You know I've been talking about the Hills Prescription Diet Metabolic Food for cats and dogs to help us lose weight? Well, I've discovered that not only do you get healthy and lose weight at the same time, but it has also made my furs more luxurious. My pet sitter, who came two days over Father's Day weekend, was telling M that she was so impressed with how beautiful and luxurious my coat felt. WOW! M and I were so happy she noticed!
Did you notice my blog post buddy J.W. (Johnny Walker) of in the picture? I'm so pleased to introduce him to you and share some of his story. What a handsome shinny, black, panfur cat J.W. is. Go over to his blog and check out his action shots. He's quite an athlete! M says I need to take lessons from you JW. I'm a lazy guy! I want to thank JW and his human for the use of photos from their blog and for sharing their story for this blog post.
Johnny had been dumped in his human's neighborhood. Being the friendly sort, JW's human took him home with her. It was mutual love at first sight and he's lived in his forever home for 3 years. His human began to notice that his belly flopped from side to side, and that's when she realized J.W. should probably trim down to remain his handsome, healthy self.
JW started on the Hills Prescription Diet Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution diet weighing in at 12 pounds. It's so nice because we can choose between wet or dry food (same is true for doggies). J.W. has a deep, dark secret tho about this diet. To see what it is - visit him at deep, dark secret. (JW, I haven't cheated, but my two senile humans forget sometimes who fed me and how much!! - I'll share some of my stash with you buddy).
JW's human believes it is very easy for a kitty to lose weight on this diet unless your kitty or doggie knows how to open doors so they can eat other food. That JW is one smart guy! he he I need to try that trick.
Johnny and I both agree the food is very tasty and good and together we give it 8 paws up! It works - we have each lost weight.
It's been an honor to share the information with you on this great diet food. If you need to lose a little of that flab, contact your vet and get going on the program. This ends my committed blog posts for Hills, but I will continue to share how I'm doing on the weight from time to time.
Thanks for visiting.