Hi Pals,
Too many of my pals lately are crossing that Rainbow Bridge. Sadly last Friday I learned of another one - Jami (one of the kitties at @MizzBassie's house).
Jami was an extra special kitty rescued by Brian's Dad at http://www.brianshomeblog.com/ last fall from a shelter that was a poor situation for him. A forever home needed to be found fast. Tweets were sent out on Twitter which happened to draw the attention of @MizzBassie's human, who was ready to adopt another kitty. But Jami needed to be transported from North Carolina to Southern Florida - Yowzer! That's a long way.
Well, you know the blogging and Twitter community - they always come together. A Special Guardian Angel with a group of volunteers in place agreed to transport Jamie. Wow - all of Twitter was watching the tweets the day Jami made the trip. with the volunteers tweeting each time Jami was handed off to the next driver. You should have heard the cheers go up on Twitter and Face Book when a picture was shown of Jami placed in the arms of @MizzBassie's human.
No one really knows Jami's history, but apparently Jami had been used to going outside. He would occasionally escape out the door when a human opened it - no matter how careful the humans were. You know us kitties when we have our mind on something - there is no changing it. Sadly one night last week Jami made his great escape and was hit by a car.
@MizzBassie and her family are devastated. And sadly MizzBassie wants to blame herself. But all us kitties know that if we put our minds to something, there is no changing it. I have known @MizzBassie and her human on Twitter now for 4+ years and I know all the kitties and woofies in that house get the best of care and attention. It is NOT @MizzBassie's fault and it's so sad that it had to happen on her watch.
If you haven't already done so, please go over to The Bassie Bulletin and leave a few kind words. The family needs all the hugs it can get right now.
Jami - I'll never forget you buddy. You were so handsome and loved your new family so much. If was a great honor to have played a tiny part in your finding your forever home. You can run free now pal, but know your humans are missing you ever so much and they will never forget you - and neither will my family!
Your buddy,
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Thursday, August 22, 2013
The Newest Bright Star In The Heavens
Hi Pals,
Monday, August 12th, the blogosphere and Twitter had to say good bye to another beautiful Tuxie girl - Abby of @Manxnmews. It has taken M and me this long to try to write this because our hearts are still heavy.
Such a beautiful girl who was the love of her human mom and dad. Every now and then that special kitty comes along. I think some people call them your "heart" kitty. Abby was that to her mom especially. M and D say that about me too. M says it's extra hard to say good bye under those circumstances.
Abby sweetie - we all loved you so much, and you will always be remembered. I will especially remember when you and I attended a couple of parties on Twitter. In fact, M still has a copy of the dress she designed for you. How stunning you looked, but then you were just plain stunning anyway even in your beautiful furs.
Fly high and free sweetie and know you were dearly loved by all who knew you.
Big Mario SMOOCH!
If you haven't left your condolences to Abbey's humans yet, you may do so here: http://manxmnews.blogspot.com/ I know they deeply appreciate each and every comment.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
I Had A Dream - Tall Ships Festival - Blog Hop
Hi Pals,
Do you dream? Well I had a dream this afternoon. You see, there are 3 tall ships in our city for a Tall Ship Festival. For real - not something I dreamed up. he he
M and D say it's a big deal because it brings lots of people in town and there isn't even a Packer game this weekend. Anyway, D explained that the ships sometimes need someone else to guide them into port because it takes someone to navigate who is used to our narrow channel. (Whatever that is.)
Anyway, I dreamed the captain of the ship asked me to help guide them into port.
I really had to keep a careful watch on where they were going - it takes skill kitties and woofies. It was scary too sitting up on top all by myself.
Then the captain asked if I would lead a group of humans on a tour of the ship. Yikes, could someone please wake me up before this crowd tramples me!!
Whew, I sure am happy to be awake in my bed. Thanks for waking me up.
Oh, if any of you have been looking for M's Parkinson's blog - she did a dumb thing (what else is new) and changed the URL. No one could find her for a couple of months. he he. Now she's back to the old URL of http://shufflingalongwithparkinsonsdisease.blogspot.com/ If you want to visit, you can also click on the link in my side bar. I sure do hope she doesn't try anything like that on my blog. If you have the old URL in your reader, you might want to change it - again!!
Now what kind of dreams do you have?
Join the Saturday Blog Hop - hosted this week by http://www.lifewithdogs.tv/. Now why don't you hop on board too.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Going To Werk At My New Job
Hi Pals,
A couple of weeks ago I told you about my new werk with the puzzle box. Well, now I have a new job and because I took on added responsibility, I got an increase in pay - 2 more treats!.
This is a new game M invented (or maybe I should say tried to invent - it's a dumb game if you ask me).
A couple of weeks ago I told you about my new werk with the puzzle box. Well, now I have a new job and because I took on added responsibility, I got an increase in pay - 2 more treats!.
This is a new game M invented (or maybe I should say tried to invent - it's a dumb game if you ask me).
See those two caps? Well, she puts this tiny treat:
If you can call that a treat - you can barely taste it because it's so small. But it sure is good and I like it. Anyway, she puts that tiny treat under one of those white caps. Then she tells me to "Watch Mario" as she moves those white caps around to trick me.
Hmmnm, I think it's in this one maybe. |
"Success! YUMMMMMM!" |
Sometimes M says I don't pay attention and just don't "get it" because I turn my head and look at the wall or something. She even told D my elevator doesn't always go to the top floor". Whatever that means I'm not sure, but I'm guessing it's not something nice.
"My elevator works just fine lady - your elevator is the one not working. This is really a dumb game and I just don't feel like doing it now! When will you ever catch on?" |
Thursday, August 1, 2013
King Of The Jungle - Thankful Thursday
Hi Pals,
Excuse me while I see if I can find that chippie - I saw him run in here.
Maybe I'd better sit down and wait for him. He has to move sometime.
Might as well rest until that little guy shows himself.
I sure am Thankful M and D take me outside in a harness with leash cuz M says out of the 4 kitties they have had, the first one got to go outside on a leash and now me! Guess I'm pretty special.
She also says if your pawparents don't let you outside, it's probably better cuz I ask to go out almost every day, and I don't understand when M says "No, not today Mario." It also means that either M or D have to sit outside with me so I don't get into trouble I guess. They don't mind doing it cuz they are retired and have the time.
Thanks to @PepiSmartDog for hosting the blog hop again today.
Until next time
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