Friday, December 27, 2013

Clean Slate

Christmas is so exhausting!

Hi Pals,

A couple of days ago I had a staff meeting with M and laid down a few expectations.   Today I'm concentrating on one of those expectations - the posting of awards received in a timely fashion: Goal - Passing it on the same week I received it.   That shouldn't be asking too much - do you think?  So today I'm going to catch up and pass on two.  

The Sisterhood Of The World Blogger Award was presented to me by McGuffy Ann at   She writes a delightful blog of a mixed variety - but such a joy to read.  She even has a couple of kitties who also post now and then.   Thank you friend for this great award.   

Here are the rules:

1. Provide a link to and thank the blogger who nominated you for this award (done)
2. Answer ten questions: .

     1. Your favorite color? Blue but you would never know it.
     2. Your favorite animal? I love them all. I love cats, mousies, gerbils and Doggies, etc.
     3. Your favorite non-alcoholic drink? I don’t drink alcohol except virtual alcohol at #nipclub. I do drink a lot of water.
     4. Facebook or Twitter? I'm, on both but never seem to get over to do either.
     5. Your favorite pattern? Huh!!! I'm more of a texture kitty.
     6. Do you prefer getting or giving presents? I love getting prezzies, but I also like to give them equally as well.

     7. Your favorite number? 3
     8. Your favorite day of the week? Any day is good.
     9. Your favorite flower? I love sniffing any flower
    10. What is your passion? Writing my bloggy, visiting with my pals on Blogosphere and Twitter and helping with tweets to find kitties homes..

3. Nominate 10-12 (if possible) blogs that you find a joy to read. I find it a challenge to nominate 10-12 - because I think this award has circulated a couple of times already. I'll do 5: They are:

4. Provide links to the nominated blogs and kindly let the recipients know they have been nominated. I would love to nominate everyone, but I realize some don't do awards. I have, and I haven't at times. I understand both choices. I appreciate all of you, anyway!

5. Include the award logo within your blog post. Done

Thank you again Ann for this award. M was going to post this from her bloggy, but she doesn't have enough followers at this point, so she said I can do it. Mario Smooches to you.


Now I has another award to pass on - the Isn/t it amazing!

My good friend Savvy over at presented me with this award. Thank you very much Savvy.   Savvy writes a great blog and has helped so many homeless kitties that I can't even count anymore.

Now there are some rules for this award too and you can read all about them at The Thought Palette…they started this pawsome award last year. But basically the rules are the same as above.

I have already linked back to the friend who gave me the award. Now I can pass this along up to 15 other blogs. Because this is another award that has been passed around a bit, I'm going to choose only 5 here too. They are: And two blogs that actually follow M's bloggy, but they visit my bloggy sometimes too - and we appreciate that. They are and
Thanks again to Ann and to Savvy for giving me these great awards.

Whew - I got both of these awards just before Christmas and already managed to pass them on. Maybe I can re-train M after all.


Monday, December 23, 2013

Have Yourselves A Mario Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas 
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Good tidings we bring to you and your kin.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Hi Pals,

In the 5 years we have been on Twitter and almost 4+ years we have been blogging, we have met so many wonderful anipals and their humans. We treasure each of those friendships and are so thankful for them. We are truly blessed to know each of you.    

Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays 
Our House To Your House


Mario, M and D

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thankful Thursday - Sun Puddles

Hi Pals,

Happy Winter!    I guess the old calendar says winter does not begin until December 21st. If that's the case, then why do we have about 6 inches of snow on the ground, lots more coming Sunday, and why is it cold outside?    It seems to me that the calendar is wrong!   What do you think?

I am thankful for Sun Puddles in the winter tho.  They keep me warm on a cold day.  Sometimes M puts my hammick on the floor right where I am now, but I don't mind laying on the floor either.  Wherever the sun is, I want to be. is hosting the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop again, so I've hopped on board.  Why don't you now?    Thank you Pepi - we do appreciate your getting this up  and running each week.


Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Lovely Blog Award

Hi Pals,

Can you believe it -  I was given another award.   One Lovely Blog Award from the kitties over at Fur Everywhere.   Thanks pals - this is a real honor! So kind of you to present it to me.

There are no rules - that's hard to believe too.  We appreciate the simplicity of this award in that it doesn't take hours to come up with all the details required.   You know the humans - never seem to have enough time to devote to our social life.

I'd like to pass this award on to:

The kitties at

Princess at

Basil over at

Miss Kitty at

Enjoy the award pals.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thankful Thursday Blog Hop - Warm and Comfy

Hi Pals,

It has been sooooooooo cold here that my peeps haven't been outside the house in 3 days.   M says it's minus something in degrees with a wind chill of -24 at times.   

I haven't noticed the cold myself cuz the peeps keep the heat on, dad gives me a daily lap on a heated blankey, and M snuggles close at night.   I'm so thankful for my nice warm house and feel so bad for all the homeless people and animals that don't have what I have.   I am one very lucky kitty and I'm very thankful for it.   I'd sure hate to go back to living on the streets again especially in winter.

Join our blog hop hosted by @PepiSmartDog.  It's fun and you'll meet new pals.


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Monday, December 9, 2013

Friends And Followers Award

Hi Pals,

Sorry I've been missing in action again for a few days.   M's computer was overheating.   Fortunately SIL (Sisfur's hubby) came to the rescue and got it fixed for her.   We are so thankful for him and the work he does for us.  We do keep him busy!

My good pal Nerissa from presented me with this pretty award - Friends And  Followers that he designed.   Isn't he talented. Thank you Nerissa.   I appreciate the award too because I treasure each and everyone of my folowers and friends.

The rules are simple - Post the Award.  Thank the presenter, which I did. Then pass the award on to "a few readers," and notify those who you are presenting to!  Simple.

I'm passing this lovely Award on to:

Ernie and Wally over at

There are many others I could pass this on to, but I wanted to save some for other pals to pass to.   If you did not get the award, I'm sure you will before long.

Until next time,


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Few Words Wednesday

Decorating a tree is exhausting!
(Graphic Credit to:  Ann Admus @ Zoolatry)
Hi Pals,

Whew!   I sure am glad my humans finally got the tree up.  It took them from Friday to Monday to put up this tiny little tree.  I'm exhausted from snoopervising.  

I don't like this tree as well as I did the old one cuz I can't hide under it as well.   I'll never understand why they had to get rid of the old one.  Humans!!!

See what I mean - the old tree with purrfect!   

Do you put up a tree and do you hide under it too?