
Monday, January 13, 2014

Until We Meet Again - Bode

Hi Pals,

The Twitter world was reeling again this weekend because a very dear pal (Bode of @4Catsstrapski) had to cross that Rainbow Bridge suddenly. 

Bode was one of those guys who was loved by everyone who knew him.   He attended lots of the parties on Twitter, was active in the WLF group, the Avaiators, and attended Nipclub many times.   He was just fun to be around and right there if someone else needed support  or was having a tough time.    He's going to be sadly missed by all who knew him.

It hit  M and I pretty hard because in September we got to meet his lovely human mom.   She was part of the mini Wisconsin Twitter meetup that we had when @PumpkinPuddy's mom visited us.   Even tho we did not get to meet Bode, we feel like we did because we got to know his mom after spending the day with her.

We know that Bode is now riding the brightest star in the nighttime sky.  We saw it last night when M opened the blinds so we could  see out.  I like to try to remember  my pals in some manner other than crossing that bridge forever.   So in my mind I see Bode riding a magic carpet from his house Friday night up to his personal star.   If you think really hard, I'll bet you can see him too.

Bode: We love you pal and know you are having a good time on the other side of that bridge with all those who crossed before you.  We are happy you will not have to suffer, but we still feel the void of you not being with us.   We'll take good care of your mom, who is really hurting right now.   You maybe away from us, but you will always live in our hearts.   I'll be checking your star every night.  

Until we meet again......



  1. We're sorry Bode had to fly off on his magic carpet to his star so suddenly.
    We're sending his Mom lots of gentle headbumps and purrs.

  2. Well said Mario...a great anipal

  3. I am so sorry that you lost your dear friend Bode! My heart goes out to his family. xx

  4. Oh goodness, Mario, that is such a great tribute to Bode. We sure are sad about this news even though we didn't know him. We sure send many purrs and some huge hugs to the Mom.

  5. We were very sad to hear the news about dear Bode.

  6. We're sorry to hear about Bode. Purrs to his family and all those who are missing him.

  7. We were so sad to hear about Bode too Mario. There are just too many crossing over the RB. Time to shut those gates for a little while.


  8. The world is not so bright now, without out pal Bode. But the heavens are all the better for his presence, there. Bode will be safe and never feel pain or sadness again until, yes... we all meet again.


  9. It's so sad when our dear furriends have to leave us. We are purring for all Bode's loved ones and furriends. Our condolences to all who knew him.

  10. Oh that made me have leaky eyes, M. xoxoxo

  11. Beautiful tribute. It hit me hard too. Then when I read what she just wrote on FB, I felt even worse. Bye for now, Bode.

  12. Sorry for your lose.
    Purrs for your friend's family
    And many hugs to you

  13. Oh no, we didn't know Bode but we are so sorry to hear of it :-(

  14. So sorry to hear about bode. so many wonderful cats have passed recently. my girl cat miss bitty passed away suddenly last week so I know there's a huge nip party going on at the bridge. please pass my condelences onto bode's family sending love & purrs.

  15. We are so very sorry. We didn't know Bode but we send our most heartfelt prayers and sympathy ((((hugs))))

  16. We're so sorry Bode had to go so suddenly. Sanjee's met him and is showing him around, along with the other OTRB anipals. The rest of us will be keeping an eye on his star and looking for his magic carpet.

  17. I am so sorry for the loss Bode. My heart goes out to those who knew and loved him. Thank you for your wonderful tribute.

  18. Oh Mario, this is the most generous and most loving of tributes. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am so glad you got to meet Bode's Mum. I would LOVE to meet all of my Twitter pal.

    I love all my online friends very much.

    Marjorie and Dash

  19. Purrs of comfort to Bode ' s family and friends.

  20. We were just soooo sorry to hear that @4catsstrapski had lost Bode. Our hearts break for her....

  21. Sorry to hear about your pal, Bode. =(

  22. *soft paw* Beautiful tribute post, Mario. Bode has left his pawprints on our hearts and we will always remember him with love. We send many hugs to his dear mama. Her boy is forever safe and running free, one of the brightest stars in the sky. xox

  23. You wrote such a lovely tribute to your pal Bode, Mario! I am so sorry he has gone to the Bridge ! xx

  24. We're so sorry your friend had to go to the bridge. Sending purrs to his family and friends.

  25. I'm so sorry you lost your pal, Bode.

  26. What a lovely tribute to a great pal. Bode was a friend to many of us and he will be deeply missed.

  27. Oh Mario,you lost a good friend and we are so sorry to hear that!!!
    Yes M, Tom is almost too good at times but this time I know he had to do something for his sister or she would no dought die in that awful trailer they are in. I wish they would take care of it but sadly they will not. They have never taken care of any thing they have had so far and bless her heart she can not even walk with out a walker now!! She is really in a bad way!!

  28. We didn't know Bode 'cause we don't do Twitter, but that was such a beautiful and heartfelt tribute that we know it had to bring much comfort to his mom. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo.


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