
Saturday, August 6, 2016

Caturday Art Blog Hop - I'm BACK!!

Hi Pals,

Finally, i'm back and here to stay - I hope.   Now it's time to have the peeps put up  with the things I want to do.  Afterall, I put up with what they wanted to do and am still doing it!  (Meaning moving me into some old folks home, where life is really boring.)

The above picture started out like this:
It was really glowing orange because there is a street lamp right outside M's bedroom that glows orange at night.   Even tho the blinds were closed, she could not get rid of the orange color.   So she put it through PhotoShop  Elements 11 and used the "Carmalized" button, which toned down the orange considerably.   That almost gave it a grayed effect, but she liked that better than orange.

From there she went to Pic Monkey and gave it a frame.   She says she could probably do a better job if she could only sit longer in her office chair.  Oh well, this is better than nothing.

Can't wait to see all the other art work on Athena The Cat Godesses Caturday Art blog hop today 
caturday art badge

It's great to be back everyone.  i've missed you all.   Everything is fine here, although the peeps are still working on selling their house!   More about that later in another post.



  1. Welcome Back Mario !!! Nancy and Bea

  2. Oh Mario, it's so good to see you pal! Give M & D great big hugs from me!

  3. I think it looks very cool with the effects!

  4. We like it! You can also go to Enhance, Adjust color, Remove color cast in Elements. We use that a lot.

    The Florida Furkids

  5. Welcome back! Loved the art. If M used the Auto Color or Auto Tone presettings under the Image menu I believe in Elements it should take out the orange. I use to to take out the yellow from irridescent lighting.

  6. It's great to see you back, Mario! And your art this week is beautiful. Love it!

  7. Welcome back, Mario! Glad you could join us for Caturday Art today :)

    Lovely art!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  8. Great to see you Mario!! :) That's a great effect, but I don't mind seeing you orange or any other colour! MOL xxx

  9. Hi sweetest Mario. As long as I see you, that's all I care about. I have missed you SO much. Love you bunches precious boy.

  10. Welcome back Mario! I missed you. Very nice art too.

  11. Hi Mario! Moving is tough - moving into a smaller place is tougher - moving and retraining your humans to do your bidding is tougher x2 so good luck with that. Nice to see you though - and I like the "original" orangey photo as well as the fixed up one....but then I'm a ginger cat so like the orange stuff!

    Hugs, Sammy

  12. Mario! Darling!
    Mes glad yous back! Mes can't wait to learn more about all the newness! It sounds interesting.
    Sending yous lots of LOVE and many Nellie Kisses
    Nellie Bellie

  13. It's great to have you back, Mario! We're eager to hear more!

    The Chans

  14. Oh Mario it's good to see you. You always look handsum to us. Glad things are goin' well fur all of ya'.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  15. Awesome artwork, Mario! So nice to see you back!

  16. waves two ewe dood !!!! grate ta see ewe bak thiz way again....hope yur settlin in & everee things good at yur new place ♥♥♥☺☺☺

  17. Great photos! Thanks for the share!

  18. Your mom did a great job at saving that photo. That's what we like about the art hop...we can turn unusable photos into masterpieces. Nice to see you are back to blogging. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  19. Looking good Mario! :)

    the critters in the cottage xo


Your comments are greatly appreciated.