Monday, February 24, 2014

Farewell Until We Meet Again Ingrid

RIP Ingrid 2-20-14
Human for @nocrybabydoGs

Dear Pals,

Our Twitter and Blog Anipal Community is such a close-knit community, and when one of the anipals or one of their humans are sick or passed on, the entire community reels.  As M says, it's like losing a member of our immediate family.    The Twitter community is once again reeling over the passing of one of our humans (Ingrid -  human of Daffy at @nocrybabydogs).  We knew she was terminally ill, but it still came as a shock to  enter Twitter and hear the sad news.   Her funeral is today in Kansas!   M would have loved to have met her in person, but sadly that never came to be.

Ingrid and Daffy have been a constant on Twitter since we started Tweeting 5 years ago.  Because Ingrid's health has not been good  for a few years, she and Daffy could almost always be found on Twitter (unless it was bedtime).     Ingrid loved all her Twitter friends - animal and human alike - and they were a great source of comfort to her.   She is dearly missed by all who knew her.

Ingrid was a very creative person and ran an on-line card shop from her Etsy location.  About 3 years ago M decided to have her make some Christmas cards for us.   

Ingrid always  did quality work and was very creative with verses to put inside the card.  She's the one who coined our signature line- "Have a Mario Christmas."  We've kept that closing for the past 3 years.   She was also a poet, which not many knew about.  There is a link to Dana's blog below and she has the link to the web site for Ingrid's poetry.   

This story has a little bit of a happy ending - Ingrid's  dear beloved dog, Daffy, is being adopted by Twitter's special lady @DanaPixie - keeper of the #pawcircle on Twitter.  While we are so sad to lose Ingrid, we are so thankful that Daffy will become a part of  Dana's family.  Bless you Dana and family for taking Daffy in.   I know that brought a great sense of comfort to Ingrid knowing her precious Daffy would be well cared for.

DanaPixie wrote a beautiful tribute to Ingrid and also tells the story of how Daffy will get to her home in the state of Oregon.  I encourage you to read it. It's a very heart-warming end to a sad story.   If you are on Twitter, keep your eyes peeled for this special hashtag. #4Legs4Daffy.   Dana has also posted the link to Ingrid Poetry site.

Rest in peace dear Ingrid.  You will live on in the hearts of all of your friends in the Twitter world.  We love you, will miss you, but are happy you are at peace and no longer have to suffer.   Love you always special friend.

Mario and Mom

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Love You M and D - Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

Hi Pals,

I am so thankful for M and D, who rescued me from the Humane Society's Shelter, where I had been living for 4 months.  The gal they talked to hinted that my time was running out too.  YIKES! Am I lucky M and D came along or what.

I love them very much and I know they love me too.   I wanted to tell them how much I love them because tomorrow (Valentines Day) is their 55th Anniversary.   

So HAPPY ANNIVERSARY M and D - I'm happy for you and very happy for me.  I love you both fury much!

And Happy Valentines Day to all my friends!


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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thankful For My Dentist And Vet - Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

Hi Pals,

Tell me what you see in my mouth - or maybe I should say don't see?    Yup - I has no toothies - none at all.   i used to have a mouth full in October 2008 when M & D adopted me.   

My toothie story (or lack thereof) is located in a tab at the top of my bloggy.  But the long and short of it is that I had a bad disease called Stomatitis -  kinda like being allergic to your own tooth decay.  They only way to get rid of the infections I was having was to pull my toothies - all of them.

This is Pet Dental Health Month and my good friend @BunnyJeanCook's mom wrote an excellent article in the importance of dental health here.    Please take a couple of minutes to read about it.   It is important information for kitties and woofies too.

If my problems had not been caught  by my vet, I might not be here today. But she recognized the signs and sent me to see an Anipal Dentist, who confirmed that it was Stomatitis and recommended all my toothies be pulled.   

My problem was discovered only a couple of month's after M & D adopted me because my mouth had one infection after another even after my vet pulled a couple of  toothies.   No amount of antibiotics would clear it up.  That's when she sent me to the Anipal Dentist in a nearby city, who then confirmed the diagnosis and pulled my toothies.

That was 4 1/2 years ago and I've been doing GREAT ever since.  I'm a happy, healthy boy and still able to eat kibble, as long as M buys a kibble that is smaller in size.  I can also eat wet food, which I get plenty of.   M does make a mountain out of my wet food tho cuz I have no teeth to really eat it properly.  After I've eaten most of the wet food, she makes another mountain out of the left over on my plate.  Then she tells me to clean my plate - and I do!

I am so thankful to my lady vet for recognizing the problem and sending me  to the Anipal Dentist, and so are M & D.   And we are thankful to the Anipal Dentist for his expert knowledge.

Almost every state in the US has an Anipal Dentist.  You will find a link in my side bar so you can check out those in your state.   M says, yes they are pricey, but at least have a consultation visit if your vet recommends one.  Sometimes there is help available if you have trouble with the $$.  


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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Caturday Art

Hi pals,
I'm joining Cat Goddess Athena in her Caturday Art Blog Hop today. Does that look a little artsie to you? M has Photoshop Elements 10 and sometimes just likes playing around.  That's what she did here.

He he - she says I'm kinda looking like a Calico kitty - just a tiny bit after she finished playing around. She also said if she had to duplicate that look, she could not do it. She just kept hitting buttons to see what it would look like. If she liked it, she kept it and would hit another button. At least she's doing something for me this time.

Here's the original she worked from:

It's still brrrr cold here, so I just might stay here all day. It's nice and warm and about time for a nap anyway.

Cat Goddess Athena's Blog Hop
Bye for now
