
Thursday, June 23, 2016

King Of My Mini Castle

Hi Pals,

I'm finally back and King of my Mini Castle now.   The move is over and we're all settled in (or so M says).    I think I like it here, but am not sure yet.   The peeps seems happy, so then I'm happy too.     For some reason I've started sticking to M like glue (or so she says).    D used to be my favorite human, but now I'm liking M better and I don't know why.   Maybe I'm still feeling a little unsure about this place.

I am very curious about what lies beyond the door in our apartment.  I had little peeks at a loooong hall going somewhere, but I don't know where.   M said maybe next week she'll put me in my airline carrier and wheel me down the hall so I can see what this place is all about.    There are a few woffies here as I've seen them out the window.   M says this is a pet friendly place and that is why they chose it.

Thanks for sticking around while we "went missing."   The peeps have been exhausted, which has been good for me because I've had lots of lap time.

Until next time,



  1. Oh Mario, we are so glad things are working out for you and M and D. Sounds like everyone is fairly happy and that is good.You all take good care.

  2. Mario, I'm so glad that your Mom and Dad found a place where you could live with them. Going out for a ride in your stroller will be a great adventure! Don't worry, #cammiesstar is covering you with her special * twinkles * <3

  3. We are so glad you've settled in Mario, we have missed you pal!

  4. Mario, I am so happy that the door leads to a hallway. That is soooo awesome. You will find a ladie cat to share your Mario Smooochies with down the hallway. Thank Mary and Don for letting u meow to us so soon. I know they've been way busy. You keep snuggling them to get their rest.

    Hugs, Nancy and Bea

  5. When you, M & D are happy, we are, too. Glad you are settling in and enjoying the snuggles. Looking forward to learning about beyond the door & window

  6. dood !!! grate two see ewe bak thiz way again ☺☺☺

    sounds like yur gettin used ta yur new place N we bet bee for
    two long ewe will haz meeted all yur nayborz...may bee therz
    a few kittehz round town two !!!

    hope mom & dad are settlin in all sew....

    heerz two a grate week oh end ♥♥♥

  7. So happy you all like the new place. Pet friendly is important just try not to run out into the hall by yourself. I know I always think the hall is some room in our condo where the peeps won't let me go. They're supposed to let me go everywhere. Love you and M and D.

  8. Wonderful Mario,
    Your trip to da new place seems smoother than mine =^x^=
    It made me happy !

    Mine is dramatic episodes because everything is sooooo difference plus the house have some troubles. It's new house but the foremen are the con men. They use cheap materials, bad works and now my pawrents have to pay to fix almost everything. Foe example.... The roof is leaking and now we got rainy season, All electric wires are not safe. Leaking floor in da toilet, fixing outdoor cieling, window on.
    So Me live in fear.. Not because I live in Bangkok but lots of construction is going on. Me hope it's over soon.

    Have fun with your new place
    Lots of love

    PS : From now on.. Please visit me @ My new blog address : 

    Thank you

  9. Glad to see you're back in da house, Mario! Believe me, your M and D will need time to get used to the new place too. Sounds like it was the right move for them (move! MOL!). Hopefully, you'll find your new Mario-only spots and get to take that ride down the long hallway.

    We live in a condo and sometimes Rocky likes to bolt out the door, trotting down the hall to the mailboxes. M complains that he never comes back withe the mail though. Tee-hee!

  10. Welcome back, Mario! It sure sounds like you're in for some great adventures!

  11. It's good to see that you're settling into your new castle.

  12. We are so glad that you're all settled in and doing well, Mario! You and your peeps are together and happy, and that's the best of the best. Purrs!

  13. MY dear Mario. NOTHING makes mom and I happier than to know that you are transitioning so well to your mini castle. ALL our love always.

  14. Hi Mario Pal! So happy you are settling in! You don't have to worry, you are gonna know that place like the back of your paw in NO TIME!!!! Love, Cody and Mom catchatwithcarenandcody

  15. Mario am so glad that things went so smoothly with the move and you are all settled in! YOU look very handsome and happy.

  16. Welcome back! I missed you. I am glad you and your folks like the new place.

  17. Glad to hear you're settling in, Mario. We hope you will be very happy in your new pad.

    The Chans

  18. We are so glad that is all done and ovfur with...soon you should feel right at home in that new castle of yours, of which you are the king!!
    Rule it regally:)


  19. Mario you look adorable on that bureau! We have been told we have to move in the next couple of years so will watch your adventures very carefully. Too bad there are wolves there, LOL! Watch out for that hallway, you don't want to scare them!

  20. We're glad you're all settled in, Mario! We have missed you lots!

  21. It will take a while fer you ta get used ta all th changes of furniture and stuff. Nothing will be where it was, but everything will be where it SHOULD be after few weeks. Strange but true...

  22. So good to see you, Mario :) We are glad it all worked out fine. I know excactly what you mean with the glue... Granny can tell you all about it...MOL :D Good Luck Pawkisses in your new house :) <3 <3 <3

  23. We're glad you have finished the move and are settling in. Moving is a lot of work and hassle, but we're sure you were a big help to your mom and dad.

  24. Hi Mario! We're glad you're back and that you guys are settled in your new home.

  25. Happy to hear the move went well - sounds like lots of fabulous new adventures in store for you! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties

  26. Moving is hard work - we know cuz the beans have moved alot! Thanks for stopping by to check on Sweetpea. She is doing better each day.

  27. Hi Mario, so purrleased mew're enjoying your new abode!


    Basil & Co xox

  28. Moves are upsetting, but there are new places ta explore. We have never moved, but sometimes TBT changes the furniture around and that is fun ta explore.

  29. You have such good pawrents, Mario. It's a great idea for you to get a special tour of your new home, just so your curiosity can be satisfied. I can't wait to hear about your new adventures in your new home. Purrrs! Herman!!!

  30. Glad to hear the big move is over and you can settle in and explore your new place!

    Mindy & Mike

  31. Mario hope you are all settled in to your new home and liking it. Mom helped Gram and Gramps downsize and move the last 6weeks and it has been a major change for Jessie the poodle so we know how much of an adjustment it can be for all of you. Sending you tons of positive karma and purrs for a new happy home for all!
    Marty, Mom and the Gang


  32. We are happy to hear that all of you are happy! It will be fun for you to discover your new routine in your new home :)

    the critters in the cottage xo


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