Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Redefining Food Is Love #HillsPet

Weight issues are at epidemic levels in the US with over half of the US pets described as overweight.   I am one of those pets.   What kitty or woofie doesn't like to eat good food or have treats?  Isn't that another way of our humans showing us that they love us?   #HillsPet is helping to redefine Food Is Love!    

You might enjoy reading this interesting article from PetMed regarding the risks of an overweight pet:   PetMed:  http://bit.ly/1m5PCnj

M has learned over the past few months that food and treats are okay as long as it is not overdone like she used to do.   When she was just trying to cut back on the amount of food I got every day, I felt deprived.  She felt bad not giving me more food when I asked.   I also wasn't getting treats! Bummer! Of course, her method of cutting back a little on how much food I got just wasn't working at all because we were guessing at how much food I should get.  I really didn't lose anything and felt deprived.

Now that I'm on the Hills Prescription Diet Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution Program, I still get plenty to eat because this food is designed to reset kitties' or woofies' metabolisms.  I usually feel satisfied after each meal. M feels this is another way she can show me that she loves me - giving me a healthy food that will help me lose weight in a safe way.  With the help of Hills, M is redefining that old theory of "Food Is Love" in our house.  I am losing weight and still get 2 treats every day that are special.  
Hills has said we can all (you are included in this) pay this forward to our friends through the Tell-a-Friend Program.   Share the Hill's Prescription Diet Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution $25 Wellness Visit Rebates form with all of your friends and family.   Encourage them to see their veterinarian for a wellness visit if their pet is overweight (this is a must in order to be placed on the program).   They will receive a $25 rebate for the vet visit and a $25 rebate coupon for the food if their pet is too pudgy and the vet recommends this prescription diet.  Instructions are on the Rebate Form.

Just fill the form from Hills found here:   Hill's Rebate And Coupon Form 

If you have shared this with a friend, then send them the link for the form too.   BlogPaws is collecting the forms and sending them on to Hill's, who will handle the rebates and coupons.  You must fill out the form to get the process started.

This  program does work, and your dear pet will lose weight in a safe way if you follow the program as directed by your vet.

This post is sponsored by Hill’s and the Pet Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Hill’s Prescription Diet Metabolic Food, but Mario's Meowsings only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc. is not responsible for the content of this article.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Getting My Easy On!

Hi Pals,

Shhhh, I'm trying to get my Easy going here.   This is my plan for the day, other than eating of course.

What is you Easy like?


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Thankful Thursday Blog Hop - SPECIAL OUTING

Hi Pals,

I am so very thankful that I got outside this week for the first time this season.   Oh pals, it felt so good.  I spent time just feeling the grass under my belly when I laid down.   I got to sniff my favorite cat mint plant that is just starting to poke it's little green stems out of the ground.  Oh that cat mint smelled so good.  I can't wait until it grows up more so I can hide under it.   It was the best day I've had in a long time.

I'm not very thankful for what M did to me today.  She thought today was Straw Hat Day, so I wore my hat yesterday instead of today.  Not only that, she had the nerve to give that day to Katiebella's mom, so Katie wore her hat on the wrong day too.   What am I going to do with her?????  So, I'm posting that picture again today - right here on my blog.  So there M! 

Now join @PepiSmartDog's Blog Hop and have some fun with us.  

Straw Hat Day in the Blogosphere

Hi Pals,

It's Straw Hat Day in the Blogosphere.   Don't you just love hats?  I sure do and have a closet full of them.

Sorry we've been missing from blogging and most of all reading your blogs.  M got behind again, but hopes she can get back on track now.   We might not blog every day or get around to visit every day, but we'll try to make it every other day anyway.

Have a great day pals, and I'll see you again in a couple of days.  Oh wait a minute, tomorrow is Thankful Thursday Blog Hop - I'll have to work on M to get something going for that.   See you tomorrow!


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Caturday Art Blog Hop with Athena - 2

Hi Pals,

It's time for the  Caturday Art Blog Hop with Athena again.   M was playing around again with another effect in Photoshop Elements - it's call the Difference Cloud.   Hmmmm. Doesn't look like a cloud to me, but it is different!   M likes the effect, but not so well for a cat!   So now she has some ideas for creating a header for her own bloggy at some point.

The colors are rather pretty - just not for a cat.  I don't look anything like that.  Here's the original she worked from.
It's kind of interesting to see the art project and wonder why it turned out blue?   What - Where did that come from!   

Join our blog hop:

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Caturday Art Blog Shop With Athena

Hi Pals,

I'm joining Athena Catgoddess' Caturday Art Blog Hop.    It's fun to check out some of the free photo editing programs, or perhaps even use your own photo editing program.   M has PhotoShop  Elements 10 that she's still trying to learn, so we try to use that one each week.   The piece above that she came up with was done as a  "Pencil drawing" - all she did was click on the effect for Pencil Drawing and this was the result.   She could have played around with it more, but thought this was kinda cool.  She likes the soft colors.   Here is the original:
This is one of her  favorite pictures of me.  When I first came here, I would sit in the bathroom sink until they saw me and finally guessed that I wanted water in the bowl - even tho I had a couple of bowls of water sitting elsewhere.   If didn't take me long to train them either -  just a couple of days.
Just click on the beautiful square above and join in.