
Monday, May 23, 2016

Good News / Bad News

Hi Pals,

If I look unhappy in that picture, it's because I am!    I was happy (the good news) because I was outside.  Then the peeps dropped a bombshell on my head (the bad news coming up).   They explained that we/they are selling the house and the three of us are moving to something called a Retirement Center where there is independent and assisted living!  M said it  was good because I can come with them.   She said not too many places will take cats and/or dogs, but this one will.   

Well, that news ruined my outside time I tell ya!   I don't want to move.  I like our house with all the familiar smells and my chipmunk, squirrel and birdie friends.   The peeps tell me I'll like it where we're going and we'll all be together.  Well, that together part is nice, but this is the only house I can remember since being adopted.    And, I'm going to be shipped off to sisfur and SIL's house while the movers are coming and going for two days.   Moving day is June 10th - ugh!!

Isn't there some sort of law that peeps can't move while having a kitty live with them?  If not, there sure should be.

Then even worse, M said we probably won't do any blog posts until we have moved and we won't get around to visit except for today and maybe tomorrow.   See why I have a frown on my face and airplane ears?

Sad Mario signing off - until next time.


  1. Mari...I am on my way! I will lay a bitey on BOTH of them and if you want me to, I'll give them a hissing and a scratch! You will know it's me when you hear my theme song..."RESPECT". It will be loud as I zoom in to lay that bitey! Be ready.

  2. Oh Mario they did all of this without consulting you!
    Shame shame shame!

  3. Mario! This is outrageous!! I am with Katie Isabella and I am all ready with the bitey!! Watch out, buddy, Superheroes Katie and Austin are on their way!!

    PeeEss Actually it might not be so bad!! ;-) x0x0x0x

  4. Mario, we bet you will be just fine and the Mom and Dad need you to come with them, since this is going to be hard on them too. I bet it will be very nice and maybe there will be lots of peeps that will want to get to know you. We are so glad that you get to move with them. We sure wish everyone to have a good move and like their new digs.

  5. It will be okay Mario but it will be a little scary for a while. Sister Kit lived at a nice community with our Grandma before Grandma left for heaven. She didn't mind it at all except for the fire alarms and the fire drills. Not to worry, the love with go right along with you pal.

  6. Well, they should have given you the information as the process was going along, to help you adapt to it. But I think this assisted living will be good for your peeps. No snow to shovel, lawn to mow, things like that. I hear they have dining rooms, and maybe the peeps will bring you kitty bags!! My humans visited one around Christmas time, and the place had activities and a pool, and outings and clubs and all sorts of things. So I think, on balance, this is a good thing. So glad they allow pets there!

  7. Oh Mario, me's sorry you have da sads. But hey, movin' can be a good thing. You'll make new furiends and get a whole new place to make smell like you. It's like goin' on a very long trip, xcepte ya' never go home again. As long as da peeps are there with ya' tho' it's all good. We'll send purrayers and me's sendin' ya' big hugs and kitty kisses.

    Luv ya'


  8. Mario, you had us going there for a minute until we saw that you can go too. Whew! We're sure you'll settle in quite nicely. Maybe you'll be able to go on walks there?

    Moving is stressful for kidlets and humans alike. But look at it this way--William's old bro Eddie moved from here to the East Coast and then back again! At least you don't have to do that!

  9. I wish your peeps—and you—the best of luck on this new phase of their lives. I hope they'll be in the new place a long, long time. If Puddy can adapt to moving to Thailand, you can adapt to moving across town.

  10. Wow, that is a bombshell, Mario! We wish we had some good advice for you....but we've never moved, though the mom has threatened to a few times. We hope all goes well. And we bet there will be birds and squirrels at your new place.

  11. How could they not get your input on this?! My human did the same thing when her father needed to go into an assisted living facility - she looked around for one that allowed him to keep his cat, Smokey, but she did not ask Smokey if the moving part was okay with her! Fortunately, my human made it up to her by buying her a nice cat tree (which she immediately shredded), and Smokey was just happy to be with her human for the last year of his life.

  12. Oh Poor Mario! That does sound like a very big upheaval, but that part will soon be over and you will settle once again with your family.Hang in there, buddy!

    The Chans

  13. you sweet boy! It will be ok!! You are a lucky kitty that you can go with your Mom and Dad. What a wonderful place that they allow kitties and woofies! Tell your pawrents to be sure to take you there to check it out if they can, before the furniture is in and just before you move in. You will be fine!!!!!! xoxoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  14. Wishing you all the very best in your new home. Hugs.

