Hi Pals: I'm participating in Athena Cat Goddess' Caturday Art Blog. M didn't have much time this week again to "fool around" with Photoshop Elements, so she took the easy way out and used this photo (which was used exactly as it appears here:
This time she took this photo, cropped it, then added a frame from PhotoShop Elements 10's offering of frames, sharpened the photo a bit and called it done! She doesn't even know what she's doing and probably could not duplicate the process if she had to because she didn't keep notes on what she did. Anyway, the framed picture is now her favorite picture of me. Join the blog hop and see all the creative ideas. To join or see the instructions, just click on Athena's Blog here. It's so easy.
Finally - finally - finally I got outside. We had a long dry spell of me not getting outside cuz my peeps were too lazy or non-caring to take me out. M says it's been too hot and humid and they can't stand to be out there with me - likely excuse. But a few days ago I just put my paw down and said TODAY I WANT OUT! Would you believe, they actually listened! I know, I can barely believe it myself. You can see the grass wasn't all that lush green anymore either. That cuz we haven't had rain until a couple of nights after I had been outside. We were "dumped on (says M)" I'm thankful I got outside again. I'm also thankful the long hot, dry spell without rain has ended. I love being a "loaf" in the grass, and the taller the grass, the more I love it under by belly. It's much taller now and nice and green. We're thankful to @PepiSmartDog's mom for hosting this blog hop once again. Mario
Hi Pals, I know all of us are leaky eyed over Sparkle's crossing that Rainbow Bridge. We sure are here. I have read so many wonderful tributes to Sparkle over the past two days. I hope her human's heart is glowing knowing that Sparkle was so well loved in our community. Her advice to our humans was always right on, she was a great supporter of rescues, she even visited my bloggy a few times, which we were extremely grateful for as she has so many followers on her blog. Our community and the world was a better place because of her. Rest in peace Sparkle. We will deeply miss you, but are very happy you did not have to suffer. I don't like to say goodbye to pals, but like to think that "one day we will meet agian!" Your friend forever, Mario
Hi Pals, I had a "sleep in" morning today. D got out of bed and I hopped up there. Of course he doesn't dare make the bed when I'm sleeping. Do I have him wrapped around my paw or what? Are your peeps trained?
Hi Pals, Do I look happy to you? For sure I'm not! You see I got hauled off to the dreaded v.e.t. again one day last week. This d.i.e.t. is the cause of it. The Vet Tech likes to track my weight every month to see how I'm doing. M says I could be weighed at home, but the peeps say I wiggle around too much when one of them stands on the scale. They then have trouble telling how much weight I have lost. Since we kitties are only supposed to lose .1 or .2 pounds a month, they can't get a good reading!!!! Well, too bad, I say! At least this time my weight went down .1 pound - I'm getting there pals. But it sure is slow going. M tells me I have nothing to complain about. I'm at the v.e.t. all of about 5 minutes - just long enough to be put on the scale and then back in my carrier again. I still don't like it! She also says I'm only in the car for under 10 minutes as we live only a couple of miles from the dreaded v.e.t. Now I'm paying the peeps back for tricking me. Every time I see them together in a room during the day, I head for UTB! ha ha - I'm not taking any chances. M says she feels bad about that - "GOOD"!!! She should have to suffer a little bit too. Happy Mancat Monday pals! Mario
Hi Pals, Today I'm introducing my Donnie Duckie to you. Isn't he cute. He just arrived today, so we'll still getting acquainted. M wanted a better picture, but I didn't feel like it! So I said we could look out the window together and watch for the Chippie. I'm so thankful for him cuz now I can join the The New Duckie Club. You might be interested in joining too. Just go over to the bloggy and readl all about it. Click on The New Duckie Club and you are there. Stay tuned for more adventures with my Donnie Duckie! Thanks to @PepiSmartDog again this week for creating the Blog Hop. We are thankful for you too buddy. Now pals, just hop in board and have some fun with us.