Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thankful Thursday Blog Hop - Sun Puddles

Hi Pals,

It's Thankful Thursday and boy was I ever thankful for the warm sun puddle Monday  and Tuesday.   It was purrfect cuz it was right on our bed - what could be better?

Unfortunately Tuesday it started raining and hasn't quit since.   M says we'll have this until Saturday.   She says April showers bring May flowers,  but I say I want my sunpuddles back.

We will be so thankful when another sun puddle puts in an appearance again - maybe in three days or so! 
Sorry I have to go now.  I'm zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Thanks to @PepiSmartDog again for hosting the blog hop.   Join us please -  it's fun and easy.  Just go to  and  join.


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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Happy Birthday Song


This is a very special day for our Dr. Doolittle of the Blog World.........Marg of Marg's Animals.   Sing along with me please............... then go over to her bloggy and leave a comment and also join in the pawty at Wildcatwoodscats.

Happy Birthday To youuuuu,
Happy Birthday To youuuuu,

Happy Birthday Dear Marggggg
Happy Birthday To youuuuu!

There is a HUGE party for her over at so be sure to go over and join in.

Birthday kisses from me (Mario) and Birthday Hug from M!  HUGS


Monday, April 1, 2013

ORTB's NEWEST ANGEL - @Sanjeethecat

Hi Pals,

Another sad day on Twitter..... our dear friend @Sanjeethecat crossed OTRB today after a battle with cancer.   We sure are going to miss Sanjee, but we don't want to see her in pain either, so this is the best thing for her.

I tended bar (or attempted to tend bar)  at #nipclub this morning so pals had a place to gather.   I say attempted because after not doing it  for a year, I was very rusty.   If I missed anyone, my sincere apologies -  M says it's her fault because she was having a shaky day and had to retype almost every word.  he he - what a pair we make.  But I was happy to do it for Sanjee and her humans and all of our Twitter pals.   

Sanjee always loved a good time and loved the Twitter parties where we raised money for charity.   While  the picture above is not a picture most would choose to attach the angle wings  to, it's has special meaning to us.   This was how Sanjee looked the very first time we met her at a Twitter pawty.  he he - we had to laugh when we saw she was in a garbage can!   So, I had M put her angel wings on this picture so we could giggle and remember Sanjee for the party girl she was.  Trust me, we shed buckets of tears this morning and yesterday afternoon when we heard she was in a lot of pain and might have to cross this morning, so we all needed a few laughs

@GeorgeTheDuck wrote a wonderful tribute to his cat Sanjee.  Go Click here  to read it and leave your comments for the family.   @TinyPearlCat also posted some great pictures of  Sanjee on the #nipclub blog -   You can leave comments for the family (Robyn Harton and gma of the HOTTIES) in either place.

Fly high sweet Sanjee and run free.  We will dearly miss you but we are so thankful you won't suffer with that old cancer tumor anymore.   We'll try to keep your DUK in line for you.  he he (hope Georgie doesn't see this).  

Love and hugs to Sanjee's family and DUK!
