Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A Movie Star Is Born

Hi Pals,

All this holiday stuff makes a kitty tired.   I've been napping a lot since sisfur and her hubby left Christmas morning.    Now we can get ready for New Years, although the peeps said they are going to have a "low key" New Years - whatever that means.

I had a great prezzie from my good buddy @WallasEKat -- A good Twitter pal who lives all the way over in Australia.   Two fun toys, that I'll show in my next post.   M has been waiting so she can get a good picture of me playing with them, but I haven't been cooperating.   I played for a while Christmas Eve when sisfur was here.  But M wasn't fast enough with the camera to get a picture.    Now she's keeping the camera out where it's handy.

The blankey that I'm napping on is what was in the box I was so excited about. It's my very first Peggy Blankey.    I'm enjoying it and appreciate M and D getting it for me.   

We thank all of you for the great cards and ecards.   We loved every one of them.  M posted the e-cards, but needs to take a picture of all the snail mail cards yet.   She's slower than I am!!!  he he  

Now I need to get back to some serious napping.  New Year's Eve is tomorrow night.

Before I go, I'll show you my very first movie.   M says don't expect much, but it will give you a good idea of what kind of boy I am.  he he   I'm supposed to  catch the fishie and when I do touch the screen, I start painting a picture.   So far I haven't touched it!   he he   

Until next time pals,


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

From Our House To Yours - Merry Christmas

Hi Pals,

Tonight is Christmas for us - well at least to open our prezzies.   I see a box under the tree for me and I can't wait to see what is in it.

My human sisfur and her husband (SIL) will arrive in time to have dinner with my peeps, then we get to open prezzies.  Let's see, that at least 9 hours away yet since I'm publishing this blog about 10:00 in the morning.   Dat's a long, long time to wait.  (prances around - getting antsy).  

After breakfast Christmas morning, Sisfur and SIL will travel to SIL's family's home about an hour from our house.    I plan on spending the day on a lap - probably D's lap, but maybe I'll share some time on M's lap.  Afterall, we kitties need our naps!

My peeps and I want to wish all of you dear friends a very Merry Christmas.


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Move Over Pablo Picasso - Here Comes Mario

Hi Pals,

I've decided to take up Painting!   Do you think I can be as famous as Picasso? I hear he makes a ton of money.  Or am I going to have to wait until I cross that bridge before I'm famous?   I think that's what happened to Picasso.

The picture above shows mostly M's painting as I only watched the mousie run here and there.  One time I did paw at him, but I didn't touch the IPad.

This morning M got it set up again for my second try.  I really slapped that mousie a couple of good ones.  But, darn, M was too slow at taking the picture, so there isn't one. Tomorrow when we try it, she's going to do it on a bed so she can be more level with me.   I'm determined to keep  at it though.   D is proud of me cuz he is a real artist.   (You can see his art work in a tab at the top of my blog - "My Dad's Art Work")

Thanks for visiting pals.   Hope you are all being good kitties and woofies cuz M says Santa is watching.

I'm joining the Blog Paws Blog Hop:   Hop on along with us.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Thankful For You --- My Readers

I must supervise the typist when doing my blog.  She
doesn't take dictation very well!  
Hi Pals,

I've been missing for the last few Thankful Thursday posts.   M says maybe we have hit a plateau.   M and D love me to pieces, but M says I'm such an inactive kitty, and they are old foggies who are inactive too.   Therefore, nothing much of interest happens around here.   

My day consists of maybe playing with M after breakfast, then a nap.   Right after lunch I go downstairs to be with D and take a nap on his lap.   Then it's dinner time, followed by me begging for kibble, followed by some play time with M.   Pretty boring if you ask us.

We are so thankful to you readers for hanging in there with me since my very first post on December 29, 2009.   You all deserve a medal for staying with me for 5 years!      

M says we'll try to sharpen up our skills and come up with something interesting soon.    So stay tuned - there is hope.  he he  We just need to get the brains working again! 

I'm joining @PepiSmartDog's Blog Hop.   We are very thankful to Pepi's mom for running the blog hop week after week.   Go over and check out their blog too - lots of cool pictures over there and something very exciting is going to happen in her neighborhood.


P.S.  My D has caught 21 mousies so far!   I still don't understand why the peeps won't let me go outside at night so I can catch them!  Why does D get to have all the fun?

Sunday, December 7, 2014

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas - Selfie

Hi Pals,

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here.   Peeps dragged the tree up from the basement, and as soon as M was thru hanging the cat toys on the tree, I needed a nap.   Well, what else is that tree for?

My selfie today had to have M's help.  It's hard to take a selfie when you are a loaf with no paws, and I decided I wasn't moving.

Join in the blog hop hosted by A Cat On My Head.  Go over and say hello to them.    Thanks for hosting this again pals.