
Sunday, February 1, 2015

Not Fair!

Hi Pals,

Some of you probably have not met my good pal Koko.   He came to live with me about 2 years ago after being rescued by my good buddy @Kolo_Martin, Kolo's Blog, who lives on Baboon Island (on the sunshine coast of England).   Kolo and his human rescue Baboons and have rehomed them all over the world. I was so lucky to get Koko.   But if Koko has to stay on this stupid diet that I'm on, he may run away from home.    He's not being treated fairly at all.

Message from me - Koko:    Hi pals, it's nice to meet all of you.   Mario buddy, I love you lots and your humans too so I'm not  going to run away.   M and I have an agreement that anytime I need something more to  eat, I can go into the refrig and get anything I want.   I'm just not supposed to let you see it cuz then you will beg until you get some.  You have already lost 1.2 pounds and need to keep going just a bit longer.

In reality, I seldom need more to eat after M has given me my portion.  I needed to lose a couple of pounds too pal.   If we played ball more, or chase, or some other fun game, then we wouldn't need to lose weight.

By the way Mario, thanks for letting me say a few words in your blog.   Now come on and let's play - you name the game.   (Now where did that boy go?)

Message From Mario:   zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


  1. Awww... You're BOTH on diets? Perhaps he's right. Perhaps more play will bring on the treats! Playin' is fun. I'd go for the more play option, for sure.


  2. Hi Mario and Koko !
    It doesn´t sounds like fun being on a diet :(
    So I hope you maneged to wake Mario up so you could play :)


  3. Oh Mario, we like your new buddy. He looks like a lot of fun. Glad you gave him such a good home. And congrats on losing that weight. Have a great Sunday.

  4. Hey, Koko, nice to meet you. Maybe you could sneak some foods to our pal Mario. :)

  5. Hey Koko, nice to meet you!! I think Mario was a bit underwhelmed! MOL

  6. Hey Mario, we know all about those diet things, and they are no fun at all!

  7. Mario, you are looking GREAT!!! Now if only Salem would diet...

  8. um...we won't tell Pipo about this diet thing, he is more than a little too rotund...

  9. Well, mebbe Koko cannot see you becoz you is wasting away to nuttin on your *shudder* diet! Seriously, 1.5 pound be half of a kitty, no?

  10. I do simppyfize on dis diet nonsense Mario my pal.....but iz good to haz a baboons for i do polllygize for not bein a good reeder of da blog dis munff....haz been furry bizzee ere wiv werks for da typiss

  11. An ello Koko my pal...Peter Tosh da baboon at BT HQ say ello for yoo too

  12. Mario - I just seened you comment and it was not ME who went to the bridge, it was my sis Sydney. I still here!

  13. Oh wow Mario...I don't think I would like a monkey helping me lose weight. Anyway, great job on the weight loss! Love, Cody

  14. Mario, you are cute, and sweet to be concerned about your friend. It is nice to meet Koko, too. ~xo~

  15. Mario that is an adorable friend you have there with you. WE hope M fills your empty bowl soon!!

  16. OMC! Koko gets food on demand and you don’t. Maybe you should come live with me if you can stand TW pawing all over you.

  17. Ugh, that four-letter word, diet. Well, we hear that works best when you have a diet buddy!

  18. Oh Mario, your friend Koko sounds cool...congrats on your diet success, we know that is hard for kitties.

  19. A good game of "chase" would burn up some of those extra calories. We do it daily.

  20. It is fun to play wit friends. :)

  21. What a fun pal you have! I'm glad you're both getting to a healthy weight.

  22. Aaaaaw We just hate da word diet. Fankfully mommy dusn't believ in 'em so it's not likely dat weez will ever hav to do dat. MOL So ifin yous need a little sumpin' sumoin' to get ya' by, stop on over. Weez got all kinds of tweats weez wuld share. MOL

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  23. Mario, from a Lady Cat's point of view you look fabulous!


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