17. Mario,

    Thank you for letting us know about this. We will say lots of prayers and send huge hugs to Miss Judi and her gang.

    @DaneRay -- RAY, CHASE & TIPPER

  18. Mario, thanks fur letting us know, we'll be pawpraying and sending as much positive energies that we can for Miss Judi. Our kitties will be purring fur her too!

  19. We are purring and praying for Judi, too...we hope to hear a good news soon.

  20. A very nice post for Miss Judi. Great job Mario!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  21. We will purr and pray for Judi!

    Also, we will go find you on Twitter; mummy has had a Twitter for years now.


Your comments are greatly appreciated.