
Friday, January 17, 2014

Whew! That Is Over For Another Month or Two -Thankful Thursday

Hi Pals,

Yup -  I got carted off to the vet today, and I'm not too happy about it.   I told my peeps over and over again in the car that they should turn dat car around and go back home.   But they not listen to me!  Pffft!

At least M and D are happy - I have lost a total of .8 pounds since November 5, 2013.   Pals, I'm going to be starving here for a long time because the vet wants me at about 12 pounds.   I weighed 15 when we started and now i'm only at 14.12.   YIKERS.  Could you guys smuggle in a little food over here?

M says she's proud of me and that I'm supposed to lose the weight slow and easy like or I could develop kidney/liver problems.  She also says I'm a little bit more active than I used to be and want to play more often.  I suppose I should be happy and thankful cuz M also said if my weight would have stayed high or gained even more (which is what I was doing) I could have developed all kinds of other health problems.  I tell you, it's really tough being on a d.i.e.t.   

Oh M says I'm on the Iams Metabolic d.i.e.t. and get wet food and kibble (but not enough.)  The vet says that all the kitties that they recommended this food to have lost weight and are doing well.  

I'm very thankful I have lost some weight because I just want to get this d.i.e.t. over with.  M says we had tried cutting back on my food for the past year, but I still gained weight.   She says this d.i.e.t. may be saving my life!   So M is thankful for that.

I'm STILL HUNGRY M!  The food is good, but I'm STARVING!  

I'm joining @PepiSmartDog's Thankful Thursday blog hop.  Why don't you too?  




  1. I'm sorry you're on a d.i.e.t., but I'm glad it's working for you. My vet told mom I shouldn't gain any more weight....that was 1.5 pounds ago. I'm not on a d.i.e.t. yet, but I'm being encouraged to chase my toys more often.

  2. Where are you Mario? You’ve lost so much weight I can’t find you anymore. 14 pounds isn’t that bad. I’m so active, I usually don’t gain an ounce. Exercise more and I’m sure you could eat more.

  3. Too bad you can't just hand over your extra weight to ME, Mario! I am underweight and don't eat enough sometimes!

  4. I'm on a diet as well and I'm hungry too!

  5. Oh Mario buddy! Things are looking up fur you! I hate going to the vet too, but people say it's fur our own good (& they put out a lot of green paper fur it too)!

  6. Mario, we're glad to hear you lost a little weight, but we hate that D word!

    I hafta go to the v-e-t on Monday. I hope she doesn't put me on a diet!


  7. Mario, we're glad to hear you lost a little weight, but we hate that D word!

    I hafta go to the v-e-t on Monday. I hope she doesn't put me on a diet!


  8. Concats Mario! We think you and the peeps are doing a great job. Mommy says those d-i-e-t's are horrible! Hang in there.
    Happy Caturday!

  9. You are looking so good, Mario, pretty soon all the ladycats are going to be pawing at your door! If you've got to be hungry, be hungry for the ladies! Purrs...

  10. Mario, nice Ears of Annoyance! We'l smuggle over a VAT of tuna juice, STAT!

  11. Sweetie, you KNOW how momma feels here but...your M is right. xxoxox

  12. Dang, hungry isn't good Mario, that's why diet is a 4 letter word!

  13. Concats on the loss Mario but goodness still hungry. DRATS!!! You're becoming one very sleek mancat!!!

  14. Man... hardly seems fair but your M and D only want you to be healthy...
    We hope you have a nice weekend and we will be thinking of you when we eat our dinner...

    Purrs from the Zee and Zoey Gang!

  15. Great job losing some weight, Mario! We hope you'll reach your target weight in time and that you would also feel more active when you do. :)

  16. 8 lbs?? Wow!!!!!!! You poor guy! I'm at 11 lbs and when I was at 12 lbs they thought I was fat. You aren't fat, you're fluffy! Love, Cody

  17. Oh no Mario! You do NOT look happy! But very glad you are doing well on the diet. About the arthritis comment on my blog, staying trim is one of the best things you can do to avoid that yucky arthritis! Stay healthy friend!

  18. We are so sorry about that diet Mario...hope you'll persuade your Mum to sneak you an extra kibble or two!
    Kitty & Sister

  19. M is right, Mario. She loves you. We all do. ~xo~

  20. Mario, we are SUPER proud of you AND of M. It's not easy losing weight and we suspect it's hard for her to not want to give you food and treats out of love. Hang in there because it will get much better, I promise.

    I was at about 13 pounds and the vet says I should be at about 9.5. I'm down to 10. But it took almost 2 years!!! Nice and slow is the way to go.


  21. Dear Mario:

    It sounds like you had a good holiday season, and we are so sad you have to be on the d.i.e.t. However, your humans may be right this time. The Queen Bea was a chunkster and her daddeh did not keep her on a diet. As she got older, she got arthritis and limped around and couldn't jump anymore. It was very sad. So take care of yourself and remember the humans are right sometimes.....P Treasure

  22. Poor Mario!!!!! My cats have the same problem alreay!!!
    I am the problem tho!!! They are,, for me,, so hard to say NO to!!

  23. Hmm. I used to be a real skinny boy, but then about 18 months ago, I went and got "tutored" and then I filled out some. I don't think I need a d-i-e-t though!!! Sorry Buddy. I hope you figure out to get some extra f-o-o-d. Maybe some juicy insects? or a mousie?

  24. Hmmmm….dat be a dilemmer Mario my pal….is good to be elffy but is not good to be starvin marvin….

  25. Oh I can't begin to imagine your starvation pain. What torture! You're sure doing a good job though :-)

  26. Can we help? If you gives us your address we can send you a package marked personal and confidential that M&D can't open and we'll put really great stuffs inside. Wait--maybe I can just send it through my tunnel and we won't need the brown shorts guys at all!

  27. You will do fine. Slow and steady is better for the cat body system - if you lost too much you might fall over and faint and be so thin Mum would worry. (NEVER a good thing cue more vet visits...)

    Slow and steady wins the day!

    Harvey Button

  28. Mario, you don't look happy AT ALL! We feel your pain, especially our mom. She was diagnosed with diabetes and is losing weight to keep her blood sugar under control. Diets always take too long!

  29. Oh buddy, sorry that you had to go to the vet but glad that you did lose weight. Yep, the diets are a bummer for sure but we are glad that the diet is working for you.

  30. Hey Mario, mew are just purrfect the way mew are!

    Sorry mew had to go the VET, that's neffur any fun :(

    If anyone needs to go on a diet, it's my sisfur Amber, now she is a heavy weight! If your Peeps have any slimming tips, can mew share with us?

    Have a fabulous weekend

    Basil xx

  31. Much easier to put weight on then to take it off. Little by little, you will get there Mario!


  32. Allie: oohhhh Mario I FEEL YOUR PAIN! Mother has *me* on one too! I've taken to banging on the pantry door at 3 am to announce my displeasure.

  33. Our v-e-t wants us to lose weight too. They are just evil!

  34. We hate that you are starving, but glad you are losing weight if that is what you need to do. We are sort of surprised that our vet has never said that Mau needs to loss weight. That may be coming; though, as he will turn ten on his next b'day. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo.


Your comments are greatly appreciated.