  15. Don't fret, Mario. The most important thing is that you will all still be together.

    I moved last year, with 2 kitties and a dog. Let's be honest, the dog didn't care one bit. The kitties, on the other hand, were pretty scared right at first, but I made sure they had some safe places to hang out (aka, hide) for a couple of days. After that, they got used to the new place really quickly. And you know what else, Mario? My kitties all LOVE their new house now! I bet you'll love your new place as well. And I bet you'll still have windows, and squirrels, and birds, and all sorts of fun things to watch.

    Good luck with the move! We'll be thinking about you!

  16. dood.....all oh uz noe all two well de werd mooove.... iz like de same as v.e.t.

    we iz buzzed happee tho that yur goin two a place that thinkz catz & dawgz R grate....and we bet once ya get mooved in, ewe will be a huge hit with all de nayborz AND that therz sum grazz round yur new place that ewe can chex out...what cha think ☺☺☺

    we send de best oh fishes two ewe & yur mom & dad N we hope de moove goez az smooth lee aza new stix oh butter

    see ewe soon ~~~~ ♥♥♥

  17. We are sending good luck and lots of love to all of you during your transition. We can't wait to hear about your new place!

  18. Good luck with your move! You're very lucky M and D can take you with them, that is just so pawesome. We know you'll miss your old house, but you can make memories in your new one.

  19. Best of luck on your move but I'm SO thankful you're able to go with your peeps!

  20. I am sorry you are moving and will miss your home. The important thing is you will still be living with your Mom and Dad which is most important. I bet they can take you for walks there too and you will have all new smells and sights. Good luck to all 3 of you, moving is stressful. XO

  21. Oh, Mario, we had tears in our eyes while we were reading. We know you will be fine and it all will work out, but leaving your safe environment and furriends is not easy at least you can stay with your peeps, that makes it easier and we are sure you will like it in the end...I do now too in my new environment ;) Have a safe and sound move! Good Luck Pawkisses to you all :) <3

  22. Oh Mario, we are SO sorry ta read this sad news. We sure know how great it is ta be outside in the famiiar places! Our paws are crossed fer you... Mebbe there will be new smells and sights ya will learn ta like!

  23. Awww... It's not TOO bad, my friend. You're gonna be with YOUR peeps and that's a good thing, for sure. And since you're used to outside time on a harness, maybe you'll get to go for walks and stuff with your peeps and still get to do outside time. And maybe there will be birdies and squirrels and stuff there, too. But... But I think you really should get extra nip considering it's a move and everything and extra nip is always good.


  24. Hiya Mario! Moving is hard, but the good thing is that you'll all be together! We're sure that you'll be able to make new friends once you're settled in! {{paw hugs}}

  25. Whaaaaat? They decided all this without consulting you? Plus you can't take your birdies and squirrels? What's up with that? Oh the other hand, we hear retirement peeps love kitties so we bet you will have lots of visitors and get lots of attention so maybe this will work out in your favor. We sure hope so!

  26. Oh Mario! So sorry for the big change in your life. But some times change is good.(I bet they have a big beautiful lawn there too)
    You will all still be together there, and that's what counts. Enjoy your new home.

  27. Oh, Mario! You won't believe how nice it is in a retirement center, all the people who like cats will have treats just for you when you and D go walking the halls. Soon they will become your Peeps and love you lots. And they will have special cards and probably celebrate your gotcha day. You are set for life!. Maybe D will go get picnic food and you 3 can sit at a picnic table. You will see that although the different, it will be just as good.

  28. Leaving what you know can be so hard... but your peeps are right, what is important is that you are going to be together. They were lucky to find a place that takes pets!

    I hope the new place has lots of cool things for you to look at and you setting in and love it quickly.

  29. PepiSmartDog: so thankful you are all staying together. It must be terribly hard on your peeps, but think of all the new fun times you will all have and share together! Many peeps get a second childhood when they move - dancing, bingo, outings, etc. You might even meet some new cat friends! This could be the best thing ever. We will be thinking of you all as your do the big move. Hope everything goes very smooth for you buddy.
    Lots of love and hugs,
    Pepi and Michele. (((((HUGS)))) XXX *waves paw* :=o)

  30. Oh, Sweet Mario... you will be just fine because you'll have your loving peeps with you. Moving is hard, that's for sure. It will probably be hard for M & D too. But you'll all have what's most important... each other.

