
Saturday, May 7, 2016

Not Again!!

Hi Pals,

Well, I got hauled off to the vet again.   I had been throwing up for 2 days - a couple of hairballs and several batches of food.  So of course the human got all worried and off I went to the vet.  Dang, I've got to get faster at getting away from them.

Anyway, I'm happy to report that they gave me a little something to settle down my tummy and sent me home.   The vet lady said if it didn't stop, I should come back and they'd do a blood test and possibly Xrays.

Thankfully, it stopped and I'm back to normal.   Whew!  I have a wonderful vet and everyone at that clinic makes a big fuss over me, but I still don't like going there.  It's scary!

We have a whole bunch of sick kitties pals.   Let's all concentrate on the purrs and prayers for all of them.



  1. We are very glad you are ok, Mario! Giving your peeps a scare like that don't do them much good MOL

    We have the sads this week as so many of our buddies are sick or have run for the Bridge! We are purraying a lot for them x0x0x

  2. Iza here: I had a similar problem. The vet took x-rays of my tummy and found no blockage. So TBT tried somehing new in feeding me. I get like 6 meals a day and he smears my food around the inside edges of my bowl. That slows down my eating, Less food at one time and I don't just inhale it all at once. For what it is worth, I haven't horked up my food in the WEEKS since!

    That is a great relief. Mebbe that would help you?

  3. Oh Mario, we are so glad it was an easy fix. WE sure hope you stay feeling better. You all have a super Saturday.

  4. Mario you sure scare your Auntir Carole!!!

  5. We sure are glad you're okay now Mario and we hope that PTU says hidden for a while!

  6. So happy to hear your tummy has settled and you're feeling a whole lot better.


  7. Mario we are all so sorry you went off to the Vet so suddenly, but glad you are all better and feeling good!

  8. Sorry you had to go to the vet. I am glad you are feeling better.

  9. Binga has periods like that too, although there are generally less of them now that she mostly gets raw food.

  10. We're sorry you had to go to the vet, but we're glad you're OK now. Purrs

  11. Mario, we're sorry you got hauled off to the evil vet. But we're glad to hear you're feeling better now. I went to the vet earlier this week too...just for my annual exam. I sure didn't like it either! ~Zoey

  12. That is great news pal. I am very relieved. too many of our twitter pals going ORB.

  13. I am so glad you’re feeling better. There’s a bunch of us who have been hauled off the the vet lately.

  14. Oh my!! Thank catness you're okay! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties

  15. Hope your tummy stays better Mario! Tell your Mama happy Mom's Day!
    Marty and the Gang

  16. Glad you are OK!

    Hope you feel a lot better soon.

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  17. Mario ya gotta stop scaring your pawrents like that! thank goodness you are ok!!!! Love, Cody and Mom catchatwithcarenandcody

  18. I'm glad your barfies weren't too serious and you're feeling better. Purrs for all the sick kitties who need healing.

  19. We are sorry you had to go to the vet, Mario. That is a pretty scary place, no matter how nice they are, isn't it? We sure are glad you are feeling better now!!
    <3 Purrs

  20. dood......sorree ya had ta bee put ina ewe noe what & go two de ewe noe wear place... but we iz buzzed happee ya feel 100 purrcent better now & we hope ta cod ya stay that way ~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  21. Mario, we hope all continues to be well with you. Here we're yakking up spring hairballs (despite all the brushing we get)! It's always something, isn't it?

    We thank you so much for your kind words about William during our very hard time.

  22. We are happy to hear this news. Stay well, buddy.

  23. Hope those barfing episodes stay away. We sure know how to scare our peeps, don't we...too bad it almost always needs a trip to that stabby pawlace.
    POTP fur you!

  24. Mario, we sure are glad to hear that you are A-Okay. Keep feeling good, pal!


  25. We're sorry we missed this post earlier, Mario, and are glad it was nothing serious. Say healthy!

    The Chans

  26. Awwwwww Mario, we do hope mew are feeling much better and are sending a bucket load of healing purrs your way right now!

    Soft purrs

    Basil & Co xox

  27. Scaring your Peeps! Yous a cat after my own heart! Rock On! And Mario, mes wants to thanks yous for stopping at my blog yesterday and sharing my joy!
    Thanks yous from the bottom of my little flinty heart!
    (Who used to be the Cat From Hell)


Your comments are greatly appreciated.