    And just think of all the cool new spaces you'll be able to fur up!


  31. Mario, I am sure your Mom and Dad will give you a tour of your new home after they have everything moved in for you. Meow back here about it when you get settled in the new place. Love ya loads, Nancy and Bea

  32. OMC Mario! Never a dull moment in your world. We moved a couple months ago and now us 3 kitties are all happy in our new house, it took a while to adjust but we did it. I hope this turns out to be a great move for you all. Don't hide in any boxes and give M a heart attack looking for you MOL be a good boy Mario and tell us all what its like when you can.

  33. Oh, do we understand! We can't imagine living anywhere else since we came to live with Jan. The good part is that you are going with them. They are what makes your house a home. You'll be going on a big adventure and once you're moved in, you will have new scents and sights to explore. We send a big hug for all of you because we know it's going to be very busy around there and you're going to miss them while you have a sleepover. May your move go smoothly.

  34. It was wrong of them to do this without consulting you but we'll bet there will be loads of fun things to check out in the new place.

    The Florida Furkids

  35. When you first said "move," we got scairt 'cause we were afraid you wouldn't be going, but we're so happy you are. Tinker says life is always full of pesky changes, but as long as you're all together, that's all that matters. I'm sure your peeps made sure you'll have some nice outside furries to watch and cuddles to make you feel at home.

  36. Oh, we know just how much we kitties dislike change - even if it's the location of a potty box! It's good that you will stay with your Mom & Dad though. So even though you have to wave goodbye to your feathered and furry pals, you get to make new ones once you settle in.

    pee ess - you'll prolly get lotsa good treats to get you over the hump of moving. MOL!

    Rocky, Phineas and Angel Nik

  37. I can send lizards and squirrels. As long as you are with M and D that is what is important. We love you!

  38. Mario, we are sorry that you have to move. It's hard, we know, but it will be okay. You'll see. The fact that M and D and you will all be together makes it all okay.

    Hugs to you, M and D.

  39. Oh, Mario! Fancy making such a miaowmentous decision without consulting you! But it's true what effurryone says, you know. The impawtant thing is that your peeps found a Retirement Home which welcomes kitties and woofies. It won't be long before you have conquered the hearts of all your new neighbours, We are sure of that. And here's another thing, Mario. This is gonna be a Big Change for your peeps too, and they are gonna need Your Help to get through it. As long as you all help Each Other, We are sure effurything will be fine. Good luck to you all in your New Home.

  40. Changes can be furry scary...but you are so loved, your peeps made sure they got a kitty furendly place. You know, it might even have gardens so you could have some outside time when the weather is nice. You might even make some more people pals and have fans to greet you and lots of extra petting and chin scritches!

    Hang in there and we will await your news and mews:)

  41. Oh my goodness...that is a lot of changes for you.
    We don't like big changes either.
    It's a good thing they have you, though, to help make life a bit easier. Home is where the feline is...
    that is what we always say.
    and Miss Emily

  42. Mario, I'm sorry there's going to be upheaval in your life but I think the new house is going to work out great. Your Mom and Dad would not move somewhere where you wouldn't be happy. I think it might be a great adventure. You get to find all the best napping spots and I'm sure there will be some bird tv and maybe even a squirrel or two. And just think of all the boxes you'll be able to play in as they unpack. I really hope your sleep over while the movers are busy will be fun and that you'll enjoy your new house.

  43. Me feel your pain, Mario
    It happened to me ..been there, done that. Mario... Good thing is... Fameowly, we're stuck together ! You can do it, Mario ! Me send purrs to you and fameowly to have a smooth move. And I hope you adjust to your new home quick speed ( Mine took a month =^x^= )

  44. My goodness... so much going on... we do hope things will settle nicely for you in time. Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties

  45. Mario, I've moved 2x since I got rescued. While the house changes, the hoomons remain the same. Hugs n purrs. Herman!!!

  46. I thought I'd hate leaving Mom's house near the dog park when she got married to Dad and sold her house and moved into his smaller one (which she liked better). But I didn't - once I got settled I saw how less stressed Mom was not having to take care of a huge house and yard, which meant more time for me and a happy Mom.

    Hang in there!

    Abby Lab

  47. Oh dear Mario, we're sure it'll be ok!

    Keep calm and purr

    Basil & Co xox

  48. Hugs.

    Luv, Angel Keisha and Murphy the Poodle


Your comments are greatly appreciated.